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Everything posted by m76

  1. What's interesting in Doom is that the monsters never attack their own kind, except for the human zombies. Are they trying to tell us something with that?
  2. It's irritating, any immersion breaking element, that is put inside the game world is a big no-on for me. Like highlighting items, or navigation markers, damage numbers flying off of enemies, I hate them all.
  3. I didn't even know xbox controllers used regular batteries. Too bad I'm not an US citizen, a 5 day all inclusive gaming holiday would be nice.
  4. I'm not holding out hope. Black Friday has become a throwaway phrase here in Europe, there are literal companies that have a "black friday sale" all year long. And some do their own "black friday" one week before or after the actual black friday. They can do this because black friday is not an official thing here since there is no thanksgiving either. Still if there are some unmissable deals I might go for them, but I doubt it.
  5. Characters and storytelling are the most important for me too, but it can't in of itself determine the quality of a game. You can have the best story ever in a game if everything else is terrible the game will be terrible. A game needs to meet a certain standard in all metrics to be considered a quality product.
  6. I don't see why would anyone be against this, unless they are afraid to give up their "exclusive club" membership. The fact that a game is later ported to another platform, does not affect your experience in any way shape or form. So being against it can only be for egotistical and not practical reasons. The argument that consoles holding back progress is a good thing is ridiculous. And it doesn't even apply here as these games are first made for consoles then ported to PC, so they are already held back. If the games were tailored for the bleeding edge PCs, that would be a good thing. In fact games should even go beyond that and be future proof to a degree where you can't max out every setting even on the very best available hardware at the time of release. So later when more advanced hardware comes around the game can benefit from its capabilities providing an even better experience. PC games always had graphical options that you can turn off or to a lower level if you don't have the necessary hardware. Why would you want everyone to have the inferior experience, even those who have better hardware? This is already happening behind the scenes. Where multiplatform games that release same day on console / PC run at very different graphical settings, of course the console version having a locked in setting that you can't change, but it's usually not equivalent of the highest setting available on PC, it is a mix and match of things tailored to the capabilities of said console, and that's alright. It would even be possible for the devs that when a pro version comes around like the PS4 Pro, to enable higher graphical settings in the game, since they are already ready and made available for the PC version. Everyone benefits, except those who revel in exclusion.
  7. Mass Effect trilogy on insanity difficulty. (Although I hear the legendary edition is made easier, I haven't played that yet) Ghost Recon Wildlands / Breakpoint on extreme Far Cry 1 on realistic DeusEx on realistic Max Payne 1-2 Crysis 1-2, Warhead Basically any game I completed on hard difficulty, because if its not satisfying I turn it down, if it still isn't I quit playing that game.
  8. In some games the walking speed is as fast or faster than running in reality. I'm not a fan of walking either way. I think the solution to the walking problem in opeen world games are vehicles, or mounts whichever is appropriate. Yes, I'm looking at you bethesda, thank god you can't walk in space, or can you?
  9. Some games are too aggressive with hints. If you are taking your time or try to explore they start to bombard you with hints. I think unsolicited hints are bad 9 out of 10 times. A few games were made like you could manually ask for a hint when stuck. I think that is the best way.
  10. Battlefield games since BFIV racing games made by criterion Outriders Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Force Unleashed 2
  11. Yes, they are both great games, but Half-Life 1 stood out more in its time than HL2 did when that came out. I finished Half-Life at least 10 times, and only played HL2 once or twice.
  12. Actually I did that one twice. I don't remember if I did every race, or just the main ones, it was a long time ago.
  13. I think the only game where it worked because it was a novel idea was the original half-life. In half life 2 it was already detracting from the experience, not adding to it.
  14. Depends on the game, in a fantasy game always helmet off, but in a space game it wouldn't make much sense.
  15. The most comprehensive customization options are in APB:Reloaded. The game was a failure that somehow still exists on life support, but the character customization is something that every other game should learn from it.
