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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Well the whole point is that they are banned in those countries because said countries believe something in the game is against their beliefs or is offensive to them in some way. Here in the US, they can pretty much keep it as they intended. Sucks that it is this way, but sometimes you have to appease them in order to get your games to sell over there.
  2. Yeah Prince of Persia is a good pick as well. I remember hearing great things about it when it came out, but sadly I have never played the Sands of Time game, or any of the recent ones that came out like 10-20 years ago at this point. I'll have to check them out one of these days.
  3. I still haven't played it. Even downloaded it on Game pass when it was on there, but didn't play it once. I think I need to get friends involved in order for me to play a beat em up like this. I don't like playing them alone, because the experience is for sure heightened with a friend or more. Maybe it'll come back to gamepass one of these days and I'll replay it then.
  4. Yeah it's a nice added bonus for those who subscribe to Amazon Prime. Not only do they give you free games, dlc and other in game items, they also give you options in Twitch like a subscription you can use each month for any user you want to support. I used it for one of my friends a while back and he got a kick out of that.
  5. Didn't PlayStation say they weren't interested in doing a sequel? I think if Sony wants a sequel, they'll commission one. It hasn't gone up by much since. It seems either not many people are interested in it or the petition isn't getting out there enough.
  6. With me, I'm just lazy and prefer the ease of use that comes with digital purchases. The ability to download them a week or so in advance for some games. It's just an overall faster process than buying physical. But if it's a game I really want to add to a collection, I may add it one day. But digital will be fine for now.
  7. That's a good way of putting it lol. That's why I tend to get services like gamepass so I don't have to pay tons of money on games I will just put on a shelf later. 😄 If I had the money though, I'd for sure start to buy more physical and digital games. But gamepass works good for me for now.
  8. I tried Rumbleverse for the first time this past weekend, wasn't too into it. The controls felt stiff, and slow. Maybe it was the character I chose, I don't know. But I just couldn't get into it. I wonder if the game has a tutorial at least, I could give it another go I suppose.
  9. It sounds like it's just customers who are making a fuss, but I don't see this being any different than Microsoft, Steam, Epic, and all these other platforms that sell digital games. If anything I'd argue Nintendo and them rarely lowering their prices is worse lol. Even their physical games stay up there in price. But I do get it, digital game prices rarely go down in price. Yeah we get sales often for many platforms, but it sucks to see some of these digital games for the same price they were at release, when the physical version is like $15 used.
  10. This is interesting, I guess the car makers McLaren designed a car for the video game Gran Turismo Sport back on the PS4 in 2017. Of course, this is nothing new to Gran Turismo, as there are many other car brands that have made special and exclusive cars to the game. And now it looks like one of those cars has been into reality. The car that was ported to real life, is called the The Solus GT. It looks like something a gamer would have designed. It has a one person cockpit, and it just reminds me of what I could see a gaming chair/setup would look like in a way. You can read more about it here: https://news.yahoo.com/mclaren-putting-car-designed-video-220000962.html
  11. True, I may just do that. I noticed it's not too pricey used on Amazon. Still think it'd be cool of Rockstar to remake it one day, just to get fans to check it out. I heard the game was fairly decent, and had a fun story, so I can see people jumping at it. But yeah, with Rockstar I don't see them ever making it a reality at this point.
  12. You're probably right. I think it mostly works best for retro consoles anyway. Once you hit the generation with the PS2, things start to get murky with the licensing, plus probably the hardware needed to make it work properly. They clearly had their issues with the PS1 classic, so maybe it'd be best to not do anything later. There's no chance a PS3 classic would ever be made.
  13. Saw this video from kindafunnygames on tiktok that also had issues with the game. I wouldn't say it's a remaster, it's more of a reboot as it's a whole new story in a different time. The whole thing that worked for Saints Row was the goofiness I think. I think this new game has that goofiness, but the other bits are bringing it down. Pretty much. And to think, they delayed the game once already. They probably should've done another delay, because it's clear it needed some extra work.
  14. I might not be getting this game now. A review from GmanLives goes in depth about many issues the game has. Supposedly it's a bugged mess, the characters are boring, npcs and enemies don't know what the hell they're doing and so on. I guess it takes a lot from past games in the series, but doesn't do them well. Here's the review: https://youtu.be/U0XjOhCLssc
  15. The purpose of the open playtest is that EA and the devs want gamers to test the game essentially and give their suggestions, bugs, etc. And I have no clue. EA has to know how people feel about them. I know they addressed it one time, and asked if they are really that bad. So idk, maybe they don't see themselves as being bad, even with the constant complaints from gamers. And many people want to slap EA in the face lol. I'm right there with ya.
  16. To me, it just doesn't feel like Saints Row. I know the original games got pretty campy and unrealistic at times, but it still kinda made you feel like you were a part of a gang. This reminds me a lot of Watch Dogs 2 for some reason. Maybe it's the colorful clothing everyone is wearing, and how no one sounds like they are part of a gang at all. They all sound and look prepish lol. Idk, it's just weird to me.
  17. It would be nice, because I've never played revolver before. I think a remake would be better, as the controls might be dated, so not sure how a remaster would work. They also did the Midnight Club racing games. Those could be cool to remaster or finally get a sequel. I know they remastered L.A. Noire as well. My guess if they remaster anything next, it'll either be GTA IV, or red dead redemption. But I would still love to try a remake of Revolver.
  18. Of course, but I'm sure there are enough exclusives to make it a reality. How many games do most classic consoles hold? I don't remember what the PS1 classic had, but I'm sure if they included the same amount of games it would still sell decently. But the big issue would be licencing all of these games years later. Probably the reason that not every PS2 game is available digitally for the PS4 and 5.
  19. Yeah there's a lot of that going on. Especially with the recent release of Spiderman on PC. People modded kingpin, Stan Lee and even uncle Ben's grave of all things.
  20. The new WWE 2K games don't even come close to here comes the pain and some of the other games to follow. It's like night and day compared to hctp. Hctp has some of the best game modes, gameplay and more. I'm pretty sure they have GM mode that has more options than 2k22 does. If you've never played it, I highly recommend it. It's one of the best around. That and the smackdown vs raw series.
  21. I doubt most people would bother to be honest. It's one of those asset flips that people make to try and confuse those who don't know any better. Like parents or something lol.
  22. Lol just realized I mentioned two games and listed 3. Oh well. But yeah I should have said sports franchises. Yeah Madden has gone to shit. What was once a competant series in terms of football games, but now it's a shell of it's former self.
  23. Kane99


    Yeah idk if I would play it again. I've never been a big fan of fighting games, and neither smash bros. It was fun for a bit, but I feel like I got out of it all I needed.
  24. That's right, I forgot they released a remastered versions recently. Might have to pick that up one of these days. For sure. There are so many great classics on the PS1.
  25. I used to play this game a lot. It reminds me a lot of peggle in a way, which is another fun game where you shoot a ball to delete other balls on the screen. I really need to check both games out again.
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