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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. For me, I'm just lazy these days. I have no patience to wait for a game to arrive at my door, nor do I have the patience to install a game disc when I could just pre-install the digital game early on and have it ready for me day 1. I still wouldn't mind getting the physical version, because I wouldn't mind having it in my collection, but the ease of use that comes with digital is just more preferable to me.
  2. Exactly. You can make as many mistakes as you want in a video game. Yeah you may have to repeat a level a couple times, or load a save, but for the most part, you don't have to worry about the world in a video game as much as you do with real life. You can also turn off the game and take a break from it, you can't pause on life sadly. If I could I would totally pause every so often lol.
  3. Another one of my favorite gaming moments was coming home from school and playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game with some friends. We'd also play games like Renegade, Double Dragon, etc. Anything that's two player. One of my friends would always come over after school to play, sadly he passed away a few years ago I heard. We haven't' seen or talked to each other in probably 10 years before it happened. I also remember if we weren't gaming, we'd be outside with other friends wrestling. And then it would turn into real fights haha. Good times I guess lol. I didn't have my GBA for too long. Ended up gifting it to my niece for a birthday present years later. Still wonder if she kept it or gave it away to someone else.
  4. Depends on the boss battle really. There are some games that have some unruly bosses you have to deal with. While others are kinda tame and easy to get through. For me, the boss battle can be boring, annoying, too hard, and so on. There has been games like Beyond Good and Evil, that have an end boss I just hate. The end boss for that game, made you fight with your controls switched to the opposite direction. I told this story here before, but leading up to this boss battle, I saved at a point where I couldn't get anymore health items and was stuck with lower health. Due to this, I was technically screwed, as i didn't have enough health to beat it. Well I did, but I just sucked at it. So I gave up on the game because of it lol. With boss battles, I like them to be possible at least. I don't mind them being a bit tough, but damn, give me a chance at the least. Another game that comes to mind is Dark Souls with its difficulty. But I'd say the bosses aren't always the toughest, some of the smaller enemies can be a pain in your ass. But yeah, boss battles tend to suck in a lot of games, but there are some that do the boss battle good.
  5. I think the reason why we like it, is because we're not really killing people in a game. Also, I sometimes see NPCs as unrealistic, and therefore not real enough to make me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I can shoot a guy in the face in RDR2, because I know that NPC wasn't a real person, doesn't feel anything and so on. I can handle violence in video games, but I can't handle seeing violence in real life. If I see someone die for example, it weighs on me, I think about it for days and sometimes can't sleep. With a video game, it's not real, and doesn't feel real enough if that makes sense.
  6. I don't own a PS5, PS4, Switch and a few other consoles. But I wouldn't mind trying these games: PS5/PS4 - God of War 2, all the spiderman games, Uncharted series, Horizon games, and any other PS4/PS5 exclusive. I can get some on PC too. Switch - Pretty much every first party title they have. Mario Odyssey for sure, maybe the recent Zelda game too.
  7. Yes exactly. I love when fans of sports say this, because they are lazing about watching a sport they're not doing themselves. There is a joke I heard about this exact situation, where they made fun of the sports fan for making the comment. I forget who made it though. Yes, I will sometimes just ignore them, because arguing goes nowhere. I have told people it's the same as them watching their favorite show all day. Or sitting around on tiktok watching videos lol. As long as they don't comment on me, I don't comment on them.
  8. I can see some games being a pain to get into at the start. Isn't Rust kinda a MMO? I remember friends trying to get me to try that game, but I heard that each new player pretty much gets destroyed by griefers. With those types of games, they should make an option to go on passive so you don't have to get killed right away. It's why I don't play games like Rust, because they kinda require you to have people with you, otherwise you're pretty much screwed. An MMO should have a passive mode so that players can get situated with a game before they're tossed into a PVP situation.
  9. Fair, but this game is being built from the ground up, which makes it more than a remaster. When I hear "Remake" I think of a game that's completely new, but has the same ideas and story, has new controls, animations, design, etc. I hope it doesn't price out at $70, but with how most other games are jumping to that price now, I can see this remake being priced as so. I also just checked Amazon for some of the upcoming EA games, and Madden 23 for example is priced at $70 for the new gen versions. So my guess is that it'll go for $70 as well. But, I'll just wait for a while until the price drops before I pick it up. That's what I do for most games these days anyway.
