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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Something I'm capable in, like COD, GTA V and a few other games. But the majority of games I probably wouldn't be able to compete in. But yeah, probably COD as I can do pretty decent if I'm with a group of friends. Solo I wouldn't do too well.
  2. No idea. I figure there are varying tournaments out there, some that pay really good and some that pay a few hundred dollars or less. It depends on the players and the places hosting the tournament. I imagine you have to have a long history of being in esports or gaming tournaments to make the most money.
  3. I enjoyed the stick of truth. At times it was pretty tough, but was a lot of fun. I haven't played the fractured but whole yet, but was kinda turned off on the grid like system they use for it. I prefer how it was in stock of truth.
  4. The thing with the AC games, from 2 and up to syndicate I'd say, the gameplay hasn't changed a lot. I could see most people being able to jump into the series and learn to play them fine. The combat is one of the easiest things to do from what I recall.
  5. I have not played either of the games yet. I know it got a sequel and I think there's a third coming too? I forget. But yeah I would like to pick the games up, because it looks like a fun spooky time.
  6. I just tried the new additions on Fortnite last night. Ended up staying up till 7 am with a friend playing. He likes to play in bot lobbies, so he uses his PS4 account alongside his PC account and since his PS4 one is still level 1, we can get into lobbies with just bots lol. The level 1 player needs to back out though so that account doesn't level up. Cause then it will result in being put in lobbies with real players. We hate playing against real people lol. We like to do challenges and when you got real players it's a lot tougher to do. But yeah the new additions are a blast. The nimbus cloud makes getting around the map faster and of course the Kamehameha is a blast to use.
  7. Honestly I have never heard of it, but it does look like a decent game. I'm not much of a building sim guy, but if it's easy to get into I may consider checking it out.
  8. Well yeah, Nintendo has been behind in terms of hardware since the GameCube maybe, but mostly the wii. But they survived so far on gimmick ideas, like the motion controls of the wii and now the joycon/ switch hybrid console. But they make their money on said gimmicks. But, I think they still need to advance the switch to become more advanced, to at least come a little closer to current hardware out there.
  9. The maker of this video probably didn't do much research. It seems like they searched Google and found the first sources they could and ran with it. All the whole not sourcing any proof lol.
  10. After Netflix's Resident evil show, I've kinda lost hope for other video game themed movies/shows. I would like to see a bioshock movie do good, but idk. As well, a lot of the movies Netflix has put out lately have been mediocre summer blockbusters. They seem to be throwing money at everything.
  11. I remember playing it on a demo disc and briefly when I was at my nephew's house when he was a kid. He had a PS1 and a few games I didn't own, and we ended up playing some Spyro. I wouldn't mind getting all of the games and playing them all the way through.
  12. EA has nothing to do with Spider-Man, it's a Sony owned property. I hope to god EA never touches a Spider-Man game, because no thanks lol. I hate having to wait another 2-3 years though for this to possibly come out on PC. Anyway, hopefully the first spider-man game on PC will hold me over long enough until the newer game comes out. It seems Sony likes to do a 2-3 year window for their PC releases.
  13. I heard Starfield was supposed to be at Gamescom this month, or an announcement was to be made, but it looks like that's not going to happen. At least according to the article from IGN below. https://www.ign.com/articles/bethesda-seemed-to-tease-starfield-at-gamescom-but-it-looks-to-be-a-mistake
  14. Yeah, but that's because it's EA, the hate they get is usually warranted. As long as EA isn't as heavily involved in the game, and it's not a ton of overpriced microtransactions, I could see it being a success. But only time will tell how it turns out. Especially too,if they can keep the game alive for years to come, it would save them from having to make sequels, they could just drop new stuff in game, much like how fortnite does things. I haven't checked it out yet myself, but I would probably get it on PC if I do. I imagine it performs a lot better than it does on the switch, and probably looks better too.
  15. I can't wait for this one to drop on PC as well. The first Spider-Man game just dropped on PC so I'm really hoping they also release the Miles Morales version sometime. It'll probably take them like 2-3 years to do it, but I hope they do.
  16. Man they did a horrible job listing the chapters in this video. Anyway, went through it and I agree with the majority of these games. I would probably replace Half-Life with Half-Life 2, as I feel like that game gets more love than the original game did, but it is most "influential" so I can see it working still.
  17. Yeah that second trailer is of the second Silent Hill movie, it's not a good movie, that's for sure lol. But it was funny. Here's the original trailer for the game itself:
  18. I'm living on a budget these days so I don't spend much on games period. It's why I tend to go for gamepass, because it gives me many options for a cheaper price. But even that, I've cut down on because I can't be spending money lately. Once my work picks up though, I might get gamepass again or buy some games even.
  19. The OLED version is just that, a bigger and better screen. There is no difference in terms of performance as the hardware otherwise is the same. But I agree, a new upgraded version with better hardware would be awesome, and it can be done. Devices are getting more advanced these days, especially handhelds and smartphones, so there's always a chance that a future Switch model could up the hardware.
  20. The OLED version is a nice touch and all, but I can't see myself spending extra for it. If I am to pay extra, I would prefer they made a new version with better hardware altogether. Then I could see it being worth the price.
  21. The thing is, have we even heard much about these games in recent years? I think all we know is that they're in development. So I have no clue when we could expect a new game in Perfect Dark or Splinter Cell. I know they will eventually happen, it's just question of when exactly.
  22. Yeah, the point is to make you feel like you're that character. When they include a voice for example, it implies that is a different person. I like having the option to have a custom character, but if it's a character made by the studio, I think I'd rather they speak at least. I don't remember much about Bioshock, but wasn't the main dude named Booker or something?
  23. I don't know if he was previously mentioned, but I would also include J.K. Simmons, as he's a talented actor with a really good voice. I know he's done some video games already, probably a Spider-Man game or two. But yeah, definitely J.K. Simmons, he has the unique voice to make it work I think.
  24. I played the first Tomb Raider on the PS1 via a demo disc lol. I never got the chance to actually play the full game, though I was tempted. I remember the demo had the mission where you are attacked by a tiger. I remember thinking how cool it looked at the time. I think I have a copy of Tomb Raider 2 on PS1, but never booted it up.
  25. Have you considered trying those arcade hunting games? Like the ones where you can buy a gun? I know they have arcade machines for like cabelas or something, and I remember playing one in a bar years ago. But I know they also released a standalone TV one years ago, where you connect your gun to your TV and you can play. I think it only works with CRT TVs though, as they're pretty dated now. As well, I don't know if they're any good or not.
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