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Everything posted by Yarik

  1. You set up it very easy. Go to settings ---> System and there is the Night Mode option. Just turn it on and boom - ready.
  2. Well, it seems that most of people vote for PUBG as their favourite battle royale game. I can't wait to get my hands on it next month.
  3. Yarik

    Last Game Played

    Played some Clash of Clans on my phone. Failed very stupidly on a attack which was seeming very easy...
  4. I would go for Mount & Blade: Warband. I do like to be a king and have a kingdom. Getting into battles with the army would also be fun. But most importantly, there will be a lot of adventures.
  5. Which battle royale game do you think is the best in your opinion? For me it's Players'' Unknown Battlegrounds (PUBG). It's realistic and skill based battle royale game.
  6. When I first played Minecraft I forgot to eat at first. I loved the game so much that the only thing I wanted to do is to play it.
  7. Mount & Blade: Warband is a great game for me. They are working on Mount & Blade: Bannerlord II for years now and I'm pretty sure Grand Theft Auto VI will get released before Bannerlord II.
  8. DOOM is a good game to play. Not sure if it has much related to Halloween but I had to recommend the as it's a good one.
  9. I can recommend you Dead by Daylight which in my opinion is better than Friday 13th: The Game. You can play as a survivor or a killer and you can replay the game as much as you want and have fun all the time.
  10. I feel like only the graphics have advanced from then. I don''t like most of the newer video games that are getting released nowadays.
  11. I like custom built PCs so I know how to build one. Actually, the only thing which I find hard for me is the custom loop. I never have tried to do one.
  12. Same here, I also don't have a CD drive. I haven't used one since years and I don't feel like needing one anymore.
  13. The question is basically in the tittle - what are some good games to play on mobile? Recommend some of the games you are currently playing on your phone.
  14. What is the perfect mobile device screen size for you to play on? I find 5.5"-6" phones pretty comfortable for playing video games on. Not too big but not too small.
  15. Anyone here ever made an in-app purchase on a mobile game? What was the game and how much money did you spend? I never have spent money for in-app purchases on a mobile game.
  16. For me it was a Yu-Gi-Oh game from the older ones. I don't remember the name of it as I was really young when I played it.
  17. I never have worked on a video game and I don't have the knowledge to. But I have awesome ideas for MMORPGs.
  18. Yarik


    I spotted Neverwinter 2-3 days ago and it grabbed my attention but haven't downloaded it yet. What is your opinion on the game? Anyone here ever played it?
  19. Yarik

    Clash of Clans

    Is anyone here playing the mobile game - Clash of Clans? What level is your Town Hall? I have been playing the game for a lot of years but with huge pauses and like 2 months ago I came back to Clash of Clans. I'm a Town Hall 8, almost maxed out.
  20. I haven't seen any good MMORPGs nowadays, at least in my opinion. I would definitely go for a MMORPG as it's one of my favourite genres if not my absolutely favourite one.
  21. It's different for me for every genre of video games but basically if I simply don't like it I wouldn't buy the game.
  22. My cousin introduced the gaming world to me when I was very young, maybe like 6 years old. From then, I play video games everyday and always have fun doing that.
  23. Doing the same thing again, again, again and again seems like a bit farmy. Anyway, it's just my opinion. The game is good if you like that genre.
  24. I don't think that I have played with any famous YouTuber or streamer. If I did I should remember a thing like this, right?
  25. I also prefer to purchase video games digitally. It's easier, cheaper and faster for me to get the games. Also, having a big Steam library is pleasure for the eyes.
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