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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. This is an interesting list of games banned in certain parts of the world. Some example from the article below are; Fallout 3 is banned in India because of there being two headed mutant cows, and I guess in India, cows are very sacred animals. Another example is Pokemon Go, which was banned in Malaysia because of, and I quote: "The game promoted the search for power". What that means I have no clue, and neither does the article writer lol. Even Animal Crossing: New Horizons was banned in China because people were able to make clothing items that were against China and people can go to other islands wearing it, and so they decided to just outright ban the game. There are others on this list, but you can read the rest here - https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/banned-video-games Any of these odd to you?
  2. Source of story here - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/breaking-bad-creator-says-he-tried-to-make-a-video-game-adaptation/1100-6506313/ In all honesty, I would have bought a Breaking Bad game day one if it was ever a reality. And according to Vince Gilligan himself, he had contemplated making a video game based off his hit show. He also thought of the idea because of how popular GTA is, and he figured Breaking Bad as a video game would work in that way. He even asked his team about getting a hold of the creators (Rockstar) into making a Breaking Bad game. How cool would that have been? I doubt it would have happened, but I could see someone making a Breaking Bad game. I just don't know how it would work in the BB story. Maybe it can be about a side character working for Gustavo Fring. There's a lot that could probably be done. And who's to say it has to be a BB game, it could be a spin-off in that world, kind of like what Better Call Saul is. But they can tie the game into that story in some way. What do you think?
  3. This is just crazy, the PS5 has now outsold the Nintendo Gamecube in sales. That's based off the Gamecube's lifetime sales. The PS5 has sold 21.83 million units worldwide as of this moment, and the Gamecube's sales reached 21.74 overall. I never would have expected the PS5 to sell this fast. Soon enough it will catch up with the PS2 sales and then eventually the PS4 and maybe even the switch. I think the switch is higher up there right now, but I could be wrong. Anyway, you can read about this news here - https://www.vgchartz.com/article/454508/ps5-outsells-nintendo-gamecube/
  4. Has anyone played RDR2 online since the funeral thing? I don't want to boot up the online mode on my PC, because I don't want to end up messing up my character on the Xbox. My brother sometimes plays that and I don't want to risk possibly deleting his character by signing into the online on PC. (my xbox and Pc use the same Rockstar account). No worries. 🙂
  5. Ah okay, that makes more sense. Yeah a lot of games do this. One that comes to mind right away is the Fable series. They did that fairly well, in that if you're good you can tax the people less, but if you're evil you can tax them a ton. I always thought that was a cool feature. I think it was in Fable 2 or 3, I don't remember. My brother mostly played the series while I watched. But I remember one of the games you'd become the king, and you can then make decisions about the community. I know collecting taxes was one of them, but you may have had other responsibilities like making life or death decisions and so on. I know many other games feature some politics, but I don't know of any that are like Fable. I know the civ games probably count too, as you use a lot of politics to fight and or smooth things over.
  6. I just checked walmart myself and there is no 3D TVs around. I think we're officially done with the 3D TV craze until it returns in another 5-10 years lol. It's always as if 3D TVs and 3D media always come back. I know with 3D movies showing up in theaters, it seemed to be making a comeback then, but I swear 3D TV and tech has been coming and going for years now. I bet that 3D TVs will make a comeback in that 5-10 years. I think the only way otherwise to get a 3D TV now is ebay and other stores that sell used stuff. You might be able to find them on Amazon too, but I didn't check there.
  7. Oh for sure. I have nothing against anyone who thinks it's for kids or doesn't like it. In reality it's for everyone. I found it refreshing. Plus, there is a bit of a story there, and it kinda made me sad, because the story is essentially you, growing up, moving to a new house, into a new room, going to college, buying your first house, etc. And if I remember correctly, it ends when you're an adult and married with a kid and so on. It essentially runs through life, and it is kinda depressing, but also heartwarming because it shows a little life here and there. If you like something simple, and doesn't force you to do anything a certain way (well kinda as you have to find the correct locations for everything), then you'll like this game.
  8. I think most content like this is age gated, but I could be wrong. I've seen some YouTubers who post some offensive content, open for viewing even as a kid. I think YouTube in general is a mess, so I could see some YouTubers getting away with not age-gating their channel. I know some YouTubers hate age-gating, as it causes issues with their ads, as some advertisers don't like to be paired up with content that's age-gated. Or age restricted. Which is why many YouTubers have started bleeping themselves so they can show it to all ages. I think Game Grumps does this, but I'm not sure. I feel like they let their swears go.
  9. It would make sense, considering they haven't done much good with the property since Generations. And even that, fans may be mixed on that. What I think they should do, is focus more on the movies for now, and then maybe after the 3rd movie drops, release that new game. Or idk, just give it more time to gestate before releasing it. They could easily take their time and not rush a release. I think if they actually did, their last couple games would have been much better. I'm interested in seeing how the new Sonic game does, but I'm not holding out any hope for it.
