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Everything posted by m76

  1. I followed the development of the first one closely and was very excited for it, but unfortunately the game turned out mediocre at the end. So I can't say I'm excited for this one. Might pick it up later at a deep discount. Or if reliable sources claim it doesn't have the drawbacks of the first game.
  2. I used to enjoy angryjoe's reviews, but not lately. Nowadays I'm not really leaning on reviews, I'd rather write my own reviews. Occasionally I'll read or listen to reviews but more for entertainment value than actual buying advice.
  3. I think if anything understanding the internal workings of games gives me a greater appreciation for games that do things well. And make me more harsh on games that use obvious shortcuts to implement something.
  4. Hm, there seems to be a bit of revisionist history in the video. If memory serves the first included no 20. controversy was not about the game, but the dude's appearance on the game shows awards, where he said some controversial things. I didn't even know of the game cameo until now,. So it must not have been that big of a controversy then. And number 18 is also a bit of a reach. Because the mining allegations were never properly debunked, just nobody seemed to care as the game was removed anyway. Just because the devs denied it on twitter is not exactly proof. Interestingly none of the articles claiming that it was debunked showed any sources proving it. A denial is not a debunking. And of all things having an unsolicited bitcoin miner on your device is probably one of the most legitimate reasons to be upset about. And 17 is not even a controversy. Nobody got upset about that except for the asset flipping dev who made that atrocity. I thought a controversy is when there is mass outrage about something. no 16, is another bad take on watchmojo's part. If a game comes out with a specific voice actor, then replacing that undoubtedly will cause friction. So I Think asking for having player choice in the voice is a perfectly reasonable thing. no 12. here we go again. Locking content to an ultra duper special edition is very much a problem in the gaming industry nowadays, and if anything more people should call out devs and publishers on this. no 11. In a political climate where every white person is often collectively blamed by activists for slavery in the US, virtue signaling about that is obviously not going to go down well. Everybody knows slavery is bad, and we are tired of some folks thinking that people need reminding of that, or worse claiming that we are somehow responsible or benefiting from events that happened hundreds of years ago in a far far away place. Again bigoted us developers forget that the world does not end at the us border. no 9. This just gets worse and worse. The upset about halo was not about the fruit specifically but the overall lack of next gen qualities to the game, this is just one shoddy piece that makes the whole game underwhelming, which is a legitimate gripe for a supposed flasgship next gen title. no 6. Wait if they said they are going to remove it, why did they make it in the first place? Just blizzard caught in another lie I guess. Not that I Think it should've been removed in the first place. What kind of snowflake gets offended by a covered butt? no 4. This was actually funny, the guy who has come prepared with a crab should've been rewarded not banned. Also it's funny how they say it's an assault by dead crab to somehow make the offence worse. Words you'd never utter otherwise. What are you eating? A dead crab. LOL.
  5. That's a good question. I sometimes do some things that I wouldn't otherwise do just to get the attached achievement or reward, but there are lines I do not cross.
  6. Jump scares were always lazy, but I'd go one further than that. Because what are jump scares? Yeah, scripted sequences. I say all scripted events in a game are lazy.
  7. I wouldn't say I'm intimidated by either. But sneaking is more thrilling, and mistakes are usually more final. But the best kind of game is where there is no clear line between sneaking and fighting, you use both as the situations require or allow it. Actually, I tend to dislike games were either is mandated and not your choice.
  8. You serious? They'd be first on my don't touch with a 10 foot pole list. After the travesty that was avengers, outriders, and now the uninspired guardians of the galaxy.
  9. Since I'm not US based there is no way for me to partake in that offer.
  10. I hate to say it, but now it's not the time to invest into a gaming PC. But since starfield is still far away, you have the luxury of time. So my advice is wait and see. And whatever you do if you decide to get a pre-built be sure to do your homework on it, because pre-builts are kind of like lootboxes, you can get decent value, or you can be completely screwed over with something that won't run even fortnite, let alone starfield.
