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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I remember Google Glass. I hear there are still some people and companies that use Google Glass, supposedly it's pretty popular among people still. I honestly don't see Google attempting to make another attempt at Google Glass. I could see them go down the VR path instead, but maybe I'm wrong. I would love to see them try doing it again, but my guess is that they won't. We'll see, because I'd welcome it. I just don't see Google taking the chance again.
  2. Yeah that's a really good point. I could see many people using it to help with sensory issues, especially those with autism and other neurodivergent conditions. I could also see some people using VR to help them socialize, and deal with certain problems. As for eye strain and headaches, I feel like it'd be the opposite, in that it would eventually cause those for some people. But if it can help, that'd be awesome.
  3. lol why is this crime channel on YouTube going on about video games anyway? I checked their channel and they seem to discuss crime and cases around them. I hate when videos like this don't link to sources for their supposed truth. The whole seizure bit, I could see most things causing it, especially if you have epilepsy. They probably found stories/articles online about a couple studies that went nowhere for all we know. I wouldn't take this video seriously.
  4. Yeah I'm aware of the fighting game scene. I've watched some videos of people trash talking each other and throwing abuse to one another. It wouldn't be able to do it myself. I'd quit way too fast. I don't know how speedrunners would work out in esports. I don't recall people making any money for speedrunning a game, and I don't quite know how it would work out in an esports setting either.
  5. Yeah, I was not a fan of ACIII, mainly because of how anticlimactic the ending was. It ends in a chase and then a cutscene, I thought it was so rushed and dumb. I wanted to fight at the end, not what we got. But yeah, the autoclimb was a big help, because the climbing mechanics started to become a chore in the series, so they wanted to streamline it a bit and make it easier. I imagine the new AC games do the same. Last one I played was Syndicate and it was much of the same imo. And yeah, I remember that happening a lot when I played the older AC games. Even with the auto climb, I sometimes found myself jumping backwards.
  6. Same, I graduated in 2008, so I didn't get to experience all this esports stuff that's going on today. I mean, there was tournaments and stuff around the world, but never anything close to me. I played some of the PS2 back in the day online, sadly I got online too late, as I had the 360 for a few years. Reason I tried PS2 online was because my 360 died its 4th of 5th time, and I needed to do some gaming, so I decided to try PS2 online for the first time. Ended up playing WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2006 I think it was. These days consoles even have tournaments you can sometimes join. It's becoming a lot more mainstream.
  7. Finally got an email response from the people at Virtusphere and we all were way off on the pricing. According to them, it's $35,000 for the 280lb limit version and it's $28,000 for the weight limit of 190lbs. So yeah, pretty pricey, too pricey for me, because that can literally buy you a cheap home haha. Wow that's crazy.
  8. Technically no, but you can claim in a way it's an Action MMO. More so with GTA V, since the online mode has a lot of active users. MMOs are essentially Massive Multiplayer Online games. I'd say GTA V counts, but RDR2 not so much. But, I'm not speaking in regards to the game type, just bringing up passive mode as an option, because many games are including such an option so you don't have to deal with unruly users. I imagine most of the big MMOs have some form of passive mode, where you can not deal with users. I think Fallout 76 has a passive mode, I'm pretty sure I started on passive mode lol. 😄 To be honest, I think every online game should come with a passive mode.
  9. Does anyone here have any spotify playlists they'd like to share? Mainly ones that feature video game music, but I'm not opposed to any type of music, as long as it's good to listen to while gaming. Maybe more instrumental music? I don't like listening to too much music that has lyrics/vocals. Instrumental of vocal free songs are more ideal for me. But I'll be fine with a few songs with vocals.
  10. I haven't done much modding in games. In COD 4 I did jump into wall glitches, which I don't condone. I was a dumb teen back then and I stopped doing that soon after. other than that, I wouldn't even know where to begin to mod games. I plan to try it in RDR2 once I complete the story again, but I want to make sure it's allowed and isn't going to cause issues with my account. I wouldn't mind modding the likes of GTA IV, and San Andreas.
  11. I could see Google making a VR headset. I don't think they have yet, the closest I know of is Google Glasses, which was a failure on their part. Or not a failure, but they gave up on it soon after. I know their phones work in VR, but I wouldn't count that to be honest. I think google making an actual VR headset would be cool. But knowing them, they'll find a way to cancel that too. They did have the Google Cardboard, which allowed you to use your phones as a VR headset, though limited it was still kinda cool.
  12. Thanks for sharing! 🙂 There's a lot VR could probably do. I could see some people using it for therapy, like maybe seeing a therapist instead of having to go in person. Or it could be a way to cope with certain problems. Like my previous post, someone used it for insomnia. I could see it being used to help people through anxiety as well.
