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Everything posted by m76

  1. G2A is not a seller it is a marketplace, they have been often accused of allowing stolen keys (ie keys purchased with stolen credit card information) to be sold on the site, so I'd avoid it. I recommend cdkeys.com, it's at worst leveraging regional price differences, which I don't think is a crime. Publishers shouldn't price gouge different regions anyway. And then there is greenmangaming, which is completely over the counter as far as I know, just acting as a reseller of keys.
  2. I'm probably one of the few people who liked the move controllers on the PS3, and with that it was much preferable to stand. Playing Heavy Rain, with the move was a much more immersive experience. it was such a disappointment that they already dropped move support for Beyond two Souls.
  3. I agree that schools need to be more career oriented and need to teach the quest for knowledge instead of hammering in useless facts that make every kid miserable. But at the same time I don't think esports should be viewed as a career opportunity. Esports is a recreational activity, making careers out of it is not economically viable. I mean you never hear of "football high school" sports are always a side activity at schools and not the main focus. Everyone needs something to fall back on after their sports career is over, be it actual athleticism or esports.
  4. VGHS seemed far fetched when it came out a few years ago, never thought it would become reality and so soon.
  5. Banning ideas makes them go underground, and fester, where it gains a secret following. You can't see the forest because of the trees, that I'm actually taking the side of LGBTQ people*. Actual homophobes should be exposed and ridiculed, not hidden away from view to protect the feelings of those people. Sheltering is never the answer. You are being condescending to any non straight person by being offended on their behalf. They are not weaker, nor do they need you to be their straight saviour. *I hate to use the word community, because that suggests they are somehow all the same and must act as a group rather than individuals. It's like saying the straight community, there is no such thing as a straight community, I Have nothing in common with most other straight people. So why should there be an LGBTQ community? Where everyone who is not straight is lumped together as if they are indistinguishable from each other. To me this seems more homophobic than any stupid game can ever be. In the UK there is no freedom of speech as such. I'm not going to be dragged into a debate about UK laws. You can be arrested there just for cursing in public. You think people have no agency and they need someone to tell them what is bad and what is not. But you already know this game is offensive, then why do you assume others can't see that? Why doesn't it turn you into a homophobe, but it turns others? The only reputation that is damaged by such works of "art" are the people who created it. Can you imagine anyone who was not a homophobe but then decides to become one based on this ridiculous thing? If anything it could help exposing closeted homophobes, by looking at who liked the game. Obviously there are limitations to free speech, like you can't threaten someone with violence. But you are really grasping at straws here by trying to somehow imply that killing then also falls under freedom of expression. A videogame is not equivalent to the act of murder, it is art, no matter how grass and distasteful it might be. If you think that this game is a call to arms to let's kill the gays, then wouldn't that make Carmageddon a call to arms to run down pedestrians? Nobody in the history of the world has ever thought that murder should fall under freedom of expression. Yet you hinge your argument against freedom of expression on that. Not whatever, direct calls to violence against people or groups is obviously not freedom of expression, just as divulging personal information without the involved people's consent. So obviously revenge porn isn't covered by freedom of expression. Neither is child exploitation, which some youtube channels borderline fall into, but I digress. But you don't know in what context would this happen in the game. By taking the publisher's side you are condemning all the developers involved. You'd rather assume that everyone involved is morally bankrupt than give them a chance and judge the actual game. A swat team eliminating a terrorist threat at an airport or an active shooter at a school, what's the fundamental difference? Both are being part of a swat team There are children at airports too. If it's handled well I don't see why would this make the developers "deeply stupid" There is no better textbook example of censorship than a publisher refusing to publish something.
  6. The first isometric game I can remember is Racing Destruction Set from 1985 on C64. As for PC it might be little big adventure from 1994.
  7. I thought there were none, but Wing Commander might be one of those if we don't count the spinoffs.
  8. I hate it when games force you into situations. Like walking into obvious traps, knowing fully well that it is a trap, but the game does not allow you to avoid it.
