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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Holly shit, seriously? I was seeing articles all over social media about a PlayStation exclusive coming out on gamepass, but had no idea it was Death Stranding. My guess as to why this happened, is because PlayStation doesn't have exclusivity forever. So maybe a timed exclusivity. Because if they still had exclusivity, it would have resulted in this game dropping on Epic Games or Steam instead. But yeah, I know what I will be checking out next week.
  2. To be fair I only played Perfect Dark Zero for about a half hour. I beat the original N64 game when they re-released it on the 360. But I didn't have a whole lot of fun with it. And with Blackgate, I kinda figured it was its own thing, a spin-off of sorts. Origins is kinda the black sheep of the Arkham series as it wasn't Rocksteady who developed it. But I thought it was still a decent Arkham game and had a decent story. Though it was much shorter than the other Arkham games. There's a lot of horror stories involving crunch, a lot of the time not including any overtime. I think Anthem was a big one where it resulted in many people crunching to make a release date. Hell they even crunched to get a demo out the door for the investors if I remember correctly. I've even heard stories of teams having to work with no overtime pay and even some where the team wasn't even paid. It's a sad part of gaming history. I just want games to come out without minimal issues. If that means taking a little longer, I'm okay to wait longer. I have enough games in my backlog to keep me occupied anyway. And about Minecraft, it was one guy, but he mostly copied the idea from another game, I believe it was called Infiniminer.
  3. I prefer when the the main character speaks. I don't mind it in some games, like when you have to make a custom character. Because it works better to not have a voice. I know some games will allow you to select a voice, but I never care for the voice options. GTA III did the silent protagonist well, but even then I kinda wanted to hear him speak. I think it was done because they wanted you to feel like you were Claude. Kinda like when we can make our own custom characters.
  4. Dude, just because I never competed in esports doesn't mean you are right either. And if you read my previous comments, which you clearly didn't, I changed the scenario from someone who is unhealthy instead of the unhealthiest. Sure I'll give you that the unhealthiest people probably aren't going to be able to compete, but you can't claim it's impossible for all unhealthy people to compete at the highest levels. Sure they have less of a chance due to their health, but it does not mean they aren't going to be able to. Just because someone is unhealthy, does not mean they're on their deathbeds and incapable of doing anything. Lacking experience in the esports field has nothing to do with this. Fat people can be just as good as the best players out there. And like I said many times, it probably doesn't help, but not every unhealthy person out there is the same dude. I'm sure there's many unhealthy people out there that are just as good, or even better than even you. Also, when you make a claim, or state something you say to be "factual", it's up to you to prove it, not me. If I say something that I believe to be fact, then I have to share my sources. Because you don't have factual proof other than "this is my experience". You can't claim your experiences as fact. And yet you're talking about a sport that people sit for long hours at a time, even skinny fit people can suffer health problems from sitting down for too long. And stop putting words in my mouth, I never said that every unhealthy person could compete in esports, I said there's a chance that SOME could still compete at the highest level. And just because someone lives unhealthy, does not mean they will have those issues you specified. There are many unhealthy people out there who I could see still compete at a high level or even the highest.
  5. Sure, but your opinions aren't factual. They're based on PERSONAL experiences and don't equate to truths. Just because someone is unhealthy (not saying unhealthiest anymore, lets just go with unhealthy in this scenario), does not mean they can't succeed at a high level, or the highest levels in esports. You're basing that on the idea that YOU'VE witnessed most esports players being skinny and or fit. That doesn't prove that all of the best players in esports are fit and skinny, that's just based off of what you experienced as someone in the esports world. Yet, I highly doubt you have played in every esports league or competition in the world, so you can't say you know it to be true. As well, I can't take anyone serious when they claim that people who play sports or professional sports, are as safe as people playing esports, because that's just not true. Injuries happen throughout all physical sports. Maybe you'll get carpal tunnel from esports, but that's about it. Either way, you clearly didn't get or read my points, so let's agree to disagree. Because this is just going to go back and forth at this point. I don't agree with anything you said, and you don't agree with me. I'm going to end it there.
  6. Oh wow, I can't believe I missed this post. I had no idea Statham was doing voice acting work in video games. Then again, I never played the first game. I started on the 2nd game I believe. Especially John Cena. He's already done voice work in animated movies, so he could easily move on to video games if he wants to.
  7. Yeah I figure fighting games are the big one, but also the likes of COD, Fortnite, and maybe Apex Legends and other FPS and third person shooters. I don't think I could do fighting games, well maybe something like WWE 2K22, but that's about it. I don't have the patience to get good in fighting games these days lol.
