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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Oh of course. Gaming is a hobby, it isn't something I'd say is important. Well, maybe important to myself, but it isn't important to others that I or you game. It's like any other hobby. I just can't stand when people go out of their way to badmouth it, when they have similar hobbies and do similar things. Just the hypocritical aspect of it bugs me. And now days, some could claim it's more than a hobby. Either it be a pro gamer competing in an esports tournament, or someone who streams video games on Twitch to make donations. I'd say in a away that is a bit different, but still it's just someone using their hobby to make money.
  2. Yeah it'll probably be a while before I get my hands on the game, but it's a definite buy for me eventually. I could see it eventually dropping on gamepass, if so, I'll probably just get gamepass for the time being and play it that way. Saves me money and I can wait a little longer anyway. Plus, I kinda want to wait and see what people think before I pick it up. Read some reviews and then maybe watch some streams of it to get more of an idea of whether I'd like it or not.
  3. Humbe Bundle is at it again with a great bundle of games, this time being for the Resident Evil franchise. The bundle includes 11 games in total if you pay the base price of $30. But it gets you: So yeah, not a bad deal at all for $30. If I had the cash to spare at the moment, I'd for sure take advantage of this. You can find this deal below. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/resident-evil-decades-horror Moderator Edit: This bundle is available now and will remain on offer until August 24th.
  4. For me, I don't mind playing a sports game every once in a while. From Madden to NBA, but that's really about it. I more focus on Madden since I'm into football, but I only play because it's the only football game on the market. I have gone back to play ESPN NFL 2K5, because it's hands down my favorite sports game. And honestly it blows Madden out of the water in presentation, animations, and overall gameplay, at least in my opinion. When a game that is nearly 20 years old, it is surprisingly ahead of its time. With that being said though, what would you say are the worst gaming franchises out of these options? Madden, NBA 2K, FIFA and I put other as an option as well. For me, Madden is still the worst, since it hasn't changed enough to warrant the yearly releases, at least for me. What is your choice though?
  5. Source: https://hypebeast.com/2022/8/twitch-facebook-gaming-youtube-gaming-hours-watched-decline-q2-2022 I think there are a few reasons why game streams are seeing a drop in viewers. 1) I think Covid helped increase the amount of people streaming, and now that everything is open up again, people aren't watching as much anymore. 2) I think just chatting streams are becoming more popular these days, and I think that's partly to blame as well. I could see more people viewing a just chatting stream versus a gameplay stream. Look at that Hassan guy, he gets like 30,000 viewers watching his stuff. It's crazy how many people are watching him. Plus the hot tub streamers are probably taking viewers away from game streamers as well, but I doubt it's a lot. But yeah, those are my thoughts on it. What about you?
  6. I wouldn't worry about it too much, considering that they've done countless studies on video games and violence and haven't found any correlation between the two, as in it doesn't cause violence. But it could be argued again, that violent people will seek out violent video games, but I don't think they have the ability to make people violent or change one's mentality to do something heinous or wrong.
  7. WWE Games are my jam, I used to play the hell out of WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain. It's my all time favorite wrestling video game, and one I frequently come back to. I was actually thinking of streaming it somehow, but I'd probably have to emulate it instead. I don't really feel like bringing out my PS2 when I could probably emulate it and get better graphics from it. But yeah, WWE games are a blast. Sadly the games are a bit lacking today. I liked 2K22, but I didn't stick with it for too long.
  8. To be fair to EA, it's not just them pricing games at $70. It seems most companies are adopting the $70 price tag, because everyone else is doing it. I think Ubisoft held off on it for a while, but they too are charging $70 for new games. If the game is worth the price, people will pay it though. As long as the game isn't a failure, it will sell just fine at $70. It sucks having to pay that much for a game, so I'll just wait longer for it. No biggie.