  9. Yes, it is creative liberty, if someone chooses to do a degenerate game let them, and leave it to the audience to scrutinize it. If stupid ideas should be ridiculed, not banned, so everyone sees it for their stupidity. One does not follow the other. Just because I don't want something to be censored / banned doesn't mean I think it's a good idea. If something is distasteful and has no artistic value the audience will call it out, it doesn't need to be censored because word of mouth will prevail. Bad games should be put out in the open to be ridiculed. If it's banned the creator can claim it was the best game ever, and nobody can call them bluff. If it's in the open everyone can see it for what it is. As the saying goes: I might disapprove of what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
  10. A teaser trailer should sell the idea of the game. It has to be intriguing,it does not need to show anything about the game itself, it's job is to be memorable and to create an atmosphere that sucks you in.
  11. On my first play through of games I don't plan anything, I do what feels natural in the context of the story and character. especially when the game's narrative suggests haste. Even if most games don't punish you for wasting time in those situations, I go for full immersion.
  12. Redesigning characters sends the message that there was something wrong with them. Which is quite hurtful to those who already come to like them and identified with the character as they were. So unless we are talking about a complete reboot of a series redesigns are a big red flag to me. As for locations, that's an entirely another thing, with technical advancements locations can be made bigger and more detailed, which necessitates some degree of redesign. The important bit is that the location keeps its atmosphere and general vibe.
  13. I was banned from one particular forum where I was a member for 10 years simply for spam, without warning and recourse. I still don't know what did I do that was considered spam. But all my previous posts and account were simply deleted. I was also banned for another forum because I said things are a bit slow / there aren't enough active posters, and the owner of the forum took offence.
  14. In game NFTs will and probably be replicated by the company themselves. But I couldn't care less about protecting the uniqueness of NFTs, it is the environmental implications that concern me.
  15. This is exactly what political correctness is, avoiding topics that are sensitive, so to not offend anyone. How can you have thought provoking games if you refuse to put out something because it might upset someone? Who decides what is bad taste and what is not? Let the audience decide if they want a game that tackles this topic. Anything can be butchered to a point where it becomes bad taste, like the WW2 representation in Call of Duty Vanguard. It's not the topic, but how its handled that matters. If every game was refused publishing that somebody somewhere thought was in bad taste, then not many games would make it into market.
  16. The gaming industry always had a high turnover rate. We don't know what is the usual turnover rate at Ubisoft, and how much worse was it in the period they are discussing. You always hear big names leaving all the time from other developers as well. So I can't draw any conclusions from this. This is anecdotal at best "We had to call someone who quit", happens sometimes, and it is not unique to them. I could cry about the great exodus at my company too, I've seen so many colleagues come and go, some actually left, then come back, then quit again while I was there continuously. So I don't find people leaving a company to seek other opportunities or challenges automatically a sign of something sinister.
  17. I play more when good games release. So it's not up to me when I play more.
  18. Not really, I had to wait until my first job to get my first console. I didn't even ask for it, because even things that I did ask for sometimes were deemed too expensive that cost a fraction of a gaming console. You have to understand that even after the communist bloc has dissolved videogames were prohibitively expensive for us living in the former communist influence. For example a videogame (not a console, a single game) cost almost as much as the minimum wage for a month in the early nineties.
  19. I know I could never have a collection that is actually complete of anything, because some things are just too rare and expensive or hard to get. So I just get random stuff that I like and is cheap enough.
  20. Well if you count writing reviews on them then yes, I kept a journal about most games I Finished since about 2008. And sometimes I do use it as a journal reading back some of my old thoughts.
  21. I don't see it as breaking the game, I see it as finding alternate solutions to problems. And I think the best games are set apart from just OK games by allowing these alternate solutions to problems, and not just one specific solution that the level designer had in mind.
  22. It's been cheap because there were barely any games of interest this year. And I didn't pay much even for the games that I actually played. For example I paid $1 for a games pass trial subscription to try a few games like Forza Horizon 5. And I played Far Cry 6 using uplay+ subscription, and promptly cancelled it after finishing the game. I've spent just under $250 on games this year.
  23. I used to break keyboards, but I managed to channel my anger and I'm glad to say that my current keyboard has to be replaced because it is getting worn out, rather than because of any physicial damage.
  24. I don't even remember the last time I've seen a great movie. And even if a movie is great it is 100-120 minutes of entertainment at best. Even the shortest games last 10-15 hours. So I'll always chose games over movies.
  25. I finished 4 games this year, three of which was not released in 2021. So I think 2021 was the worst year for gaming since I've started playing videogames more than 30 years ago.
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