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Everything posted by m76

  1. Creative director or producer. I want to have the final word on what goes into a game, and how it is made. The jobs I definitely don't want is artist and tester.
  2. well if we exclude driving sims, then the original Mafia has the best driving mechanics. Worst probably a tie between L.A Noire, and Saint's Row 2-3-4 If we include driving sims, I think Live for Speed is still the king despite being quite old by now.
  3. Yet they are still applauded by many for their progressivism, when in reality it's just empty rhetoric. It's easy to come out in support of something when the public is already in favour of it. They are just following trends, right or wrong, which is dangerous. I mean if it were the 1930s they would support nazis in germany because they were popular. As they support the Chinese regime now in china with every fiber of their being.
  4. I think capitalism and politics are inherently incompatible. I'd go as far as banning corporations from taking a public stance on politics of any kind. They are not democratically elected representatives, so they have no right to use their popularity as a political tool. I don't want to boycott products, especially if it is a good product. The way to express individual political opinion is by voting, or doing it on the appropriate forums, not by choosing haircare products based on said companies political bias.
  5. Was I happy with the product? Well...What product? Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams - Released on schedule back in 2012, I have the physical copy, that I actually never played LOL, so I don't know if I'm happy with it or not. The Mandate : Failed to deliver anything due to mismanagement of the project despite raising $700.000 and even attracting a few investors. Squadron 42: Hundreds of millions of dollars and almost 10 years later there is still no viable game in sight. About 3-4 years in I started suspecting that they are not even developing this game, they are yet to prove me wrong. Until then this goes down in history as the biggest ongoing scam of all times.
  6. There has been a feint going on that US and some other corporations are standing up for human rights. If they really cared they wouldn't just pretend on their US domestic branches, but declare support worldwide, especially where basic human rights are not granted to everyone. But that would actually hurt their business. So what do they do? They pretend to care where human rights are already won for everyone. If they really cared about discrimination they'd stand for women's rights in Saudi Arabia, or Gay rights in Iran, etc. If there is one thing I hate most in this world it is hypocrisy.
  7. Strange because on the reflections page watch dogs is listed as games developed by them, but if you go to the game's page it says it was developed by ubisoft toronto.
  8. Both Tea in the morning, coffee in the afternoon.
  9. Where are these laws that discriminate based on race? You assume laws are racist because you assume minorities are less equipped to cope with them. That is the soft bigotry of low expectations. Gay marriage rights are an entirely other issue. You are the second one to bring that up, how is that relevant?
  10. Are you experiencing attacks? I've not heard anything of the sort, I'm sure mainstream media would be all over that if there were open attacks going on. Do you have any reported cases? I have zero respect / love for Trump, but calling him Adolf only makes you sound ridiculous. He personally spread families out? How? Not that this is in any way shape or form relevant to voting. I assume illegal immigrants aren't voting, are they? I think businesses who refuse to serve people based on their beliefs should be fined into oblivion, but again I don't know how this is relevant to the topic of voting? Now that's just completely delusional talk. Have you lived in North Korea? Then "How would you even know?" A communist dictature is no joking matter. Frivolousness does not help your case. You can disagree with certain policies of republicans (which I happen to disagree with them on most issues) without these outlandish comparisons. This is the exact reason why democrats drive moderate leftists away. People have been leaving in droves because of things like defund the police and riots looting and indiscriminate destruction of property. I say indiscriminate because many black and other minority owned businesses were destroyed in those. Not that I condone destroying white owned businesses either.
  11. None of those things affect only minorities. Unless you automatically assume that they are somehow less capable to adopt to changes. For example Harris County is 70% white, so how does reducing ballot sites affect only the 30%? Probably the only meaningful thing to come from George W Bush, the soft bigotry of low expectations, which is what democrats are engaged in.
  12. If you think voter ID only affects minorities then you are the one who is deeply bigoted. It is not anti-democracy as the actually extremist far left portrays it. We in Europe couldn't even imagine democracy without first checking that the person voting is actually registered citizen of the voting district and can identify themselves by proving they are who they say they are.
  13. I'd take neither. What is the point of drinking alcohol then if you never feel its effects? And I enjoy drinking with friends if I get wasted after one drink then I can't really participate.
  14. LOL "How often do you stay up past 3 a.m.?" - Posted yesterday at 03:59 AM I know I'm using a different time zone but this is still funny.
  15. All the time on controllers, never on keyboard.
  16. You know there can't be only one. Frisky Dingo The Good Guys Korgoth of Barbaria An Idiot Abroad The Ricky Gervais Show Touch of Cloth
  17. I guess this qualifies as a classic now. Unfortunately no remaster in sight for this.
  18. I think you are talking about autosave points in games that have a normal save game system. That's good, I have no problem with that, it's a convenient feature. Checkpoint based save systems however are a clear regression over regular saving. The real reason they exist is not your convenience. They exist because it is really hard to save a game state with everything involved and loading it back flawlessly, so deadlines and lazy developers invented checkpoint saves where they only save the game in a void when nothing is really going on in the game world or at least when they expect nothing to go on. They are ripe for exploiting and bugs. For example in Far Cry3 you can just dash past enemies to some checkpoints and if you load it back after crossing it every enemy nearby will be defeated because the developers only expected the player to reach it by killing the enemies. FarCry3 has one of the weakest checkpoint save systems, demonstrating all conceivable problems. But even the ones that work without flaws or bugs are a step back from being able to save the game state at any point. As for the weapon wheel, it's finnicky and takes much longer than selecting a weapon by the mousewheel or pressing 1-9 on the keyboard. That is a much quicker and bulletproof system. With weapon wheels it's very easy to slip one slot and select the wrong weapon, meaning having to bring the menu back up again. It's especially problematic in games that do not pause while you are fiddling with the nth submenu of the weapon/item wheel. Of course on a console there is often no other way, but I don'T want to see another weapon wheel on PC ever again.
  19. Resident Evil 2, I've played the original and never even came close to finishing it, now I've started the remake recently, but haven't touched it in weeks.
  20. There would probably be people who get off on amplifying the pain. I'm fine with regular feedback, like a rumble when you are shot in a game.
  21. People tend to underestimate the importance of entertainment. Without distraction more people would give in to depression or despair. I could probably find other things to distract myself if there was no gaming, so to me it is a luxury, but in the greater scheme of things it is necessity.
  22. Sometimes I'd like to load past saves and try different conversation options or story choices to see what happens then.
  23. I accidentally click the right mouse button a lot of times. On consoles I always mix up which button does what in games, that's part of the reason I loath playing games on console.
  24. I never had a problem with consoles overheating even when it was 35C° in the room.
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