  10. I wouldn't say that. I think it's more of someone trying to trick people to buy crap because of popular character. I was able to find another video showing it off, you can view it below: There are other games like this on other marketplaces as well. Sadly it happens to a lot of popular games. I imagine Steam and other platforms have similar games that are just tossed up after they develop something for a few minutes lol. Good thing that most people know better than to buy crap like this. But I imagine some people were tricked. But, I can see others buying it just to make content on it. Much like this guy did.
  11. Of course, they did a wonderful job at hiring great voice actors to realize their vision. I rarely want to skip when a character talks and actually looks realistic. Then again the Witcher 3 is a gorgeous game, so it makes sense. Anyway, I wanted to add to this topic. In regards to minor characters. Are there any minor characters that you like as much as the main character? I think in GTA games, they really do great with the smaller characters, in that they're actually fun and I would like to see them more. I think GTA IV and V did it good, with some of the minor characters showing up and stealing the show. I think Packy was one from GTA IV, where you help with a heist. He was a fun character and I wanted to see him come back in some way. I don't remember if he appeared in GTA V, but I remember that buff bald dude made an appearance and he was always fun. So yeah, in a sense I do kinda keep track of the smaller/minor characters in bigger games.
  12. When did you go to school? I was last in school in 2008, unless you count college, in which I was last there in 2013 I believe. Wow it's been so long lol. Anyway, my time in school, we didn't have anything cool like an esports team. It's just starting to become popular in my area, as my high school now has a club or esports team, and I think even the college I attended is now jumping into the fray. Honestly, if I had the option I would have. Considering you could potentially make good money in esports, I'd say it'd be worth a try at least. I doubt I'd get far, but who knows. Maybe with a team working together, I could make it happen. But, I have no interest in joining a team myself, I'd rather start one with some friends. 🙂
  13. Kane99


    I tried it last night with a friend, and I wasn't feeling it. Of course we did 1v1 for a bit, and it was fun for a minute, but then I just got bored with it. Like the videogamedunkey vid said, it's probably better with 2v2 instead, as it's a lot more action going on. With the 1v1, it just felt lifeless and boring, nothing happening and was slow. But, the 2V2 was fun for a bit. I'd like to see a 3V3 mode added maybe. But I don't know if that would work. Also, they need to add more levels. I'm sure they will though.
  14. Yeah I couldn't do it all day. Maybe a few hours. Most jobs tend to be the usual 9-5, so around 8 hours or so. Which I can see some people surviving in VR, but I can't see everyone doing 8 hours or more in one sitting. Of course you could probably take a break every couple hours, as I'm sure most jobs would give that to you anyway. I think it could be something we see more in the future. Especially with more and more people working from home. But like I said, a webcam and mic would probably work just as good for an office environment.
  15. VR does make for a good learning tool. For example, if you're trying to teach a bunch of people something and you have limited space, VR in turn could be used to help teach certain things while not having to teach in a more crowded room. Say you're building something, or learning to fix computers for example. I doubt a room full of towers and people would be easy. It could be done, and has been sure, but I think in VR, it would be a lot easier as it wouldn't impede on the space the room already has. What I'm saying, is that it will make it easier for people to teach on certain aspects, like computer repair and so on.
  16. The thing with VR, is that you need a lot of space to move around and interact in the virtual world. Some people just sit down to play, but some like to be more immersed and like to move as well. Well, this has caused a lot of people to hit stuff in their homes, because the space they have isn't enough. For me, I don't even know if I can take advantage of VR, because my house is a bit too small. I could maybe make it work in my living room, but that's where my 4K TV is and I don't want to end up running into that. Which is why, it's probably recommended to play with others when you're playing VR in this way. Because they can at least guide you away from the expensive stuff lol.
  17. Oh yeah, I use various sources and listen to many people when it comes to the games/movies/tv/music they rate. I take a lot of reviews into consideration before picking up a game, especially if it's a game I know nearly nothing about. I can make my own judgements on games I'm very aware of, but games I don't know, I like to check out a few reviews. Metacritic, as bad as it is, does tell me a lot about games. It's not like you have to get all the packs. I think they release so many to give users the options to pick what they like and the rest can just peace out. I have not purchased any of the expansion packs, because I never got through the Sims myself. I think I had The Sims 3 on 360, but I may have to get The Sims 4 one of these days to finally get into it. But yeah, won't be buying any packs unless I know for sure I'm invested into the game. And even then I will probably only get 1 or 2 of them.
