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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. In Georgia, republicans pass bill to restrict voting while a black lawmaker was arrested for knocking on the door while they were signing the bill into law. She now faces 2 felony charges which are the same charges people face for the capital attack which led to destruction of property and death. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/25/politics/georgia-state-representative-arrested-governor-office/index.html
  2. I've seen those seizures a few times in the game. I wish there was more climbing in most games.
  3. The sooner democrats realize what the crisis is, then more of a chance to protect voting. We are on our own as a party holding democracy together. We need to follow what we have been doing against terrorists; the USA doesn't negotiate with terrorists. If the republicans step away from fascism then we can talk. But since we have republican senators that may get investigated for their role in the capital attack, then democrats need to realize the enemy within and not to compromise with terrorists. If democrats grow weak and think they can establish an agreement with the enemy within, they are mistaken. And that failure to seize the moment to protect voting will forever be lost. We shouldn't even have to be discussing voting rights. Democrats need to stand up and fucking say exactly that! Put their foot down and say enough is enough. The republicans said goodbye to democracy. Don't give in anymore. Throw that whole unity thing out the window. Only the republicans will benefit from unity at this point. Harsh, but true. The road to civil war folks. We are seeing it.
  4. Should democrats even try to reach over the aisle with republicans to reach an agreement? Should dems get rid of the filibuster and pass the voting rights bill? Joe Manchin, a senate democrat says to reach an agreement. But agree to what exactly? On one side republicans are suppressing votes and on the other democrats want to pass a voting rights bill. What agreement is there to be made? Take away early voting days, but add an extra hour on election day? To reach an agreement with a republican is like asking, do I want my hand cut off or the whole arm? Or better yet, we won't suppress both blacks and hispanic votes, republicans will let us choose which one to suppress. That's their bipartisanship. Fuck them. It's over.
  5. That is interesting. I had to look up de-realization. This probably sounds cheesy, but there is a grounding technique that may help to be more in tune to your surroundings. Go outside and touch your bare feet to the grass for at least 30 min. That sense of grounding is a real thing. Just observe nature. Keep doing it everyday. Tibetans use singing bowls as a therapeutic because different notes help in different ways. The C note is grounding. I used to have a few but I gave them to an autistic guy. Singing bowls are known to help in autism so why not something like de-realization? Keep eating grounding foods that are known in Chinese medicine like root foods such as beets and potatoes. Get a hematite piece of jewelry for grounding which may or may not be a myth. But at least could have a positive placebo effect. I collect mineral specimens and have over 200 of them of all kinds of different minerals. I’ve held them in my hand and some definitely do give off some kind of energy. I’m sensitive to these things because I’m pretty in tune with nature. I’m a Pisces born in the year of a goat. That’s a double whammy. But what does grounding have to do with anything? Fuck if I know. It’s supposed to bring you closer to Earth, balance positive and negative charges, and become more in tune with your surroundings. Shoot, draw a picture of a tree too. Some call that hibby gibbies, But I’ll like to see a fat guy in sneakers tell that do an ancient shaman barefoot. And see who is the idiot. But I’ve said enough craziness for now…to be continued… Anyways, I also wonder, does reading books seem more real to you as gaming sometimes does? Or is it physical imagery?
  6. Haha; like a tour guide; I feel like the stupid tourist stopping to take pictures everywhere.
  7. I think there are games that become tedious for the job, which ruins the fun, then here are games you can play on your own time and enjoy. It's not like every single game that comes out you have to play to get paid. Set aside ones you really like for your personal enjoyment.
  8. I think I can get into this one. Gonna keep my empty eye socket on it.
  9. That's interesting descending from deities. Reminds me of the book I'm reading Malazan where there are those who ascend to become a God. They call them ascendants. Somewhere there is the halfway point where I guess magic is. Usually those that use magic gets power from warrens. I'm not sure yet, but I assume gods control those warrens.
  10. I'm new to Skyrim and I prefer realistic movement in games, but I'll have to keep that in mind. It is interesting though, to start out with what I'm used to as if I've entered a realm where physics is different, and then develop new skills from there. Adds a flavor of realism to that world. But I can't imagine how my character will be after 100 hours. Maybe I'll throw everything I said out the window.
  11. I found myself humming some viking tunes today from AC Valhalla.
  12. I think this year is a transition period with the new systems out, and the spotlight on buggy games, pandemic stalling the work, and the increase of gamers since the pandemic, has left the industry speared in the ribs fighting on one knee. But after the wound and many more battles to fight, I think 2022 will be a big year where things finally come together running down the battlefield against armless midgets. Nobody really wants to release a big game on the last days of the older systems, and so prefers a little more time to work on the games for the newer systems. I am sure there are a lot of excuses for them to wait to release games.