  8. Ah okidoki. That makes more sense. I'm not too interested in a new Perfect Dark. Didn't like the last game that came out, and didn't care too much for the original game either. Was more into goldeneye 64. Arkham Origins: Blackgate was more of a spin-off if anything, was more of a 2d sidescroller from what I remember. I don't think I ever played it though. I believe that was Conviction. I really enjoyed that one. I think the first game is still regarded as one of the best. I sadly never fully played it, but would like to. Oh god I hope not. If anything studios need to take a little bit longer to release games. There's too many games that have released in the past decade that clearly needed more work before they released. Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout 76 are two games that come to mind right away. I don't think it's ever good to rush game releases, it promotes crunch and I don't think that's fair to the developers to have to work night and day to make a release date.
  9. You explained your own opinion, not facts. Yes, if you're unhealthy you may have a tougher time with training and all that. But it doesn't mean you can't compete at the highest level. You're going on your own experiences, which doesn't prove anything. It's like when some people claim women are worse drivers than men, that's an opinion from someone based on their own feelings and experiences. It does not mean women are worse drivers than men. Because that can't be proven. That's my point. You can't claim something to be true without facts. Maybe "Unhealthiest" isn't the right word. Maybe I confused you in thinking unhealthiest means braindead or something? Idk, but let's go with just "unhealthy" instead. Do you think an unhealthy person can't compete at the highest level in esports? Of course health can have an impact on performance, but that doesn't mean they can't compete at a high level, my point was that even an unhealthy person could compete in esports and still succeed, while in physical sports like football, basketball, they would need the physical ability to do it. You can be unhealthy and still live a sustainable life, as well as do good in many things. Sure they have less of a chance, but it does not mean they can't end up becoming one of the best esports players around. What I'm alluding to is that they have a much better chance to be good in esports than they would be in physical sports. Because, esports are not even close to physical sports. Sure it's tougher for them to get to the highest level, but it's not impossible and that's what you're implying. If it's impossible, where are your sources to prove that? And what does being pampered have to do with anything? It doesn't mean they don't suffer injuries. You implied that sports these days don't deal with this anymore, when that's factually wrong. Look at any sports site right now and you'll see players that are injured. From football, basketball, baseball etc. You implying otherwise is just incorrect. Sure, it's called working out and eating healthy. What's your point? That's not nearly the same as a someone who has played a professional sport their whole life and has trained their whole life as well. And your point? That doesn't mean you could jump into any sport and be a pro. I could get fit, but it doesn't magically make me good at any sports. You can be buff as hell and still be awful in a sport. Not nearly the same. Esports players are sitting in one spot, using just their hands, eyes and their heads. That's it. You can't compare a defender in football, who has to cover a field with their WHOLE BODY. To be able to turn on a dime to catch an INT. My point is that an esports player couldn't just jump into any sport and be good at it, which is what you implied. But with esports there is more of a chance that my fat ass could compete, because I have good hand eye coordination. But no chance in hell I'd be able to jump into an NFL game and catch a pass from Aaron Rodgers. What does any of that have to do with what I said?
  10. How is it factually incorrect? Do you have any sources to share that prove otherwise? And personal experience doesn't count. That doesn't prove anything though. Someone could be physically fit and healthy and still suck at a sport, even with training. And what common ground? What does football players have in common with an esports player? Their will to win? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense nor does it prove anything. Just because someone is unhealthy, doesn't mean they will train incorrectly due to it. Sure they may have some problems, but it doesn't mean that they will end up being awful in esports because of their health. Now if they were to play a physical sport like football for example, or lets say basketball for example, they would probably have a lot more issues right away. With esports you mostly need the mental capacity to handle it. It's not comparable. And yet being skinny and healthy doesn't equate to being as good as a professional in a sports league either. I could say someone is skinny and eats healthy, but it doesn't mean they can last in football for example. If you put any esports player, who has no training in any other sports, they would likely get destroyed with ease. Like you said, a lot of esports players are skinny. I've seen esports players, they're not very big imposing figures, sure some may be, but the majority of them are quite small compared to a 6'5 lineman playing for the Green Bay Packers. They would be destroyed in a sport like football, especially going up against pros. No, but throughout your original post you implied many things about pro sports players as if anyone could do them. And that injuries pretty much don't happen in sports like baseball, basketball and even football, which is by far one of the worst sports when it comes to injuries. That's why I responded, because you claim that esports players could easily make the jump to professional sports, and I don't see that happening unless they've had the same amount of training as pro sports players. It's just highly unrealistic to compare the two. For example, like how you said esports players could defeat Tiger Woods with ease in golf. I highly doubt that. Golf isn't this easy sport that everyone could pick up and play. It does take training. That's the point, sports in all facets need training. The same would go for any esports player that wanted to try out football or any other sport. Of course not, because he isn't a trained professional in that field. I could say the same for an esports player going up against Lebron James in basketball. Who would you say wins in that situation? Sure Lebron would likely lose an esports tourney, but no esport player would stand a chance playing a game of basketball against Lebron James. That's my point. You claimed that there's not that much risk in physical sports these days, when in fact that's wrong. People are still constantly injured in football, basketball and even baseball. You even claimed that Basketball players have practically no risk on the court as well. Which is not true, injuries happen all the time. I don't know how many articles I've seen announcing injuries. I could probably go on to ESPN right now, and find a few articles of recent injuries. Esports is a lot easier for people to get into, because it's a lot more accessible than physical sports. That's just a fact. And you've said it before, because anyone can join a tournament and get started in esports, hell there are even elderly esports teams out there now. Can you see some 67 year old man lacing up his boots and taking a hit from a defensive lineman? I highly doubt it. With esports, you don't need to be fit nor do you need to be skinny. Sure it helps to be healthy, but it doesn't mean that an unhealthy person will lose every tournament they play in.