  16. I hate competitive gaming, it takes the fun right out of it. I'm probably best at racing sim games, but I couldn't compete with professionals who practice 8 hours a day and learn every trick and shortcut and bending of the rules to be the fastest. I achieved gold in every licence challenge in Gran Turismo games up to GT6. I think I might have missed one coffee break challenge in GT4 that I just couldn't get.
  17. Ironically the game that keeps me occupied when I'm not actually gaming haven't even released yet. I keep thinking about Test Drive Solar Crown, hoping it will be good despite it is only slated for a 2022 September release. Test Drive Unlimited is my all time favorite racing game, and I can only hope the new version will capture the essence of what made it so good. While the teaser trailers were encouraging I'm not exactly thrilled with the map reveal.
  18. When something completely crazy and unexpected causes you to fail, that seemingly defies the game's own established rules. Like multiple over ninety percent certain shots missing in a row in xcom. Or, when an RPG says your attack is expected to do 100% damage to the selected enemy, yet it still takes 5 or more hits to take it down. These instances cause me to laugh frantically or cry out in utter frustration often at the same time. But the same effect can be achieved when the story takes a completely daft turn, like someone taking an action completely out of character.
  19. It's not about resources, but chasing trends and thinking they know better what people want than the people.
  20. It's one of the worst games I've ever tried. Only recently beaten by outriders for me as the absolute worst.
  21. I think barely see means, go down until you don't see it, then go back one step. That should be it.
  22. There were so many it would be hard to list them all. Here are 10 of the best. Test Drive III: The Passion 1990, this was basically my introduction to PC gaming, and as a kid I was obsessed with cars, so this game blew my mind. I've played some games before this one on other systems but I wasn't much about videogames before this one, this changed everything. I immediately wanted a PC. But it was at least a year later until my parents had the opportunity to buy a retired PC from the company they worked for. For an 8 year old a year is an eternity. Stunts. 1991 This was my favorite racing game for years, mainly due to it having a track builder. I used to plan maps on paper during the day while I was in dreary boring daycare, that I would build after I got home in the evening. Doom II 1994 The first FPS game that I really liked, John Romero is a genius for the level design of this game is another level, a level that I haven't seen since. if someone asked me to name the most perfect videogame this would be it. The Need of Speed 1995. The racing game that stepped up realism to an adequate level, everything before this was a joke, now we were getting serious. Command & Conquer 1995. My real introduction to real time strategy. I played Dune II but it was just a game for me it didn't really stand out. But C&C was a genre defining game, and it's sequel, Red Alert ended up as my most anticipated game ever, dethroned only by The Last of Us Part II. Transport Tycoon Deluxe 1995. The most satisfying game, one I still occasionally play to this date. There is no other game like it. It is timeless. I indeed played it this year too. That is 26 years later, I just want you to feel the weight of that. Other games become obsolete and not really satisfying to play without modern upgrades and remasters. Carmageddon 1997. I've mentioned my obsession with cars, but it's only half of the story, I was/am also obsessed with crashing cars, and this was the first game that allowed that with any kind of realism. So of course it become an instant favorite. The first game I stayed up until 1 am to play. Half Life 1998. If Doom II is the perfect game level design wise, this is the perfect one gameplay wise, shooting was never so visceral and enjoyable before, or since. I completely forgot time when this came out, and I only realized after 4am that I probably should go to sleep. That never happened to me since then, a complete loss of sense of time. System Shock II 1999. The most creepy and atmospheric game ever created. Bioshock is a mainstreamized knock off of System Shock, nothing more, this is the real deal. Gut wrenchingly scary, complex, but not overbearing. DeusEx 2000. Finally the model game that all games should be trying to dethrone as the best immersive simulator. Unfortunately that still hasn't happened to this date.
  23. Not as much participated as conducted surveys on an old forum I used to be a member at. One was a survey about what is the best game ever as per the users there. Another one was not strictly gaming related, as it was the video cards of users, this was pretty comprehensive including breakdowns of manufacturer, oem, memory size, directx version etc. I still have the results from these somewhere.
  24. 10 seconds? Whatever time it takes to remove something old. I can't say that I have experienced it on a console, as I only buy the very best exclusives and I play every game on PC that is possible.
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