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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I have not yet played it, but I hear it's become a solid game since it came out. I remember when it originally came out and people weren't into it, but the fact that they constantly add to it and update it, gives me more reason to check it out soon. Just wish I could get some of my friends to play it.
  2. Was it the Nokia NGage 😄 I never owned a smartphone or mobile phone growing up, so never got to really experience mobile gaming back then. Now days most smartphones can handle tons of games. My current smartphone is a budget one, but it works for most of what I like to do. I don't game on it much these days though. Just productivity apps for work and tik/tok & instagram, stuff like that.
  3. Ah ok, I know what speedrunning is, just didn't expect there to be tournaments or competitive events for it. But I guess it makes sense considering they do try to break records. And yeah, trash talking won't ever stop, but with most new games it seems to have slowed down a bit. Probably due to people sticking to their own private lobbies, or some games just turning that feature off.
  4. The PS2 is great, but I always felt the bulky, sharp box look, didn't work so well for it. If anything I think the slim model looks better. But I still have fond memories of the PS2 so it will still be on my top 5/top 10 etc.
  5. My nephew has always tried to get me to play Portal 2. I played a bit of Portal through the orange box, but never got far into it. My nephew is in love with the series and said he played 1 and 2 over a few times. I suck at games like Portal, because I hate having to make precise movements to get through a level. But he seems to be a pro now days haha. But yeah, I wanted to finish both games, but I just couldn't get into them for long. Same with the Half Life games. They're great and all, but I just could never really stick with them for long.
  6. Yeah that's one thing I worry about with account sharing. If I do ever share my Steam or Origin for example, I will make sure my credit card details are removed first. Honestly it's probably best not to store your cc info on any sites. Even the most secure sites can be prone to hackers, so the chance of your card info being stolen is a real possibility. So yeah, if I share any accounts I'm going to have to remove my cc info. Don't want to take that chance.
  7. I hope multiplayer lives up to the hype. I may not be a huge Harry Potter fan by any means, but I do want to see a game like this succeed, because it looks like it could be a great MMO that will stretch on for years to come. If they do things right, it could be huge.
  8. Of course not. They'd be dumb to lose out on all of those sales. But, I think what will happen, is that after this next game drops, they will finally take a much needed break from releasing another. And in turn, maybe they will improve on the series for the better. Likely rumors as MS recently said they have no plans to make it exclusive. You also may be thinking of Bethesda, as they are more likely to stay exclusive, but I could see some games coming out multiplatform.
  9. Pretty much this. With GTA IV to GTA V, they probably didn't have time to add every detail that was in GTA IV. As well, some of the coding probably didn't translate well and it made it harder to replicate some of the things the previous games had. There is a lot that GTA V does better than GTA IV as well. After I re-watched that video, I realized how more realistic feeling the driving felt compared to GTA V. GTA IV just had better driving it seems.
  10. Does anyone here still utilize strategy guides? Like the big books you could buy at the store for pretty much every game to come out. They still make them these days, but they're becoming less and less due to the internet and the ease of putting out a walkthrough. I wouldn't mind building up a strategy guide collection one day. I see no issues with using them when you're in a pinch.
  11. I wouldn't mind getting my dad into video games. He's going to be 69 or 70 this September. He has played some video games, like Gran Turismo on a demo disc back in the day, but that's pretty much it. I think he'd enjoy playing racing games, especially if it's one with a racing wheel. With that being said, I don't think there's an age that's best to start. Anyone can play video games if they tried. Including my dad if he actually tried. I think he'd have fun, but he's stubborn and hates trying new tech. He thinks he'll get addicted to it lol.
  12. Kane99


    Do you know why they aren't supported on the Switch? Is it a Netflix thing where they don't want to be bothered making an app that works? Or is it Nintendo not wanting to make it work? Probably some contract dispute or something. Netflix should easily be able to work as an app. Most older devices and older roku players still work with Netflix, so it must be some contract issue between both sides. Especially if Hulu works fine.
  13. On top of this all, it looks like no one is really playing the current games Netflix does have. Wired has an article that came out last week, that mentions that most people don't even know Netflix has games. It is said that 99% of subscribers might not even know about their games. Which says one thing, it's not good. If they were to jump into the triple A market, I don't think they would be able to succeed. You can read about that bit of news here - https://www.wired.com/story/netflix-mobile-games-no-one-playing/
  14. Has anyone here signed up to the playtest they have going on for Skate? I'm tempted to check it out, but I think they require that you test a bunch of things in game in order to stay in the playtest. You can sign up to the playtest below. If anyone has signed up, is it worth it? https://www.ea.com/games/skate/insider-playtest-registration
  15. I have done so in the past. I usually use manual saves before I do something serious in game. Like in RDR2, there is a moment in the game where you can kill a "vampire", and killing him gets you a knife. I decided to save it, because instead of killing him, I was going to capture him and bring him to sheriff. But noticed when I hogtied him, he didn't drop the knife, so I had to reload. Of course, it's like a security blanket just in case the auto save features saves in a horrible section. Thankfully with games like RDR2, the autosave feature is pretty good. I haven't had any issues with corrupt files or saving in a bad spot.