  11. Yeah the figures are popular, at least when it comes to the Amiibos and some of the other ones out there. I think a lot of those skylanders toys have since gone down in price, as they really mass produced them. I remember seeing a bin of them for cheap on ebay a while back. At least for the skylanders and other ones. With Amiibos they are a bit more profitable I think.
  12. True, but to be fair, with the likes of Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy, some of their earlier games were on Nintendo consoles. The first Metal Gear game was on the NES, same with Final Fantasy. The first 3D Metal Gear was exclusive to PlayStation, but they did make ports and hd remakes for future consoles later on down the line.
  13. Best answer! 😄 I agree on that. Addiction in gaming is a real problem for some, and at that point I would say it's a bit too much. I thankfully am not addicted to gaming, but I would say I'm addicted to other things, like watching too many movies, binging tv shows, etc. lol I think it's because they don't know about what is released these days. I think they still picture Nintendo and Super Mario Bros as the only thing out today. Kinda like how some older people will say "oh ya still playing that Nintendo", but in reality you have an PS5 or something lol. I think the main thing, is that it's people who know next to nothing about video games and the trends alongside them. I don't argue with people about it anymore either. Then again I don't tend to hang out with those people anymore haha. Most of my family knows I game, but they don't know how much. I know my uncle for example has commented on video games, but I also noticed he was mesmerized by how realistic some games looked after he came by and saw me playing the likes of COD years ago. I think it goes back to people not knowing what gaming has grown into these days. They still think it's kid games, when it's more than that now.
  14. It's called Gotham Knights and it should be releasing on October 25th. I heard there was talk of a new Splinter Cell, that series could probably use a reboot, and I suspect that's what they're going to do. Not a big fan of Gears myself. Never could get into the series. And I had no idea a new Perfect Dark was in the works. I doubt it'll take until 2035. Do you maybe mean 2025? That would probably make more sense.
  15. Yeah I notice I like to rush the game when I play. I don't like to read attack patterns and try to find the best rhythm. I just want to play and not deal with tough difficulty. But, maybe games like Dark Souls just isn't for me.
  16. Of course, there are always chances of all of that happening. I'm just referring to boss battles that do the same three stages that most other games have done. Maybe I shouldn't say lazy. And yeah, publishers not giving their teams the time needed to develop a game is the main problem. It's why I like indie titles a lot, because most of the time you're going to end up with a fairly good game. But when a publisher is involved, trying to make them hit a target date for release, it really hurts that games development, because they may have to now crunch to get it all done. So yeah I get what you're saying.
  17. That's the point, everyone starts off with just their picaxe. The point is to find weapons as soon as you can so you can better defend yourself. With time, it can eventually get fun, especially with the building mechanics. It adds a lot of options to make the game different. I suck at building, but it has helped me get out of hairy situations before. But, there's also other modes. They now have a no build mode, where you get extra shield, but of course, can't build. And there's also creative mode where they make special game modes. There's a lot to fortnite, but I understand why people don't get into it. It isn't close to what Gears of War was though, if anything the controls are more smooth and easier to get into than Gears of War. At least imo.
  18. The whole reason the newest COD sold less and has lost users is probably because of fatigue. I have no interest in playing any of the new CODs these days. I've played most of the games, getting the new ones every year, but I've since stopped because it's not fun anymore, at least for me. Gaming fatigue is a real thing, where you lose interest in a game or series because you have played too much of it. I think with a few years break, I may be interested in jumping back in.
