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Everything posted by m76

  1. Mea culpa, I misunderstood, she said "The beginning of games with female leads, the first tomb raider". I interpreted that As in the first game to have a female lead. Still Tomb Raider is nowhere near the beginning of the history of female leads, so my statement stands.
  2. This is just pure revisionist history. There were plenty of games with female leads before tomb raider. That Tomb Raider was the first game with a female lead is utterly ridiculous. And who even thinks about the gender of a dot with a mouth?
  3. The article says that 60% of games had both male and female playable characters, then how is it 80% male? Oh, did they count all NPCs? This is clickbait for the sake of clickbait. If henchman were female in games, then they'd cry "videogames glorify violence against women" or some other clickbaity headline.
  4. Confused with real life? Never Confused with an actual photograph? Within 10 years.
  5. I don't think Fallout is a dystopia. There is no real social order, just a bunch of independent factions and settlements. Mirror's Edge, Half Life2, DeusEx, are pretty good dystopias I think. Least realistic I think would be dishonored.
  6. Are we talking about retro inspired games or actual retro games? Because I think new games that just try to look like they are from the 80s or early 90s, are seriously uncool.
  7. That is why I only play on PC for the most part and set all controls similarly. On console I forget the controls mid game, because of muscle memory from another game I played. It's awful and thus I avoid playing games on console whenever possible.
  8. The opposite annoys me much more. When the game expects you to remember minor details or codes by heart. They forget that you aren't going trough the entire game in one sitting, so if I don't play for a few days or even weeks how am I supposed to remember information my character was told in my last gaming session?
  9. In games I don't even want to interact with real people. Games should be my escape from reality. Add real people to it, and it is utterly ruined. I don't have a problem interacting with people in real life, but I don't initiate contact with strangers unless absolutely necessary. In games however you are lead to believe that you stand to gain by interacting with NPCs. It'd be great if some games were more realistic in this regard, as in you might even get in trouble by initiating contact with the wrong NPC.
  10. Nothing is 100% secure, if there is enough incentive to hack it will be hacked.
  11. You obviously didn't even read my entire post. Shame. Just because amazon treats employees in the shipping department poorly doesn't mean we can lie about non-compete agreements being unique to their developer department. If the ends justify the means, then we are no better than them: SCUM. Full disclosure: I hate amazon, I think they have too much power as a corporation. And I avoid using them when there are viable alternatives. Yeah that's how off the mark you are when you accuuse me of licking their ass. But I also hate clickbait farming youtubers, who are too lazy to do even basic research for their videos.
  12. Actually, you miss my point, for the nth time. I'm starting to think it is deliberate. Did I say it was fair? No, I said it is common practice. But again it is painted as if this is something egregious that happens nowhere else but at the amazon developer studio. Which is gross misrepresentation. That's what I take issue with. And? What is your point? I didn't say literally every company has a non-compete. But I'm sure they considered doing it after that precedent 😛 They can't penalize employees unless it wsa in their contract that they can't work in the same field while employed there. For example my company also has an anti poaching clause. Meaning I can't go to work to any of their business partners within 2 years of terminating my employment there. Small businesses are less likely to have them, this is a big corporate thing usually. And before you misconstrue this too, no I'm not saying every corporation has a non-compete. I didn't say I like this policy. I think employees should retain some intellectual rights even for things they produce on company time. But going by common practice Amazon could outright ban them from pursuing outside projects like my company does, so they are actually making a concession but it is represented as the most evil ever. It is amazon's business if they create a title that is in direct competition with amazon. They could actually be taking inspiration from work, or withholding their ideas to implement in their own project instead of the company's. It's a clear conflict of interest.
  13. Most corporations have non-compete clauses in their employment contracts, this is nothing new. So again this is something blown out of proportion by ignorant influencers. Usually you are not allowed to pursue side projects that are in direct competition with your employer. So in this amazon is actually less draconian by allowing them to pursue side projects but reserving the right to assimilate them. One of my co-workers was fired for founding a company in his name to pursue similar work as my company specializes in.
  14. Literally nothing. I had zero idea, and that made choosing a school quite difficult as well.
  15. More like 10 Things most gamers don't want to do.
  16. Season passes are like loot boxes you never know exactly what are you going to get for your money upfront. I only got season passes when it was included in the deluxe edition of a game that I could get a good deal on. Once or twice I bought a season pass after the season to get past content. But even then the content didn't live up to my expectation. So basically a season pass is just a pre-paid subscription to a live service, no thanks.
  17. It's not that they are sheep, but how much better it is to blame videogames than to admit to bad parenting? Even parents whose kids haven't done anything, it is a comforting thought that they can wash their hands of any responsibility in case the kid does something stupid.
  18. You think there will be on location scenes in this? No way in hell, every environment will be done in post or virtual sets.
  19. If this is their overall strategy then the show is doomed. THROW MOAR MONEY AT IT!!!!
  20. I'd study the effects of 'violent' games on kids, and prove it once and for all that there is no correlation whatsoever between playing videogames and committing real world violence.
  21. I went to an IT oriented high school, (not VGS) so of course everything was about gaming. But online gaming didn't exist yet back then, it only started to emerge as I was leaving HS. So everything was offline. We had several quake tournaments at the school.
  22. I hate prequels. I just can't enjoy a story when I already know a fixed point in the future where all the characters will end up. Everything you do in a prequel is weightless, as the future has already happened and is immutable. And I don't mean prequels that are set in the same world but follow new characters, that is OK. But then that is not really a prequel just a shared universe.
  23. Fog, has been done extremely well since the mid nineties when the first decent 3D Accelerators came out. The worst while not exactly weather, i think is darkness. In most games you can either see clear as day or nothing at all when it is supposed to be dark. It just never feels right. They also struggle with snow, there were some strides in this regard recently but it is still not good enough.
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