  9. Yeah true. When I heard about Red Dead Redemption 1, I thought it was a direct sequel to revolver. I also thought the sequel to RDR1 was going to be similar to what you said, but I thought it'd be like Red Dead Revenge or Red Dead Retaliation or something. The only tie in to Revolver that I know of, was in RDR1 online, where you could open a few of the characters from Revolver, I think Harlowe was one of them, and a few others. I never opened any of them though because I think it I doubt it will happen, but I think it'd be interesting to see happen. One big thing that says no to me, is probably the fact that Revolver is a completely different game in terms of gameplay and story, so in order for them to do a remake, they would probably have to rebuild it to how RDR1 and 2 are so that fans can easily get into it.
  10. It's especially annoying when family says it, because they think you're wasting your life away gaming or something. I can understand to some extent why they say that, but it's just hypocritical to me when they say stuff like that and then turn around to watch sports or tv. Times are changing though and people aren't saying it that much anymore.
  11. Well not necessarily. In games like GTA and RDR, using passive mode allows you to play the game still, but you won't be interrupted by real players. So if you want to do that mission alone, you can still do it, but you won't have to deal with other players trying to kill you in the process. It's the same with GTA V, as you turn it on, players can't bother you and you can't bother them, but you can still shoot npcs and cause havoc if you like. I think something like that, would help solve griefing and players from attacking you.
  12. Oh for sure. I don't think they can win if they make it exclusive. Allowing COD to stick on all consoles is ideal, because there's millions of dollars there for the taking if so. As well, they can make Sony and other consoles pay up if they want the game on their platform. I bet Sony will be paying some fees. Much like you said about a new deal. I could see them charging Sony and others money for having the game on their platform. And to be fair, they can do that. It reminds me of how Blu-ray took over and how MS had to license the use of blu-ray for their Xbone and Series X. I feel it's kinda similar in this situation. They can just charge Sony more money.
  13. Here comes the drama. It looks like Microsoft isn't too happy, as they recently accused Sony of paying developers to keep games off of Xbox's Game pass service. But, Sony isn't too happy about Microsoft buying everything up as of late. Honestly it's just two money giants arguing about money. I don't know who to side on this one. In a way I agree with Microsoft, because Sony shouldn't be stopping third party studios from adding their games to gamepass, but also Microsoft shouldn't be buying up all the major studios and making Sony worry about whether or not those games will also be coming out for their platforms. What do you guys think? You can read this story here - https://en.as.com/meristation_en/2022/08/11/news/1660231627_950415.html
  14. Do you guys think there is a chance that Rockstar could do a Red Dead Revolver remake/remaster? I hope for a remake, because I imagine the controls have aged pretty badly these days. I've never played the original game to start it all though, and I have always wanted to. I thought I heard a while back that Rockstar wanted to remake some of their older titles, and or remaster. I know GTA IV was talked about and even a RDR1 remaster/remake. But I swear I heard talks of a remaster/remake for Red Dead Revolver. I would welcome a remake to be honest, same with GTA IV and RDR1, but right now I think Revolver deserves it more considering it's been so long now. I imagine with GTA IV and RDR1 they'd just remaster those anyway. But I'd love for remakes to be made for all of them.
  15. Hmm, I didn't see this one coming. It kinda reminds me of a Mario Party esque Kirby with a mixture of Fall Guys. It looks like a lot of fun. I haven't played most of the Kirby games, but I would like to eventually. I've heard they're fun games. I played some of the original games back in the day, but haven't touched any of the newer games sadly. And guess what, it releases next week. Pretty dope! Watch the trailer below:
  16. Decided to bring this topic back since the new Saints Row is coming out soon, August 23rd to be exact. To me it looks like a day one buy, but I don't know if I'm going to get it day one myself. I want to, but money is tight and i need to save as much as I can at the moment. Anyway, I'm really excited for this game. Are you? Here's a new overview trailer for the gameplay:
  17. I'm tempted to email them and ask for pricing details. My guess is that it'll cost around $5000, if not more. I don't see it being anything less than that. I did notice on their site though, that it has a copyright of 2020, so who knows if they're still around.