  10. I wanted to add, that I'm going to try and steer my nephew into joining the esports team if his school keeps it around. I think he's genuinely good at gaming and I could see him doing pretty good in a league. Ah nice! I decided to go to college 5 years after high school though. Which I regret, because in order to get a degree in computer science, I needed to take tons of math classes, and after 5 years away from school, I honestly forgot most math haha. I took an intermediate algebra class and it all looked like a foreign language to me lol.
  11. I thought of this after commenting on another topic. You know how some people, mostly adults and the elderly like to say "Gaming is a waste of time", "Why don't you do something more productive", or "Gaming is for kids" etc. I still hear these excuses about how people think video games are below them or something. Yet someone will watch 90 day fiance on repeat. I just find it highly hypocritical to call someone's hobby a waste of time. Like nah man, I enjoy video games as much as you enjoy binging your favorite shows and watching your favorite trilogies or hell, reading that novel before you head to bed. I hate when I hear people say that, because they sound so dumb. Today, gaming is one of the biggest things in the world. From streamers, esports players and casual gamers, gaming has grown to become a billion dollar industry. It kinda reminds me how people thought gaming was a fad or a gimmick back in the 80s. Now days people are working in gaming, streaming, playing in tournaments for millions of dollars and more. What do you guys think though? Do you hate when people say this stuff to you about video games? Do you ever respond with quips like "Well you watch tv all day"?
  12. True, but I feel as if it doing it in such a short period of time is pretty impressive. Considering the console came out late 2020, and has only been out for nearly 2 years now, is pretty impressive to me. And considering these are lifetime sales we're comparing it to. But I agree, times are much different today, because gaming is a lot more popular than it was. I think gaming has become more popular because it's become more accepted in our culture as well. The days of people saying "oh you play video games, why waste your time?" or "video games are for children". Etc. These days people who say that, just look dumb. We can say the same about tv, movies, music, reading your favorite book, etc. I wonder if the PS5 will end up being the best selling console of all time.
  13. I'm not sure. I imagine this was removed from the Xbox marketplace soon after it was made clear. Especially if the first video I posted was taken down by Sony for Copyright reasons. My guess is Sony requested it be removed from the Xbox marketplace and they did it without question. I doubt they will go after the creator of the game either. It's probably some kid who just got started in game development and wanted to make a quick buck. I'm sure Xbox refunded everyone who bought the game too. Sony doesn't need to take legal action, all they need to do is say "hey buddy, you can't put a game with our property in it on your platform, remove post haste or you will face our lawyers" but much more professional lol. They probably also sent something to the creator as a warning, but I doubt they'd bother to sue over this. Now if it was a full fledged game, that looked good, then they'd be all over that I imagine.
  14. That's the thing, it doesn't have to be a GTA clone. That was just what Vince Gilligan thought of, because both properties are crime dramas. They could make a GTA clone in that world, but my guess is that it would be less open world and more linear than anything. I can't see a BB game being open world, as I think they'd want the focus to be more on the story than the game itself. That's what I think anyway. A telltale game would be great. They've done one for Game of Thrones and I could see it working for a story like BB. And true, BB has covered all the bases and the story is done. But, we have Better Call Saul, which is nearing its end, and El Camino was a movie that continued the story in some regards. It also doesn't need to be a game specifically about the main BB show. It could be a spin-off like how Better Call Saul is, or it could be a smaller story, like how El Camino was. I could see a game in the world of BB, a spin-off, a prequel, a side story during the show, etc. It could be done, it's just a matter of what they want to do. I never would expect a game that retells the same story. I think with Vince Gilligan is that he wants to tell new stories, so if anything, if this were to ever happen, it'd be a story within that world rather than a continuation or remake. Also, if they do ever make a game, Vince has to be the one in charge, and writing it of course.
  15. Don't most gaming laptops get loud? I remember watching someone on YouTube, maybe Linus Tech Tips or Dawid, I don't remember who it was, but I remember someone go on about how gaming laptops just get loud. Maybe this was with earlier gaming laptops and new ones these days are a lot more quieter. But I also imaging even newer gaming laptops need a lot of cooling to keep it safe. But, I never owned a gaming laptop, and honestly not sure I'd want one. I think a gaming desktop is more my style.
  16. Awesome stuff! 😄 I've been seeing a lot of videos from them on TikTok as of late. Mainly because every RDR2 thing I check out I favorite. I believe all of them have a tiktok as well, I think I follow Roger and Rob. I love how Benjamin Byron Davis and Rob Weithoff don't have to change their voice at all, it's just them. And with Roger, what accent does he have? He has this interesting accent I can't place. But yeah, I can see Rockstar going to the well of actors that they have to find voice actors for their major roles. But then again, a lot of these actors are probably picked up from elsewhere or they have to audition. I think most of them did audition for their roles.
