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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Along with the 1.2 patch, 1.21 was just released. It's a bandage for the patch.
  2. Well now you just tempted me some more. I should try it out. I think it's one of those I just have to experience.
  3. Besides the classics, the only 2D games this day in age that look interesting to me is Trine, Bloodstained, and Sine Mora X. Then again, I'm not familiar with many newer generation 2D games. If I were to play one now, it would be one of the Trine games.
  4. Well, the time has come. As I travel through this beautiful landscape, I notice something pulling me. It keeps pulling me where I don't want to go. I try to be stealthy. I'm going in for a kill. Then I'm pulled by unseen energies and I fall into doom. Down the rabbit hole. Something keeps doing this to me. Is it an unseen video game ghost? Is my hand eye coordination deceiving me? No, this can't be happening. I'm having a bad panic attack. I was right there. Now I'm drifting. Forever drifting. Further and further away. I'm not even touching the controller anymore. The unseen force has taken over. I now have controller drift. Does anyone know of a good brand to buy for a ps4 controller??? Or will any do?
  5. This game looks interesting. Has anyone played it? It came out on the ps3. I had it saved in a want list from a while back. Taking another look at it and it still looks interesting.
  6. At 24:26 always silent kill that one first. From there go down the hall where you start at and hide in the dark room on the left and wait by the door on other side of room to silent kill another. Then I start bashing and running and bashing and running.
  7. We should be thanking you for the interesting topics
  8. I love learning about all the different cultures of the world modern or ancient. I used to watch history videos of ancient civilizations. All of them just fascinate me. Even today, if I visit a place I love to learn about not only present culture, but the history too cause that is what makes culture. When I was a baby, we lived in Okinawa Japan on a military base because my dad was in the military. I was still born in the states though. But we brought back all kinds of furniture and decoration stuff that are actually antique now. But the artistry in the wood work and vases etc are amazing. I own all the furniture now which is over 40 years old and still in great condition. They simply don't make stuff like that in the USA. But we grew up having a lot of respect for them. I love to always try food from different areas of the world if I eat out and being around Houston, there are many great ethnic restaurants. Most restaurants in this country aren't even close to what they actually eat in the original country, unless of course you go to an authentic restaurant. Even though my DNA is very mixed, I'm not sure that is what drove me to appreciate all cultures. And that makes me extra sensitive to racism because I just can't fathom the hate. When I did live in the Houston city area, I lived in a white neighborhood, black neighborhood, hispanic, and chinatown. And each one of the areas was diverse itself: white has different European, black has African, Hispanic has people from all over Latin America, and chinatown has everything from southern asian to northern, to Indian, and middle eastern. That was Houston, so I can't say the same for other cities. Was being exposed to different cultures what made me appreciate them more, or my appreciation of different cultures that brought me to live there? I don't know. Because my family sure as hell didn't bring that to the table. I can't really say I favor any specific culture. I can go to any country and be amazed by what I learn. The USA itself being diverse, we can learn a lot from the different cultures here, from the people, immigrants, and different regions across the country. The east coast is different from the west, then the dirty south, and the midwest. From deserts to forests to mountains to everglades, to beaches, to the farming plains. Unfortunately, the USA is in a culture war declared by extremists. Where one loves culture, others want to abolish it. I really think they should teach cultural psychology in all grades of school. I took it in college and learned a great deal. For example, something as small as looking someone directly in the eye while talking to them is a sign of aggression in many cultures. I easily see that. "Friends sit side by side; enemies look at each other in the face." And many parts of the world are culturally passive. Which means they tend to shy away from debate. Westernized societies are very opinionated and that brings fear to some. I've travelled to Italy and France once and it's pretty amazing. I'm not a fan of people watching, but those Italians are interesting to watch. They really do talk with their hands a lot. It's pretty cool. And please don't put the orange buffoon in that same category. He's a clown. But I would love to visit all the regions my DNA is from. Interestingly, I saw a lot of doppelgängers of myself in France. Was weird. Is that how people feel when they live in an area where everyone is the same??? I will never know. Every time I meet someone from another country, no matter where from, it's like we are long lost brothers. Because it's as if Americans are so culturally insensitive, that even a person like me feels lost as does someone that is new to this country. It's refreshing to meet people from another culture. And I am craving some falafel. Mediterranean is my favorite food.
  9. I might have to go back and try that in the dark and buy headphones. I never thought about using headphones before. Layers of Fear 2 I am really enjoying. It's trippy. It's very visually artistic as if each scene is a 3D painting with meaning. I'm very curious to find out what is going on. This series is going down as one of my favorites.
  10. We all might have to wear this one day.
  11. Naw, the broomstick goes with this. I aint no witch!!!😆
  12. You said that perfectly! I would have loved to experience that with a headset. Inheritance was also a creepy short game to go with it. Not many games have really reached into my mind the way this one has. Pretty amazing. I know what you mean! LOL Just started the second one on a creepy ship. It must take someone MAD to make this stuff.
  13. Yeah! A hoodie to go with too. And of course I never leave home without my magic wand tucked away. LOL Iguule olag azirashikeem lacalacalaca
  14. MMO= Massively Multiplayer Online. I had to look it up. AHHH HAHAHAA HAHAHAHA 😂
  15. Counter attack is hard for me trying to time it just right. In all games, I always neglect it. There usually is a pretty good bonus in counter attacks. Even Bruce Lee agrees that to master the counter attack is the most difficult, yet rewarding.