  18. Source - https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/microsoft-claims-it-wouldnt-be-profitable-to-make-call-of-duty-xbox-exclusive/ I believe this was kinda discussed in another topic, about Xbox buying up studios and such. But this is just in regards to COD and its future in terms of it being multiplatform or not. So far this deal for Activision and company hasn't gone through, but according to Microsoft, they don't think it would be profitable to make COD exclusive to xbox. And to be fair, it would be more profitable to keep it multiplatform. But, who's to say MS will stick to their words and keep it multiplatform after the deal is done. I still hope they take a year or two off, or just stop doing the yearly releases. Anyway, what do you guys think?
  19. For me, I'm just lazy these days. I have no patience to wait for a game to arrive at my door, nor do I have the patience to install a game disc when I could just pre-install the digital game early on and have it ready for me day 1. I still wouldn't mind getting the physical version, because I wouldn't mind having it in my collection, but the ease of use that comes with digital is just more preferable to me.
  20. Exactly. You can make as many mistakes as you want in a video game. Yeah you may have to repeat a level a couple times, or load a save, but for the most part, you don't have to worry about the world in a video game as much as you do with real life. You can also turn off the game and take a break from it, you can't pause on life sadly. If I could I would totally pause every so often lol.
  21. Another one of my favorite gaming moments was coming home from school and playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game with some friends. We'd also play games like Renegade, Double Dragon, etc. Anything that's two player. One of my friends would always come over after school to play, sadly he passed away a few years ago I heard. We haven't' seen or talked to each other in probably 10 years before it happened. I also remember if we weren't gaming, we'd be outside with other friends wrestling. And then it would turn into real fights haha. Good times I guess lol. I didn't have my GBA for too long. Ended up gifting it to my niece for a birthday present years later. Still wonder if she kept it or gave it away to someone else.
  22. Depends on the boss battle really. There are some games that have some unruly bosses you have to deal with. While others are kinda tame and easy to get through. For me, the boss battle can be boring, annoying, too hard, and so on. There has been games like Beyond Good and Evil, that have an end boss I just hate. The end boss for that game, made you fight with your controls switched to the opposite direction. I told this story here before, but leading up to this boss battle, I saved at a point where I couldn't get anymore health items and was stuck with lower health. Due to this, I was technically screwed, as i didn't have enough health to beat it. Well I did, but I just sucked at it. So I gave up on the game because of it lol. With boss battles, I like them to be possible at least. I don't mind them being a bit tough, but damn, give me a chance at the least. Another game that comes to mind is Dark Souls with its difficulty. But I'd say the bosses aren't always the toughest, some of the smaller enemies can be a pain in your ass. But yeah, boss battles tend to suck in a lot of games, but there are some that do the boss battle good.
  23. I think the reason why we like it, is because we're not really killing people in a game. Also, I sometimes see NPCs as unrealistic, and therefore not real enough to make me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I can shoot a guy in the face in RDR2, because I know that NPC wasn't a real person, doesn't feel anything and so on. I can handle violence in video games, but I can't handle seeing violence in real life. If I see someone die for example, it weighs on me, I think about it for days and sometimes can't sleep. With a video game, it's not real, and doesn't feel real enough if that makes sense.
  24. I don't own a PS5, PS4, Switch and a few other consoles. But I wouldn't mind trying these games: PS5/PS4 - God of War 2, all the spiderman games, Uncharted series, Horizon games, and any other PS4/PS5 exclusive. I can get some on PC too. Switch - Pretty much every first party title they have. Mario Odyssey for sure, maybe the recent Zelda game too.
  25. Yes exactly. I love when fans of sports say this, because they are lazing about watching a sport they're not doing themselves. There is a joke I heard about this exact situation, where they made fun of the sports fan for making the comment. I forget who made it though. Yes, I will sometimes just ignore them, because arguing goes nowhere. I have told people it's the same as them watching their favorite show all day. Or sitting around on tiktok watching videos lol. As long as they don't comment on me, I don't comment on them.
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