  11. I have this ongoing issue where I can't find a good gaming chair for myself. I'm really frustrated at this point, even when I try out the chair in the shop after taking it home it's just never right. Currently I'm using a Frankenstein chair put together from several office seats, that is somewhat bearable, but it's far from perfect. So how do you choose your gaming chair? You just buy something and use it?
  12. m76


    I like a challenge, I don't like games that are deliberately made to annoy the player. What I hate most is when games make you repeat long sequences because you made one tiny mistake at the end of that sequence. The only thing that is challenging is my patience, not my skill. If I do A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and then fail at H, I only want to retry H, not the whole shebang. Why don't you make me restart the entire game while you at it? Yeah I know there are some games with permadeath modes, but as long as they are only optional gameplay modes I Have nothing against them.
  13. I think Ghost Recon Wildlands has the most expansive open world with several towns and cities. According to its wiki it has 67 settlements.
  14. I think lootboxes are real gambling. The only difference is that with real gambling you have the chance however marginal to win a big prize. With lootboxes you ever loose, because even if you get what you wanted, it is a digital item that literally costs nothing to the company selling the lootboxes. So the dealer wins no matter what.
  15. I have zero interest in speedrunning as a player. I view it as a curiosity. But speedruns that exploit glitches are impossible to follow so they are not interesting even as a curiosity to an outsider. I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, I couldn't care less how others play games as long they don't try to tell me how I should play them.
  16. Depending on how open the sky is in the park you might be able to find the cache using your phone, it's not impossible, just ignore caches in deep forests or mountainous areas.
  17. Yes, some. For example Far Cry 6 was way too easy. What is baffling to me are the games that remove the difficulty setting option, which quite a few big games did recently. Control, Deathloop, Far Cry 6. I don't know what was wrong with difficulty settings? I've had no problem playing games on easy when I found them too hard on medium or regular difficulty. And the same way I could put the difficulty to very hard or extreme in some games where I enjoyed the challenge. But now I no longer have the option, because some people are so narcissistic that playing on easy hurts their ego. So they'd rather remove the difficulty completely from games, to avoid what they perceive as embarrassment.
  18. One of my colleagues is into geocaching, he was at some point the leader of the local geocaching community. He still bicycles up to 10k miles a year at 65. That said for geocaching your phone is not going to cut it. Firstly because its battery will die if you use to navigate all day. And second it's not nearly precise enough to pinpoint your location, especially in a forest. You need dedicated hiking GPS if you are serious about it. Your phone's GPS can be 100 meters off, or even more, a hiking GPS should be accurate to around 5-10 meters.
  19. Oh, I played Dirt, Colin Mcrae rally, and lots of others. they just didn't make it on the list.
  20. Racing games are constantly evolving, so you can't have one favorite. A new game comes around from time to time to dethrone the others. So here are my favorite racing games over the times: Test Drive 3 1990 Stunts 1991 The Need for Speed 1995 Motorhead 1998 Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed 2000 Gran Turismo 4 2004 Test Drive Unlimited 2006 Gran Turismo 5 2010 NFS Shift 2 2011 Project Cars 2 2017 Honourable mentions: Car & Driver 1992 Fatal Racing 1995 Destruction Derby 1995 Need For Speed 2 SE 1997 Gran Turismo 1998 Gran Turismo 2 1999 1nsane 2000 Street Legal Racing 2003 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 2010 Gran Turismo 6 2013 I was a racing game fanatic, well I still would be, if there was any racing game worthy of the name. I also love racing simulations that I excluded from this list.
  21. It's simple. Owning a PC was justified by many other things than gaming. And consoles were far too expensive as a toy, so I could never afford them as a kid. I got my first console as an adult after I started working a regular job.
  22. Quest markers are distracting but not in the way you think. If you have a quest marker you go there in a straight line without regard to anything else. If you don't have one that encourages exploration and makes the game far more immersive. The unguided mode was introduced in Assassin's Creed Odyssey and it was an instant hit with me. They also carried it over to the Ghost Recon franchise with Breakpoint.
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