  13. That's because I devoured them. Bring more recruits! I'm hungry. I'm down to my last bowl of brain noodles. It's more juice than noodles though. One noodle at a time
  14. 700 posts to screw with your brains! Ahhaahahaha...Brains....more brains....I want to eat your brains!!!
  15. Facebook is nosey Twitter is hair salon gossip Youtube is for fun Instagram is for work Humans like to feel important. But at the end of the day, nobody really cared. 😫
  16. I have my own safe at the bank full of liquid gold. If the economy tanks I've got something to liquidate.
  17. I acknowledge that some people may be dumb in some areas and a genius in another, and that mentally challenged people may also have genius in them. But what percent of people alive today are the ones pushing humanity forward? Those that have discovered their skills and exceeded above anyone else. Some can even excel in many areas like the term 'Renaissance Man'. Someone who is a master in many different skills. What is it about that time period that enabled people to achieve genius status? Are humans getting dumber and devolving? Is our food and water blocking the abilities of our brains to reach full potential through man's involvement in adding chemicals? Are there some areas of the globe that are higher energy centers that increases intelligence? Is the increased population diluting those people that are genius? I mean, let's say Michelangelo was alive today doing what he does. Would his talent be considered genius today? Are we not nurturing the genius of our peers? Is competition so great from increased population that a genius gets stiff handed so that some other can get ahead simply because they had better contacts? Is it easier to be a renown genius back when a king or emperor would personally hire the skilled and give them everything needed to pursue their interests? Today, we have to afford to go to college, then graduate, then find the right place to work at, get government grants etc. Somewhere, the potential gets lost. Sure we all can learn to do things. We can study or practice our whole lives and reach master status, but would they push humanity forward or just stay the course. I'm not talking about staying the course or stay on par with world technology. I'm talking about who is actually making the world progress. And I know team effort can skewer that too. But maybe the whole team effort thing is what humanity now coins the term genius. Maybe we nurture teams over individuals nowadays. So in that sense, are geniuses not recognized anymore?
  18. For anyone else who has played this, do you recall the raven ever landing on your shoulder? It's supposed to when the character is in idle. It would land on my shoulder in Norway, but not England. I realized just recently- where the f*** is Synin? I've noticed after playing with my gear, that if I have my cloak and gear on, then 50/50 chance the raven will land. With no shirt, raven won't land. Did you ever notice this or did it always work for you? I contacted Ubisoft about it and waiting for a reply. Wonder if it's a bug, or a download problem. I hate that because I always loved it in Odyssey when the eagle would land on me.
  19. For some that beer money is a full time salary. 🤑🍺🤪🤮
  20. I think many games stay away from 3rd person because once you open that door, then fans will criticize for not having cool gear or even character build. It could also take away from their intended effect in horror games switching from 1st to 3rd. What doesn't make sense to me is games that are 1st person has you customize gear and character at the beginning, or even throughout, and never even see it because you are in 1st person.
  21. Same damn thing happened to me but with a different horse. Don’t remember which one but it was beautiful. Then the MF wolves came along and freakin killed me after knocking me off the horse. Or maybe the horse bucked me, I don’t know. But I just tamed it and seconds later damn wolves!
  22. YES!!! Walking slow does add a lot of immersion. It depends on the game though if it has good mechanics. I walk slowly a lot in Assassin's Creed games. It just adds that sense like you are there. It's awesome to do in villages and see what's going on and all the details. I even do it in the woods or just anywhere when I'm feeling like really getting into it. Sometimes even if I go on a quest some distance away, I'll walk just to add the essence of time. But when that music is playing and walk slowly with my axe dripping blood, black smoke wavering, animals and birds flittering away, breeze and leaves, grass moving as the character's hands reach out to feel it; it's always the best immersion. But a well balanced fast horsehide to go for a slaughter is great too. As far as Skyrim, I have decided to go with the Breton for the main reason I noticed is that the humans or whatever they are actually walk slower than the elf. I saved my character builds to check them out in game, but elves walk too fast for my immersion preference. I enjoy watching my character walk around in the environment at the nice pace I'm used to in games.
  23. I smell a good review coming. lol. I think you have preconceived thoughts going into games.
  24. Please, don’t even bother with days gone if you didn’t like dying light.
  25. Sometimes I have to dedicate some time to jump back in a game that I know I really don't want to sit there and relearn everything. That's a bit overwhelming to go and learn the controls again, practice a bit, and read tutorials, story summaries, characters, etc. I sometimes even have to do that if I haven't played a game for just a week. Especially if its a newer game I started. That's one good thing about having limited GB in my ps4. It forces me to stick to a game and finish so I can download another game. My memory is currently full. SOB!!!
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