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Everything posted by m76

  1. Battlefield I don't understand how this franchise is so popular. Every game I've tried from it was more atrociously bad than the last. I'm not a COD fan by a longshot, but damn BF makes COD look like masterpieces of high art.
  2. Alien Isolation, damned randy pitchford and the shitshow that was colonial marines ruined any chance that this game ever had. When you put out total garbage it is never the garbage that suffers, but the title coming out next in the franchise.
  3. I was all about tech between 2000-2010. I'm still much more aware of it than the average person, but don't follow every small detail and every field anymore. Only ones that are relevant to me.
  4. Easy: Pizza. Any and all kinds. I even like Hawaiian pizza despite of actual Hawaiians vehemently disowning it.
  5. What monsanto is allowed to do in the US is not just greedy, but reckless, as typical for humans to prioritize short term gains over long term survival. Another similar mistake is cryptocurrency mining. Imagine everyone sitting at home using electricity to produce virtual money. They aren't just non contributors to society, they are actively destroying the economy and the planet at the same time. It is mind boggling.
  6. Starting world war I. It also directly resulted in WWII. If everyone were just able to sit on their asses, but no. There is always someone iching for war.
  7. Because I highly doubt it. I haven't even checked it out. With gaming news coming out left and right all year long, what is the significance of such an event? To me E3 was last interesting when I was relying on printed magazines to get my gaming news. It was the time of year when every major reveal and announcement happened. But now with the internet being as accessible as running water, there is really no need for such an event. And big publishers are realizing this, they instead opt to stay away and have their own events, when it is not drowned out by all the noise. All in all, I think announcing a game during E3 can even be detrimental instead of being a marketing boon.
  8. I've been referring to it as the psx since I've known about it, as everybody in my neck of the woods referred to it as the PSX. Maybe it's an European thing. i don't know why is this so upsetting to you.
  9. Well PSX was the original console that came out in 1994, the PS ONE.is the "slim" version released in 2000.
  10. I never actually had a PSX, but seeing Ridge Racer on TV blew my mind at the time, so I wanted that types of games. Thats how I ended up playing Screamer, Destruction Derby and the likes. Another game I never played was Wing Commander III, all I saw from it was a rolling demo that only had FMV, but it was a life changing moment for me, as it was the first time I've seen FMV on a computer.
  11. It always depends on the personality of the character and of course the gender of the player character. Funny enough, the only character that I never even considered as an option in ME was Tali, depsite being one of the most popular romances as I understand.
  12. I almost everything in The Last of Us II, but it's not really guessing because I wanted ir to play out the way it did. So it's more like my wishes becoming true.
  13. I slightly regret not pursuing online racing after a few random races. Fun fact: I once raced a driver who become a sim racing champion, and later became a real world racing champion, and I almost beat him that time with little practice.
  14. We never had dedicated arcades here. Some tourist / camping spots had one or two arcade games installed but no businesses dedicated to games.
  15. I usually don't even watch trailers for games, after I decided to play them. Unfortunately sometimes even that isn't enough. Like in the case of TLOU2 where I managed to avoid the spoiler itself, but seeing some of the reactions was enough to infer the gist of it.
  16. Hands down, Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077
  17. Well, if staying after work at the office with co workers to play UT qualifies, then 2009. The last real LAN party as in at someone's house where everyone brings their own computer was even further back than that.
  18. That's putting it mildly. I'd call nintendo greedy, selfish, evil, out of touch, and then some. And that is the reason I pride myself on never having owned or even played anything from them.
  19. Legally speaking a game no longer being supported / sold does not make it legal shareware. Oh, I absolutely think they should be, but unfortunately that is not the reality.
  20. I never played MMOs, but I do wonder what became of some of the people we used to do lan parties with.
  21. Yeah that's a good rule. I never pay for in-game items with real money either. If it's in the game it should be earned by playing the game. If it can't or takes too much time then the game is bad period. They literally expect you to pay money to make the game less shitty.
  22. Never kill anyone or anything who is no threat. I don't care if it's a rat or a person or alien, if it doesn't want to hurt me (or any other 3rd party) I'll never intentionally hurt them.
  23. I wish I could see when I first played each game, and how much I've played them. Sadly the playtime is only kept for more modern games.
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