  16. Romance- Ciri and Yennefer in Witcher 3. I'd be too intimidated though since they both know magic and Yennefer I have no doubt would put a spell on me before the night is through. For the most interesting- I would like to listen to tales of monster battles and demon wars and different realms and magic. You can party with anyone unless it's someone or something that wants to turn you into a frog for a joke. Eat a bunch of shrooms with Sonic and Ratchet would be delightfully amusing.
  17. Exactly! I think a lot of people suffer that from time to time. Plus I think there are many people wired differently where they may pick up on subtle hints more than others and run with it maybe to an overextended proportion which can blow the whole plot of the game out of water. Or look too deep into things. Or even influenced by drugs or alcohol during a gaming session can skew an actual meaning. Hard to say. But I think your statement is the most likely.
  18. I'm interested in Destroy All Humans remake. I really liked it on ps2. For me, I'm a sucker for graphics. There really isn't any specific thing to make me avoid or want to play a remake of a game I love. Wanting to play it out of curiosity and the graphics I guess is what does it for me. So if there isn't really any major upgrade, then I'll pass too. They better add some maps, longer story, more characters, or something. They better make it with a bunch of DLC already added with gear. You listening (TLOU)? 🤞
  19. I think they are going to have TLOU remake and TLOU2 together for the ps5 around the time for the show. But I don't see how very many people will buy it and beat the game before the show especially when most of us still have to get the ps5. It's marketing the show, that's for sure. For those new to the series, I think the game package and show is pretty exciting. They can get a new system, one of the best games (2 of them), and a show to go with it. Not bad if you think about it. It sounds stupid remaking it, but we have to give them some credit that they know what they are doing since both their games were GOTY. I don't expect the remake to even be nominated for GOTY, but if all goes well, then maybe the show will have more seasons and more sequels to the game. If only leaves fall straight.
  20. Maybe Microsoft currently has a better business model, and of course we are going to see some changes with the new XBOX Microsoft transition. For me personally, I've got Microsoft under a microscope for any and all donations of their money to politics. Because even though they have backtracked on bad political decisions, still doesn't change that Microsoft once upon a time supported republicans in claiming election fraud. I can't forgive them right now. And in this country, this is who we are now where we judge corporations on where they stand with democracy since they want to donate to politicians. And I hope this won't take away from your topic; but just my thoughts as all. Microsoft currently has changed their stance on that issue, but let it be known is what I say. Sony has more competition now, so maybe they feel the need for some make or break moves. It's hard to tell in the early stages where both XBOX and Playstation came out with new consoles.
  21. I didn't accept the money for Ciri. I remember the look on her face, and I couldn't do it. It wouldn't have mattered I don't think. If you reject the money there is supposed to be a new horse you get, but I never seen it. Just for conscious and because she is a freaking beauty you don't want to piss off, reject the money. But it's money!!! You could take it to the brothel 100 times. If you explore a lot you can easily make up the money if you reject it. Funny how we still can stick to a moral compass even in a video game. Sleep with Morinth in Mass Effect 2? I haven't reached that point yet, but will have to remember not to. Or should I? 👀
  22. And I think art and entertainment can change in society. Are we really that far away from the gladiator days where they would have to fight to the death? Just change some laws depending on who is the leader and boxing or martial arts can easily be a fight to the death. Sculptures in one culture could have foot long schlongs and another culture could find it a warrant for arrest. A porn movie could be a work of art for some and an abomination for another. Our cultures determine what is art, entertainment, or propaganda. I don't think it's really set in stone at all. But when you watch a Super Bowl, with all the commercials advertising, then throw in a political advertisement that is propaganda, then how exactly are we supposed to distinguish between the two, entertainment/art vs propaganda? So whatever it is we believe is only societal and can always change. That is something to be cautious of.
  23. Nicely put. But maybe art itself can be used for propaganda. Art is used for advertising, which would be for entertainment. But propaganda is the advertising of a philosophical belief. In their minds, art is a tool that is torn away from its entertainment purposes. Advertising itself needs a closer look. It is definitely an art by its design, but there are also hidden messages in advertising. The color schemes can make you hungry. It could instill fear that if you don't buy, then something bad can happen like in insurance commercials. Or financial security in credit cards. Advertising could also demonize characteristics such as fat, old, or bald. Is there really a difference in advertising and propaganda? Is advertising on tv the same art as advertising on the radio? The tv physically displays a message by design. The radio has to use emphasis on the demonization or use a whole bunch of adjectives to get its point across to sell something. I want to agree that art that isn't used for entertainment is propaganda. But who is to say what art is? Is a serial killer displaying bodies art? We see it as murder. The killer sees art. Maybe entertainment is art, but art isn't always entertainment. Martial arts is used in so many ways without entertainment value, but at the end of the day we watch it for entertainment.
  24. One thing I have been dealing with in AC Odyssey is when I tame an animal and wonder around in a village, it really gets in the way. I wish there was a way to make the animal wait somewhere. Sometimes I have to just set it free then kill it when it attacks. In AC Origins the tamed animal always turns on you if you climb a roof, enter a cave, or just get too far from it. AC Valhalla, the raven takes too damn long to perch on shoulder. Witcher 3, the character movement is kindergarten b.s. Try and open a box and you have to stop, pivot, go to box. Oops too much. Run 5 feet from it. Stop, pivot, take a couple steps towards it. Stop. Oops you slid right over it. Run away and try again. Better yet, just run to the side of a cliff and slide right off. 1st grader character movement. Only damn thing I really hate about such a brilliant game.
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