  18. Another thing, if a person is really into violence and murder, I think they would be very interested in games with violence in it. Now before anyone says "games don't cause violence" i'm not saying that. I'm saying that I think violent video games, may be of interest for violent people. But you could probably say that about any form of media, as I imagine someone who is very violent or into violence, would also be into movies, tv shows and other forms of media about it too. But yeah, I think there are people out there who love violence in the games, because they have that personality. I don't want to make this about violent video games though, as I don't think a video game can make one violent. But I can see people who are like that, being into that type of media even more. Does that make sense?
  19. Yeah, for me it's about completing the mission first before I quit for the night or day. There has been times where I had to quit mid game because of life reasons, but sometimes I just pause, do what I gotta do, and then come back to the mission, finish it, and if I need to be done for now, I will quit and return another day. Taking a break between playthroughs isn't a problem for me though. I've been playing RDR2 again, and surprisingly I'm sticking with it. I have paused, quit mid game, and so on, and I'm still back for more. I think this time around I'm just invested in it. I'm playing a story in my head, where Arthur is hurting. This was after he is captured near Chapter 3, by the bad guys (forgetting their names, they're the main bad guys against Dutch's gang). I had a style set for him, in that he's rocking this awesome mustache, but after that I let his beard grow out. When I get to the point where they're stranded on the island, I will then go back to cutting his beard to the stache lol. Sorry for going off on a tangent there. That's not want the topic is about, so I'll stop pulling it off topic.
  20. Oooh I like that idea. I believe some games do exactly that, they figure out your playstyle and what mistakes you make and will sometimes use them against you. I know it's not necessarily the same, but look at Left 4 Dead for example. I think they had some of the best AI, because when things are slow, they sometimes ramp it up. The AI is also random, so each time you play, it's not always the same way. Hordes come out at different times, tanks will spawn in whenever the hell they want to, or when you're going too slow. I wish more games utilized the Left 4 Dead AI, because I think it could create some unique experiences.
  21. The difference is that it's a more serious sim and is meant to be a bit more realistic. Powerwash sim is a lot more chill, in that there aren't any things weighing you down or slowing you down essentially. You just powerwash things. You can buy new nozzles and extensions, and that's really about it. But as you get near the end, the stuff you powerwash gets crazier. One of them is a statue in the desert, a temple, a UFO even, and so on. With most other sim games, they tend to be more realistic in nature, so they require you to do it a certain way.
  22. All we know about the next Mafia game is that it's happening and may be a prequel to the first game. I loved the original Mafia game on PS2, even though it was a big downgrade from the PC version at the time, I have nostalgia for it because my brother and I played the hell out of it. Then came Mafia 2 and it wasn't as good in terms of story, but the game looked great and the story wasn't bad. I just felt like it was a mediocre game. I didn't even play Mafia 3, but my brother did and he was mixed on it. I think a Mafia 4 needs to be something great, because the team behind it imo, has been kinda lacking. I heard the new one will take place in Sicily as well, which is pretty cool if true. I found this info here - https://tech4gamers.com/mafia-4/ Not sure how true it is, could be a lie for all we know. But either way, Mafia 4 isn't coming out anytime soon. When it does though, I hope it turns out to be good. Which also reminds me, I need to get the Mafia 1 remake and the remasters of 2 and 3. I heard the remaster of 2 was rough though.
  23. With Lawnmower sim I just got annoyed with it. I didn't find it fun or relaxing like powerwash sim was. Because with powerwash sim, it didn't require much from you. You could buy cleaning supplies and all that, but I never felt like I was running out. And I thought I'd have to finish cleaning before I ran out, but you literally never run out. But with Lawnmower sim, you need to make sure you cut at the right length, don't cut flowers, and other things. you also have to be careful when moving, as you could damage the grass and be penalized. It wasn't chill enough for me essentially. With Powerwash sim, it didn't feel like a sim game, at least not like the other games.
  24. Haha yes, staying up super late as a kid and playing your favorite games. Or having a friend over as well. Whenever I had a friend sleep over, I'd always try to get them to do an all-nighter with me, and game all night. They usually never go through with it, as they always end up falling asleep. And I agree. Once you become an adult and have responsibilities, those days are usually gone. I still game at night, but I haven't gamed during the day in a long time. Most of my friends now only game during the day, and I just have no energy for gaming during the day as I have other things to do. Yay! Being an adult!!! 😄
  25. Same here. I try to keep a tight ship in my real life, and sometimes I do so in video games. Like with RDR2 right now, I'm playing it slow, trying to 100% everything before I play through the rest of the story. I know how it all ends, so I'm taking it as slow as I can haha. And same, I have to beat a mission before I quit. But, there are times where I have to jump off earlier because of life. My PC was tiring itself out playing RDR2 recently, so I had to quit mid mission. I was also watching a movie with friends on Discord as well, and the Discord froze up, so I figured my game was next. So I restarted and that was that. But yeah, I don't usually quit mid game. But if I have to, I will.
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