  19. Yeah that's just bad parenting. I think I remember watching this episode of Dr Phil when it aired. They pretty much just let him game all the time, and when they try to make him take a break or stop, he throws a fit and then they of course allow him to continue playing. If that was my kid, I would literally take the console away from him. I'm not going to let my kid talk to me that way and then still play. Let the kid cry about it. He'll soon learn with good behaviour he can have time to play again. Also, I find it funny that they show this fake gameplay to highlight he likes to kill stuff in games lol. Of course, leave it to Dr. Phil and his crew to make gaming look bad. Oh and his mother saying she's worried he will become a school shooter, wow.
  20. I have to disagree on most of what you said. Just because both sides may practice/train for thousands of hours, doesn't mean they would be able to play sports as good. The unhealthiest person could practice for thousands of hours in esports, but it wouldn't come close to someone who does so in a sport like football. Lets see what happens when that person is put into a sport he/she has no training in, they'd likely be destroyed. Also racing is not as cut and dry as you'd think. It's not like they just sit in a comfy chair and drive for 50-100 laps. NASCAR drivers are professionals who go at speeds most of us couldn't handle. As well, those cars get extremely hot, are uncomfortable and take years of training to get to a point where they can handle the speed. I highly doubt an esports player who's done no racing in his/her life could hop in a professional race car and do as good as a professional. Plus you have to consider how scary it is to go at such high speeds. Same with football and other sports. Have you seen a football player in the NFL? Those dudes are huge. It takes years of training and practice to get good in most sports. I'd like to see most esports players try their hand playing a professional sports team. There are tons of injuries in the sports of football, basketball and even baseball to this day. To say there is practically no risk is naive. Especially with football, because there are still players who get a severe injuries and end up having to call it quits because of it. Concussions are still an issue, ACL tears, etc. I don't think any esports players have had to deal with possible life threatening injuries before. Not certainly broken necks, legs, arms, etc. And those 350 pounders in football aren't just fat, if anything they're mostly muscle, they aren't the same as a 350 pound person who lives an unhealthy lifestyle. I take it you haven't watched much sports. Yes they aren't taking as much of a risk these days, but it's still a risk, and that's why rules have been changed so that less injuries occur, but they still do. Football is still one of the worst sports when it comes to injuries, even though they have made advancements in protection, severe injuries happen often. Pro wrestling is another thing that esports players wouldn't be able to do without years of training. Just like any other sport, it takes years of practice and training. It's why wrestling companies always say "Don't try this at home". Those newer guys in pro wrestling that get manhandled are usually called "Jobbers" as in they are only there so the star wrestler can get an easy win. It helps make that wrestler look stronger than what he is. It's not just the ball carrier or the QB who are prone to injury. All players are at risk.
  21. I think he meant more so that he would take money to reset his stats in COD, but I could be wrong. I know it's against Activision's rules & terms and conditions sell your account for any reason. I know people have sold their accounts, but it's something that could result in that account getting banned. I disagree about the stories in COD games. If anything the single player modes are often where the stories shine. The last Modern Warfare game for example had a fairly decent campaign. It was still COD all the way through, but it was interesting and at times depressing. They know how to create campaigns with interesting stories, it's just that they haven't done much of anything new in a long time. And yeah, with AC, it's helped a lot to release a new game every 2 years or so. I think it helped the franchise recover somewhat, but I still think there's a lot of fatigue when it comes to AC games, even with them taking it slower to release new games.
  22. Last hunting game I ever played was on the 360, but I don't recall what it was. I couldn't get into it, then again it wasn't a good game compared to the other hunting games I played. Cabela is often known for making decent hunting games. At with the ones they did for the PS2 back in the day. I haven't played much of any hunting games since, as I never really got too into the genre.
  23. I mostly stick to one game at a time for the most part. There are times where I will play another game side by side, usually a multiplayer game. I don't usually play more than one single player game at a time, because I don't like to mix two stories at once. I can handle one multiplayer game and one single player game at a time.
  24. I completely forgot they did an HD remaster of AC2. Wasn't it like the first three games remastered? I forget. But yeah, now that I remember, I may have to pick up the HD remasters to revisit 2 and Brotherhood at least. Wouldn't mind revisiting them.
  25. The youtuber probably has sources, he just never checked them. The sources are probably just quick studies, or studies that don't necessarily prove anything. Either way, a lot of what was said in this video could be argued that they're wrong or not 100% correct. I don't think the guy in the thumbnail of the video is actually the person who produces the video. I think it's a still from the video itself, it was during the #2 spot I believe. And even so, I don't think weight has anything to do with someone's views and opinions.
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