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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Depends on the puzzle and how hard it is. For me I like to try to complete a puzzle before I give up and look for a walkthrough. But there are games where I can't figure it out, and then find out it's the simplest thing ever to complete it. I wouldn't say I cheat, I do look up guides online if needed. Whether you believe that to be cheating or not, I don't care. I will use guides if needed. I don't want to get stuck on a part that could take me seconds to figure out with a quick guide.
  2. Yeah it's not as easy to buy up a company, as it requires a lot of red tape to go through before you can truly get it. I don't even think the Bethesda/Activision deals are officially done yet, as there's a ton of money there and I'm sure contracts they need to figure out and sort. It kinda reminds me about how Elon Musk was wanting to buy Twitter, and rumors was that he bought it, but he would have had to go through months of stuff just to get the deal done, and low and behold, the deal was stopped and both parties moved on. There's still a chance that things could change and Bethesda and Activision aren't sold off to Microsoft. Unless they already got through all the red tape.
  3. I honestly don't know how much I spend on games. As of late it's very minimal as I usually just get Xbox Gamepass ultimate, which is $15 a month. But I also get it free sometimes because of MS Rewards. I'm nearly another month on MS rewards, so I'll be redeeming a month of gamepass soon here. Other than that, I don't spend much on gaming unless there's a game I really want to play and it's not available on gamepass. I also find that I'm not that invested in games anymore, like in the sense that I don't need to purchase all the games I want, because I'm patient enough to wait for sales or for them to come out on gamepass for example.
  4. I'd say most single player games are good to play alone, with even some online games. I've played my fair share of online games alone, and on purpose. I don't like to play a lot of online games with people aside from the ones I already have friends playing. If none of my friends are playing, I usually don't, but I will sometimes play depending on the game and whether I like it. For a single player game, you can't go wrong with the likes of GTA V, RDR2, Alan Wake, etc. As for online, COD is good if you have a group of friends also playing. Fortnite is a good one too, especially if you can get your friends to play along. I don't like playing with randoms though.
  5. Not a bad amount of games to look forward to, but I feel like that's not nearly as much as we should be hearing about. And for sure, there's a lot of games that have yet to be announced. I'm all for more games coming out though, because the more games the better imo.
  6. Most actors in hollywood probably could easily lend their voices to video games. I mean, if they are already providing voices for animated features and other forms of media, what says they can't do voice over work in gaming? Many people made the jump to gaming like Willem Dafoe, Elliot Page, Norman Reedus, Mads Mikelson, and many more. Voice acting I imagine is an easy thing for most actors to get into. I'm sure many could do voice acting. I know some do so for the WWE games, so a lot of them are already doing it.
  7. As long as I'm not doing countless fetch quests or quests that require you to go from point A to point B to collect something. Give me missions where I can fight people, and have a challenge instead of walking there and back. Also the side quests should add to the story, or be side plots that also tie in to the main story. I know some games do side quests differently from the story sometimes, but I want the side quests to make sense with the story, maybe even give you more details about the story in the process.
  8. I saw the trailer the other day and I gotta say it looks good. The graphics look top notch, with the voice acting really shining I think. I never played any of the original games, but I have seen some lets plays of the older games, especially the one that dropped on the 360 years ago. Sadly I suck when it comes to horror games. I don't know what it is, because I don't scare easily. I don't think it's about the scare factor, but more to do with how these games control. I remember not getting into Evil Within because it felt too slow in terms of how your character moves. And I have a feeling this game may be slow with the character movements and all that.
  9. Mario is probably my favorite mascot. I don't think I have one I dislike to be honest. I never looked at a mascot in gaming and though they were awful. I mean, maybe Glover, as the whole idea around him was dumb, but I don't know if he even qualifies as a mascot to be honest.
  10. Depends on the game and how old the kid is. Personally I was gaming as young as 3 years old myself. My nephew for example was playing around that age, but more closely to age 5 or so. Once he knew the point of a video game, he was playing without problem. I never let my nephew play games online, as I know he wouldn't have been able to handle it. So I just let him play stuff from gamepass. He's 12 now anyway, so he's capable of gaming on his own. But I'd say 5-6 is a good age to get started on gaming. But I know some kids start earlier with their parents letting them play mobile games for example.
  11. Still mostly playing RDR2 as of late, haven't had the urge to play anything else honestly. I'm done with power wash sim and I don't have gamepass at the moment, so I can't play it anyway lol. But I haven't been in the mood to play most other games as of late.
  12. I'm considering sharing my steam library with my nephew, since he now has a gaming PC he plays on often. I think he would get a kick out of me sharing all of my games, since I know he wants to play a lot of the games I own. I'm not sure if it's true, but I believe only one person can play the game at a time. So if you share a certain game with someone for example, if they're playing it, you're not going to be able to. But I could be wrong. It could be the other way where you can't use steam, but I think that would be dumb. I think it's just the game itself that can't be played by more than one person.
