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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. But why not include him? It's not like he couldn't be in MK11 and his own game. I think he would fit perfectly in MK11, especially with the likes of other horror icons, like they did with Jason and Leatherface.
  2. I didn't understand why you mentioned this: "If you're making the argument for the long term continuation" Thats all. Just didn't make sense in the context of the topic. Not trying to argue or anything. But yeah I second more games of banjo and earthworm jim, but definitely not yearly or even bi-yearly. I think that would hurt both series rather than help it.
  3. I wouldn't say they can't compete with Sony and Nintendo. I think they're doing just fine right now in terms of sales. It doesn't matter if they're 2nd or 3rd, as long as they're doing good financially I don't think they'll fret too much.
  4. Saw a video of the beginning of the game and not sure I'm feeling it. The characters are kinda cringe and they say some cringey shit. I'm still interested in getting it eventually, just for the gameplay mostly, but I'm not really sure what to expect from this story. https://youtu.be/DSvX0KOdBWQ
  5. Yeah most people couldn't afford it. For some people that's the price of a brand new car or something. This is probably meant for people who have money they can throw away lol. Yeah, I guess there's more to it than that. There are sensors all throughout and I guess the floor simulates you walking, so that alone has got to cost a bunch.
  6. And it has potential to be even better with additional arcade games. I imagine this game will result in them releasing packs of arcade games or separate ones you can buy. Would be smart to do I think.
  7. The esthetic and feel of red dead revolver is much different from Red Dead Redemption. From what I heard it's a lot more campy and not as realistic. I believe it's also influenced somewhat by Japanese culture, but don't quote me on that as I'm probably wrong.
  8. I'm thinking about doing the same, but I don't really want to provide feedback to EA about the game. I just want to play and see what they have going on so far. But maybe if I'm enjoying it, I'll provide some feedback.
  9. I think with auto saves, they should make it where you could have multiple ones, just in case. Much like you could with manual saves. Maybe save at intervals, or during certain chapters or something. Because let's face it, some people don't do manual saves all the time, so there's that chance something could come up. Idk I think it'd be a nice feature for someone who doesn't use manual saves often.
  10. Not sure what this has to do with the topic. And I think we need to get away from the yearly releases, if anything it has hurt games like COD, Assassin's Creed, Madden and more. It would probably hurt those franchises more than help them.
  11. All I want are side quests that are fun. Not tedious and boring like some are. If all side quests are fun, it will make that game that much better. There's just a lot of games that have tedious and or mundane side quests that don't feel fun.
  12. Oh I'm well aware of the history. Exclusively doesn't mean much these days. Hell Death Stranding is coming to gamepass now, I never would have expected that.
  13. I just got game pass again from Microsoft rewards, so I might check it out this weekend and see how it is. I don't know anyone else who has it, but I was thinking that maybe I'll stream it with friends and ask them to help me pick choices. Could be fun that way too. 🙂
  14. I think the main reason people don't know, is because they don't really advertise them anywhere. You'd think they would put a small ad on their Netflix app to promote them at least. And I see someone mentioned ads on Netflix. I'm for it. I don't mind ads before and after programming. Just as long as it's not in the middle of the program.
  15. For sure want to check this one out. It's made by Justin Roiland, who is the co-creator of Rick and Morty & Solar Opposites. They made another game a while ago, but I forget what it was called. Had a really wacky title though. And it was in VR if I remember correctly. Sadly I never got to play it.
  16. When was the last time a game like cod was released on a Nintendo console? I think it was the wii, maybe the wii u. But I don't think any came out for the switch. I think it'd be great and could easily be possible. They can easily tone down the graphics to work on the switch if needed. And I bet most games could do it too.
  17. Oh wow, I had no idea this was a thing. I remember a tomb raider game on iOS and Android that was similar to that Hitman GO game. But I have never heard of this. Not sure it's something I'd be into, but if it's free to play or doesn't cost much, I might look into it.
  18. Was Skylanders the ones that featured the likes of Spyro? Or was there another one I'm forgetting? I remember seeing a listing on Facebook marketplace for a box of figures lol for next to nothing a while back. Also, wasn't there another game where it utilized cards much like amiibos and such?
  19. The thing with the switch and why it works so well, is because of Nintendo and their exclusives. Their first party titles. And of course their hybrid console that makes it easier to play all of your games on the go. I think if Nintendo just made another console with no gimmicks, it probably would have failed like the wii u did. But being hybrid helped a ton. Having a handheld and console in one was a game changer. But future consoles will obviously need to upgrade the hardware to at least come close to current or new gen consoles.
  20. I can't say I've heard of it. I know about html5, but that's literally it to be honest. Can you explain what Nemo Gaming is? Is it a game?
  21. Unfortunately I don't think those kinks could be worked out. You're eyes are facing a screen for hours on end, it's most likely going to cause eye strain at some point. I know looking at a TV screen or computer screen for a long time can be bad for your eyes, especially if it's blue light. If they made it possible to add options to protect your eyes, that would help, like with the night light option on windows to tint your screen a bit yellow to help stop blue light from bothering you. Some people can probably last longer in VR than others, but there will probably always be some eye strain due to playing long enough.
  22. Something I'm capable in, like COD, GTA V and a few other games. But the majority of games I probably wouldn't be able to compete in. But yeah, probably COD as I can do pretty decent if I'm with a group of friends. Solo I wouldn't do too well.
  23. No idea. I figure there are varying tournaments out there, some that pay really good and some that pay a few hundred dollars or less. It depends on the players and the places hosting the tournament. I imagine you have to have a long history of being in esports or gaming tournaments to make the most money.
  24. I enjoyed the stick of truth. At times it was pretty tough, but was a lot of fun. I haven't played the fractured but whole yet, but was kinda turned off on the grid like system they use for it. I prefer how it was in stock of truth.
  25. The thing with the AC games, from 2 and up to syndicate I'd say, the gameplay hasn't changed a lot. I could see most people being able to jump into the series and learn to play them fine. The combat is one of the easiest things to do from what I recall.
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