  17. Sadly I do not own a PS5, but I wouldn't mind getting one soon, or whenever I can financially afford it. I don't think I necessarily need one though, I feel like the catalog is still kinda small. I have a gaming PC as well, so I honestly don't see a point in rushing to get one, same with the Series X. I'm not seeing anything from either that would push me to purchase them yet anyway, especially since I feel pretty good with what I can get on PC at the moment. One of these days though, maybe I'll get one. 🙂
  18. AC2 is a great game, one of my personal favorites, but I think Brotherhood was a far better game. It took what 2 did and pretty much did even more. AC2 was an awesome game, but I think Brotherhood was where the series officially started to get going. If they added the auto climb mechanic from 3, I think 2 and Brotherhood would be even better. And to be fair, earlier AC games were fairly easy to play. Aside from some missions, I remember the combat being really simple and easy. I didn't complain though, because it made me feel like a badass running down tons of enemies with ease.
  19. I watched a playthrough of SOMA years ago, and always wanted to give it a go, but I figured it would be pointless after watching people play it. It is one of those games where you don't know what could be around the corner. Given that you're in space and I think you're in an abandoned station without power. It's dark, and enemies are random if I remember correctly. I kinda disagree about Layers of Fear though. It's essentially a walking simulator with jump scares. I get why people like it, because the atmosphere is pretty dope, but for me, that's all it's got going for it. Plus I probably hate it more due to the early access version I played breaking on me twice. To which point, replaying it a third time, the scares just didn't do it for me.
  20. That's why I never understood why people claim games cause violence. For me, a person who isn't violent at all, I have played a lot violent games out there. I've never been inspired by a game to kill, or to go out and hurt someone. I have played games where I just go on a killing sprees. Like with GTA V and RDR2. I have often found that I like going around killing people. But I would never have an urge to actually go out and kill people in real life.
  21. Yeah I should have said the PS4, PS3 and then the PS2. I don't recall how many sales the PS1 had, but I'm sure it's up there as well. But yeah, It's crazy to think how fast the consoles have moved. Even with the Series X. I think it's partly due to covid and people being in doors. Plus I imagine some people used their stimulus checks to get the new consoles. Didn't the PS5 and Series X come out mid pandemic? And on top of that, I think there are more people interested in gaming these days, so that could be a reason why sales have increased.
  22. I don't know, I wouldn't say that so much. I think a lot of these ideas are fine to replicate in other games, as long as it's not 100% copied and is made their own, it should be fine. THat's the beauty of this sort of thing, because legally people can make similar styles of games, but they need to make it their own and not copy it to a point where it's exactly the same thing. It needs to be changed just enough and even be an improvement in some ways for it to be allowed. That's why you see so many similar devices out there. Because people produce products to compete with those things.
  23. They won't do much of anything, true. But I think they will do some support fixes here and there when needed. They won't 100% drop support, at least not yet. They'll let things ease in, as they allow the user base to continue to die down, and once there's not many people playing anymore, they'll drop the support. The support they will give will be for bugs and other such things. And once the user base is down low enough, they'll probably let gamers go to town on the online mode. Kinda like what they did with GTA IV and RDR1 online. I can imagine those two games are a hacked mess now online. But maybe some people found a way to make the servers work again.
  24. Yeah I'm normally pausing my games to go and handle something in the other room, or take my dog out, stuff like that pretty much. If there's a time where I think I'll be gone for longer, I will then turn the game off, even mid mission if I need to. In terms of taking a break from a game for a while longer, I do that sometimes too. Usually though, if I take a long break, I don't tend to come back to the game anytime soon. So it may go back into the wait pile as I play something else, or take on life stuff. I do that a lot with games these days. Did it with the Guardians of the Galaxy game. Played one day, and then never looked back. I still want to finish it, but I don't know if I want to bother as I'd have to learn the controls again lol.
  25. There are games you can play while sitting down, so you don't need to utilize a full room. But I believe most VR games out there are better suited for a bigger space so you can move around without issue. There are also VR devices that you can step into that makes it easier to walk on, but I imagine that would be extremely expensive. Like the Virtusphere device. It's like a circular cage you can step in to play VR games a bit more easily. Here's their site - http://www.virtusphere.com/ There's no price info available, they require you to email them for that. I bet it's up there though.
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