  13. The joy of modding games like this. I really need to get back to GTA V and mod it some. There seems to be endless amounts of hacks/mods you can do on GTA V, in single player. People have gotten really creative with the mods they make.
  14. I only get annoyed with people in online games for the most part. I have gotten annoyed with people playing games couch co-op style, but for the most part I enjoy couch co-op more, as i can play with family and friends right there. No need to worry about getting online to play. One thing I hate is when people take too long when they play. Like in Madden, I hate when people take too long to pick a play. Then again I'm no pro, so I realize some people probably want to pick the best play and that sometimes takes a while. Other than that, I don't like to play games with people who don't know how to game, because it becomes thing thing of having to teach them, and that can be a burden.
  15. Considering the PS1 classic started at $100 if I remember correctly, I doubt they'd charge less than $100 for a PS2 classic console. I could see it going to a bit more than $100, because it seems a lot of the newer classic consoles are reaching $100+. I'd love for it to cost $75 or so, but I doubt it, especially with how it's going to be tougher to port these games, and the licensing as well.
  16. I never played any of the games where you used toys and such. I'll admit though, the figures they released were pretty cool. I got a Mario Amiibo and that's about it. I never saw a point to buy them for gaming, instead I just bought to collect. I hear they were so mass produced though, that they are still quite cheap these days, so there's that.
  17. The trailer you shared is not of Layers of Fear 2, in fact it's an unreal engine remake of the first two games in a bundle. I thought for a second it was a brand new game called Layers of Fears, which I think sounds dumb for a sequel, but it's a bundle so it makes more sense. I really dug the atmosphere the first game had, but in all honesty I ended up hating the first game. I've said it before here, but it was due to early access problems corrupting my save file twice. So having to play a third time was a chore at times for me. Plus you couldn't die and that kinda bugged me too. Made it feel less scary due to it.
  18. I'd love for that to happen, means I won't have to spend full price on a game and I could just spend $15 to get gamepass ultimate. Works perfectly for me. August 23rd can't come sooner can it? 😄 I'm more psyched for this than I have for most games as of late. It actually looks like a lot of fun.
  19. There are some pro controllers for PlayStation, but I don't believe they're made by Sony themselves. I think there was rumors about the possibility of a pro controller from them, but I don't think it ever happened, at least not yet. You'd think they would have their own pro controller, but I guess not. And yeah I'd love that. I got two of those powerA pro controllers for the Xbox One. I have one of my xbox and one for PC. It allows you to connect some back bumpers, but I don't use them. They might make PS4/PS5 controllers too, but I haven't checked. They're the only controllers that have lasted so long for me. They have great build quality, but have weights in them to make them feel more premium. But I like the weight.
  20. One other thing I realized I do kinda miss, is the lobbies with unruly people throwing around trash talk. For example, The Act Man made a new video recently about the golden age of trash talk, and honestly I kinda wish it was still like this. Yeah it resulted in offensive stuff being said, but damn I do kinda miss lobbies that were kinda chaotic like this. I of course wouldn't join in on the trashtalk, but I'd gladly listen in on it.
  21. Oh cool, I didn't know that they also paired it with video proof. That's actually pretty cool, because it also helps with proving to those leaderboard sites out there. I know there is one for arcade games/cabinets, but I didn't know they also included modern consoles this way. I hope they do this for all consoles and games going forward, that would make things so much easier to prove your stats.
  22. Kane99


    At that point you can just download it on Switch and then sign in, that's all you should have to do. That sucks, you'd think with how good the switch is, they'd make it possible to use Netflix and the other streaming platforms. I'm going to guess it's a Netflix thing and they don't want to add their app to the switch.
  23. Favorite I'd say is probably action adventure, so games like GTA, RDR, etc. As for least favorite, I don't get into most puzzle games or racing games. Though I will play some racing games and some puzzle games, I tend to get bored with most puzzle games. Also most sports games, but there are some sports games I will play.
  24. Welcome to the forum! To answer your question, a lot of PC games allow for mods, at least when it comes to the single player component. Online is a different story and I would advise not ever modding an online mode in most games, as you will likely get banned. But if you focus on the single player side, you should be fine. Still though, I'd read their rules and terms and conditions before setting up any mods, at least when it comes to newer games. For example, you can mod RDR2 single player, but Rockstar doesn't allow you to mod multiplayer. They also reserve the right to ban you even if you use them on single player, but you shouldn't. With that being said, I suggest RDR2 single player for modding. And like the blackangel said, Skyrim is one of the most modded games around.
  25. Yeah I can see video games helping us develop certain skills. Hand eye coordination and dexterity is one aspect for sure. As well, I see critical thinking and decision making mentioned too, which is true. Also with online gaming, it could be a way to socialize and get over social anxiety. Which is what I kinda used it for in a way.
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