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Everything posted by m76

  1. I can barely recall permanent followers from games. If I have to name someone I'd like to keep around forever is Mona Sax. Max Payne 3 really should've starred her.
  2. Never make your hobby your job. It'll ruin it. I live by that rule. It's OK to stream games, but only as long as you enjoy it, as soon as it becomes an obligation it's all over. If you can make money off your hobby, that's great, but never turn it into a job. I'm actually making a tiny amount of money off one of my hobbies, but it's really nothing significant and I end up reinvesting most of it into the hobby. I've been approached by multiple people already to do custom work for them for money, and i turn all of them down.
  3. i actually like street fighter in a cheesy way. Plus Ming Na Wen looked awesome in it. btw, she seems impervious to time, because she kicks ass just as well today. To me the worst videgame movie is Max Payne, it's as antithetical to the original as is Max Payne 3 by rockstar. I actually like cheesy b action flicks. it's one of my guilty pleasures, especially if they have strong female leads. So in a way I enjoyed Resident evil too. The only exception to the rule being Tomb Raider, because for some reason I can1t stand Angelina Jolie.
  4. Really? What goals. He was just an aimless drifter following anyone who happened to cross his path. After he got his "revenge" he still did the same small time petty stuff as before, no change. I cannot relate to that at all. Both Luis and Johnny are infinitely more relatable as protagonists than niko.
  5. In six hours of gameplay I collected maybe $2000 credits. That's enough to buy F'all in shops. And I found exactly three lockpicks. I didn't mention lockpicking but that1s really weak as well. You have no chance to open anything but the easy locks without breaking at least one pick. There was this one story mission where the only way to progress is to pick open a door, but i only realized after clearing the entire area of zombies that i had no picks left. That's when i said F this game. it is no fun.
  6. Nico is on of the least relatable characters to me (as are most rockstar characters). I mean he is an aimless henchman. Takes any job, would swim in sewage for 10 bucks even after getting a ton of money off various bigger jobs, no way i can relate to that.
  7. In cyberpunk 2077 you are definitely not the main character. it's johnny silverhand. Also in Metro Exodus you are not leader of your group, you are just a henchman they throw around you are not making any decisions. In Ghost Recon wildlands you are just hired muscle, I always felt the main character was karen bowman, it's her fight, her quest for vengeance.
  8. i'd not say it's hard or annoying, but in some games for sake of immersion i'll not run everywhere like a lunatic but actually use walk where appropriate. Another habit i acquired is not looting houses, even if the game does not consider it thieving. i1l only collect fair game, like loot off of enemies who attacked me, or locations that are hostile towards me.
  9. I posted a bunch of reviews new on my site since. MadBlog
  10. Train Simulator has 700 dlcs, for about $10.000 in total.
  11. I have no sympathy for overpaid executives, but that is not related to a company letting go redundant employees after a year of them being redundant. if it was up to me, I'd maximize bonuses by making it a rule, that the bonus of the CEO cannot be more than half of the average of the workforce throughout the company. Meaning if kotik wants to get $200 million out of the company as a bonus, he needs to give every employee a $20.000 bonus at least assuming Activision Blizzard has 10.000 employees.
  12. I don't know what you don't understand. The people who were let go were related to live event organizing, and offline esport events. They were made redundant because there are no live events, it's a miracle they kept them employed with full pay for 12 months. By doing that activision is actually better than most companies. For example my company cut salaries by as much as 80% when the first lockdown hit, basically putting every employee on administrative leave. Not 12 months later, not 1 month later, literally a few days after lockdown was announced. I don't know what's the expectation here, to keep people on payroll indefinitely whether they are needed or not? It sucks that some people were completely displaced by lockdowns, but expecting companies to keep paying people who cannot work out of charity is not realistic. It's not a requirement for companies to have financial trouble in order to let go redundant workers.
  13. It's enivetable that people whose jobs are made completely redundant by the pandemic are eventually let go.I'm surprised they kept them on for this long. I mean if you were a live events coordinator, and there hasn't been live events in over a year, you don't have to be a genius to see the writing on the wall. What is the alternative option? Keep people employed as charity cases? If activision feels charitable there are better cases than keeping 200 perfectly abled people on the payroll so they can do nothing.
  14. Shepard is not a preset character, you can have all kinds of Shepards. As I did have dozens, all with their own personality and characteristics. I don't really like pre-set characters because it's a hit or miss. The only one that comes to mind is Lara Croft who I played as in multiple games.
  15. Not at all, I don't think I 100% completed a single game, even ones that I spent hundreds of hours with. I play the way I enjoy it, whether that means getting all achievements is completely irrelevant to me.
  16. Not nearly as tedious as rifts in Dragon Age Inqusition, or anything in that game for that matter. It should've been called Dragon Age: Tedium
  17. ME3 is the best by far. Especially Leaving Earth and I was lost without you.
  18. from ashes should be done as soon as possible, because it gets you a new squadmate who has interesting insights on missions. For the rest there is no real benefit to doing them at a specific time. The release order was Leviathan, Omega, The Citadel. So I guess it is recommended to play them in that order. But I'd recommend spacing them out, not doing them after each other. Leviathan is an investigation mission, with some action, Omega is all action, and Citadel is a mix of fan service characterization and action.
  19. m76


    No he is parrotting what disgruntled employees come out with. Usually the same employees who are not in it for their love of videogames, but for other nefarious reasons. The only difference between him and most other journalists enthralled to the industry is that he is spinning a different kind of lie. If Jason Schrier had done an ounce of actual journalism he would conclude that crunch and overtime is a part of all competitive industries not just game development. And is generally business as usual for free market capitalism.
  20. No, not another multiplayer game. It looks 99% like the division. If I didn't know I might mistake it for that.
  21. m76


    I don't remember the incident because it completely passed me by. I only heard about gamergate when it had been going on for years. And even then it was only this intangible concept to me. I had no idea what it was really about, and whenever someone attempted to explain it, it only become more confusing. And reading your take on it makes it even more murky. I thought it was about the industry being infiltrated by non-gamers, who saw an opportunity to use it as a platform only. Both within game developers and in games journalism.
  22. I pre-ordered it on PC, and finished playing it twice, racked up 110 hours of gameplay, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is not a legendary game, but a pretty damn good one, and the rumours that it is unplayable or completely broken is just hearsay perpetuated by the uninformed for the PC version. It had some bugs at release, but the main ones were fixed within weeks, now it is perfectly fine to play on PC, has been since January. I cannot speak for the console versions, but I suspect the problems are wildly exaggerated there as well. I'm not saying it does not have issues, I'm saying it is probably not as bad as they say. Similar to Mass Effect Andromeda. Much of the raging has nothing to do with the game's state or the number of bugs, but with the unrealistic expectations that some people had. Based on misunderstanding interviews or simply thinking something will be in the game that isn't. Cyberpunk 2077 is an awesome game that is a must have if you like the genre. But it is recommended to play it on a hi-end PC, anything else will give a compromised experience.
  23. Maybe kotaku forgot the disclaimer: "This article was commissioned by ninetndo"
  24. I'd say Forbidden West, but I Don't want to get it for the PS4, and if I'm going to wait for a ps5, I might as well wait for an eventual PC release down the line, so I don't consider that game this year.
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