  16. He's come a long way indeed. I could never get into his content when he started out, but these days I at least find his content bearable haha. He doesn't get obnoxiously loud anymore, at least from what I've seen lately. I still don't tune into his content, as it's just not for me, but I respect him a hell of a lot more since he calmed things down a bit in his content.
  17. Kane99


    Honestly would be down to see this game getting some online options. Would really help the games replayability I think. Sadly I don't think they will ever do that, or if they did, it may be in a sequel instead. I would welcome DLC coming out, but I have a feeling they won't do that. But, I could be wrong.
  18. I can't stand YouTubers or streamers that do that. It's why I never cared for pewdiepie and other content creators like him. My nephew was watching a YouTuber recently who was obnoxiously loud, and I don't get how anyone can get into that. The dude wasn't even funny in any way. When it comes to YouTube, they don't always notify you of new videos. I just check out the recently uploaded list though, so I usually catch everything I'm subscribed to. But there are times where I do miss content on YouTube at least.
  19. For me it did, because here's this kid who had someone there protecting them, and all of a sudden, you lose that, so it shifts to you controlling that child. So in a way that tone shift results in you having to take control of a character that is scared and sad. Sometimes sure. With the Walking Dead, it was always dreadful and ominous. But as you play the game, you end up liking most of the characters, and then to lose some of them just sucks. But near the end, when you lose someone more important, it weighs on you more. And then to have to control a kid for the rest of the series, makes you feel more vulnerable in a way.
  20. Of course. I'm kinda introverted when it comes to most things. I'm more shy than anything, but I found that with my online work, I've become more comfortable talking with people online. I am always in a Discord party for work related things. One of my co-workers is always in there, so we hang out and chat while we work. And we also game at night and sometimes watch movies. It helps a lot to socialize with people in that way. But yeah, it's easier said than done. Most of the time I hate online lobbies, so I don't speak often. But when I'm forced to, that's when I realize it helps me more. Kinda like how they do exposure therapy, where you do the things you're scared of. Well playing on public lobbies with a mic while you have social anxiety, would kinda count in that regard.
  21. Also with boss battles, I feel as if they really need to push the envelope, as in they need to make the boss fight memorable. Especially if it's the final boss, you want that fight to be memorable right? I feel like a lot of games don't make the final boss, or most bosses memorable enough. Usually they're the typical three stages and you're done. I feel like boss fights these days are kinda lazy compared to the past.
  22. With a remaster, it's essentially just the same game with updated visuals and graphics. But a remake is essentially a game usually built from the ground up, with changed animations, voice acting, and even changes to the story and key gameplay moments. A remaster would be something like Sleeping Dogs remastered. It's just a fancier port with updated visuals, but the main aspect of the game stays the same. A remake, would be something like what they did with RE 1, 2, and I think 3. Those are remakes, because if they were to just remaster those games, they would look a lot closer to their original release, and also likely play that way too.
  23. They'd lose another half of users if they made it exclusive to the Xbox. Also on top of that, there are less players on the Xbox side, so that's another problem. Oh for sure. They'd be crazy to make it exclusive. Only reason they would make it exclusive, is to try and sell more consoles, which I think would result in that happening. But I don't think they need to sell a ton more consoles. They're doing just fine with their current sales, so I don't think they need to make it exclusive.
  24. Exactly. I've heard stories about how people enjoyed VR, but eventually got bored or gave up with it because it gave them headaches or eye strain. I know some people who get really immersed in the VR games they play, while others enjoy it, but wouldn't say it's immersive enough. One thing that comes to mind with VR, is mobility. You can move around some, but there's limited space with VR, if you live in a small place, you won't be able to take full advantage of VR and I think that could potentially ruin immersion to some extent.
  25. The newer 360s had a much better design imo. The original Xbox 360 design wasn't really my thing. On top of that, it was a hefty console at the time of release. The PS3 though was also a hefty boy too. I didn't like the Spider-man font they used with the original PS3 releases. I did like the newer PS3 logo when the newer PS3 came out.
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