  13. Possibly. I sent them an email, so we'll find out. I read some more on their site and I guess they even include a PC, VR headset and connections/sensors, so the price is probably well over $5000. I imagine the PC alone would net $1000+, another $500-$1000 for the VR headset and not sure about the connections. But the thing itself, is probably $2000-$3000 alone. But those are just guesses. Still though, I'd love to play in something like this.
  14. Has anyone heard of this game? From what I see, it's a sim style game where you run a laundromat and have a secret arcade that you run in the back. You literally have to run the laundromat as well as the arcade. So it looks a lot like a sim game. Eventually you find a back room that you can use to set up an arcade. I don't know if this is something for me, but I'm willing to give it a try maybe. It's for PS4, PS5 & PC.
  15. Was going to make a topic about this game, but figured I'd revive this one instead. Has anyone here played the new Evil Dead game? I hear it's a hit, but since its release I haven't seen much about it. It released in May and I remember seeing news about it almost daily, now it's been kinda forgotten. Or I'm just not seeing much on it as of late. Anyway, would you recommend getting it? It looks like a far better version of the Friday the 13th game.
  16. Well they kinda have to if they plan to continue selling currency in game. I don't know what RDR2 has in terms of currency, I don't think they're called shark cards, maybe it's just currency idk. But in RDR2 you can buy gold bars I think, and those can be used to get you in game currency. So my guess is, they would have to remove that option altogether if they plan to stop supporting RDR2 online. Because I doubt they would want people to purchase a bunch of stuff in game, to only find out that the game is dead.
  17. Yeah if Ubisoft made the ideas their own, there probably wouldn't be any issues. The thing with Assassin's Creed: Odyssey for example, is that it's fine to take ideas and make them your own. But the way they went about it, not changing enough, shows they were lazy in the process. If they simply made their own version of the systems they borrowed, they would have been fine. I remember hearing about the RE story. It makes you wonder how many other games have taken images/graphics and other things from other forms of media and people. If I remember correctly to, with the RE situation, it took them a while to notice it. So there could be other games out there that do this exact same thing and have gotten away with it. Makes ya wonder.
  18. Yeah that's a good point. With the recent woes of a dropped user base, it would be crazy for Xbox to make it an exclusive. On top of that, I can't see a bunch of Sony fanboys buying up a series X just to play their COD games. I think if it is to be made exclusive, it will either drive sales of the series x, or it will result in fans abandoning COD altogether. It's already happening, so changing it could be worse.
  19. I haven't played VR games just yet, but I would have to assume that it's a lot more immersive due to the fact that you can move around some of these worlds with your own body, move your hands, fingers and other things as well. I think it becomes more immersive when you make it feel more realistic. When you have a controller in hand and are sitting in front of a screen, it doesn't feel real. But I imagine in some regards with VR games, it's a lot more immersive because it puts you into the game. idk, that's how I feel anyway.
  20. Favorite in terms of looks and design? Or favorite in terms of the available games, and abilities? If it's the former, then I'd say the PS1 has the more fun design imo. It may be nostalgia clouding my pick, but I never thought the PS2, PS3 or even the PS4 & 5 looked that great. The PS1 just has that fun old style feel that I like. Now if we're picking my favorite in regards to the console's games, it would probably be PS2 for me. I remember playing it the most out of all of my consoles.
  21. I did a little search and I guess the metaverse has been a concept or idea (in a book called Snow Crash) since the early 90s. At least according to wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaverse Take that with a grain of salt of course, as wikipedia isn't always 100% correct. Either way, it's been a concept for a while now, and it sounds like it could be taking shape now that VR headsets and AR devices are starting to come out. Funny to know that Facebook wasn't the first ones to think of such an idea. It's been a thing for a while it seems.
  22. I don't plan to side with either of them too. I get where MS is coming from if what they say is true, but even so, it's essentially just like paying for exclusivity. If Sony is cool to pay a studio not to release on gamepass and stay on their service, than I think it kinda works out to exclusivity in some ways. But either way, it's going to result in nothing happening, and both sides going on their merry way.
  23. Do you have the source for this article? I'd love to take a look. I know that SomeordinaryGamers for example has played Minecraft VR to help with his insomnia. I included the video below where he talks about this. It's really interesting, because I could see myself doing this if I had a VR headset.
  24. Nada at the moment as I don't own a VR headset, nor have I ever tried one yet. I don't know how well I'd do in VR to be honest. Part of me thinks I could handle it for hours on end, but I don't know for sure. I would try staying in as long as I can, because I imagine I'd have fun. One of these days, when I have more money to throw around, I'll maybe consider finally investing into a VR headset. But that will probably be a while before that happens.
  25. For me, it's way too much, but if I ever get to a point where I can afford that and more, I would maybe consider it. Combine that with that omni device you can walk on, and maybe we got a real virtual world. 😄 Also, I just shot them an email to see what their pricing is. My guess is they won't respond, but would be pretty dope if they did. My guess it'll be over $5000. What's your guess?
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