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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Movement of the character in Witcher 3 is very strange. If you turn, he would take a couple steps, pivot, then couple steps and slide when you stop moving him. I've gotten too close to the edge of a mountain and oops! Forgot he slides a few steps after you make him stop moving. Down I go! All the way down. Splatter! Crunch! Well dang, when was the last recent save? Oh you got to be kidding me. I just wanted to see the sunset and valley below. God damn selfie. Such a great game though. Just don't expect to jump on the horse one try. You may have to run in a circle first.
  2. Rum and raisin; now that sounds amazing!
  3. I recently got the FFX remaster on ps4 and trying to give it a go again. I got to somewhere around the final boss on ps2, and the world must have bounced or something, cause I put it down for a long while. Wouldn't mind trying FF8 too. Tis the season for new beginnings!
  4. As investigations are under way, it looks more and more like an inside job from this administration. Nobody would approve of the National Guard to be deployed during the attack; they had plenty of time to prepare since it was shown on social media this was going to take place; panic buttons were torn out from someone inside the capital before the attack even happened; capital police literally opened the barricades for them to enter; capital police had to have escorted attackers to offices that were completely out of plain site, but the crowd took a beeline directly to it? This is pure treason. Now there are metal detectors at the capital bldg and republicans complain about it. If I worked around those republican traitors I wouldn't want them bringing in guns either. More insurrections to come around inauguration. National Guard may get their social media investigated before being deployed to protect Biden in case there are traitors among them too. America is under attack from the inside. 7 days to democratic freedom and the end of the republican coup as we will have a new commander in chief. Just have to make it till then.
  5. I have a 60". I know God isn't a materialistic entity, but when you die and go to heaven SHE will tell you that's the best thing you ever did in life. The gates will open based on you having common sense while on Earth, where material things exist. Even God's creators will nod in agreement that mankind has fulfilled their sole purpose in existence by having a big tv. Cause only then will you be so close to God while you immerse in the lives and actions of the video game world on full display. SHE welcomes your achievement in being mini Gods. You now have experience to walk through the gates and meet your own maker.
  6. I know there have been many different discussions about the different Assassin's Creed titles, but I want to have a general discussion about any and all AC games from the first to Valhalla and future plans you wish they would do. Anything at all that comes to your mind whether love or hate, pics and videos, and an overall tribute to the series. I personally haven't played anything before Brotherhood, but thinking about getting the Ezio Collection that has AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations remastered; I also want the AC3 remastered. I have the rest on up including Valhalla, but haven't started that one yet and I'm getting really excited about it. I want to finish Odyssey first. I'm just taking my time with it cause I like it so much. I don't know what future plans they have, but I would really like Japan, China, or Mongol environments. I wouldn't have to travel anywhere if I had all the AC games! I don't know what really makes me like the series so much, but I do love exploration and different cultures. AC gives me a good dose. Origins:
  7. Just went on an Assassin's Creed binge. Today I played: Odyssey Origins Black Flag Brotherhood
  8. So is that why two old guys were boxing a month ago? Trying to put some juice in the can? That rusty can needs to go in the bin. Professional athletes shouldn't be honored after biting an ear off. I don't care who he is.
  9. I would think the Kingdom Hearts series since it's Disney.
  10. The fear factor isn't gonna stand up to some in the horror genre, but its surprising element that makes it unique is its plain craziness. It's a constant progression of a psychological breakdown. The game really is a treasure. And so far Inheritance has a wow factor too. I got the digital bundle for cheap a couple months ago. Not sure where the price is at now, but getting a disc is expensive from what I've seen. And there is an Oculus virtual reality version of Layers of Fear if you got one. I'm gonna have to watch it!
  11. I have to say the number of games people have, which is hard to play them all. But I understand because I have a collection of items I've easily gotten carried away getting and I find myself evolving more into games. They sure do start stacking up. But I actually have more joy in games than I do with things in a display case. Not to say I don't love and respect the other items I've collected. Games I actually use. And it's interesting being in a new environment where people respect, are eager to learn, and collect what they love as I have. And you may not see all your games as a collection, but it is!
  12. Have you played Inheritance? The child goes back to the house. I just started playing it tonight. It is freakin awesome so far! Got that excitement back! What is Rose Red? I see a movie, but not a game.
  13. A Plague Tale is really good. Think you would enjoy that game. TLOU is kind of a stand alone. Gameplay wise, I actually found many similarities with Days Gone, with the difference of open world and use of a motorcycle. A Plague Tale; I've got many gory pics, but this one holds all the curiosity.
  14. I don't know what game to play. Gamer's block
  15. What exactly is pressuring the publishers to rush things? Is it all greed or the investors? If it is the investors pressuring the publishers, then it goes back to blaming investors. So who exactly is responsible??? Publishers? Investors? Developers? Consumers?
  16. Maybe the petition should be against pre orders. Then it will be the investors responsibility to make sure the game is released complete, and if there is backlash for a broken game, then the investors hold the developers responsible. There should be a 'finished product' contract between the two parties that prevents the impatience and greed of investors or developers alike. Wouldn't taking away pre orders also help fight against scalpers? It would have helped in the console release, maybe not necessarily the games.
  17. Interesting point. Seems like an endless cycle where investors want their returns and buyers keep buying. Consumers ultimately hold all the power. I think you are right that if buyers don't buy a game, then it can hurt the genre. A petition can be helpful to not confuse that point between unfinished vs a finished low demand game. Eventually investors will get the idea that consumers have a voice and power with that voice. So a petition is that voice before we have a consumer/investor war. They don't run the business; we do. We run all businesses. The people are the CEO's. We decide what products to keep on the shelf. There will always be people buying those unfinished games which make it hard to have our voices heard. That is always the problem where consumers that hold all the power in the world, can't unite. But we own the world, factionalized for their gain as the main force of control and the element of war. There is a real consumer war out there. They know it; they fear us; they will always try to divide what we buy. Cause they fear our power. Cough cough; oh yeah, games. We just need to let our voices heard and not wait on the market to fail and embarrass themselves again. And not just them, but also us at Christmas so we don't give a gift and later hear it on the news it has problems.
  18. RE7 threw me off; not really the ending, but resources you get that leads to the end. The game starts off with very limited resources, then were a couple scenes where you gain abundant resources that you lose. And I was upset cause I could have used a bunch of it, but instead fought it out with a knife and running, limited shots. In one instance I actually did waste a bunch of ammo when I didn’t even need to fire a shot. Was deceived. Then the end comes and you need ammo again. Why they want to toy like that? Still great game though.
  19. It's OCD and/or fear of the unknown. Fear not knowing what treasure you can miss out on, or that special weapon, gear, or blueprint. That fear itself can be an obsession. Or fear of regret. Fear of not getting the whole experience, which corresponds to curiosity. Completionism getting all the trophies, unlocking every ability, researching everything, finding all plants or animals, do all special moves, are all candy to the OCD. Tastes so good till you get a tooth ache, which becomes frustrating. Pride could be geared towards your peers. If you know other gamers that discovered something, or did all this or all that, then a person will feel the need to compete. Solo players are probably less inclined to feel any pride. Accomplishment I can agree that comes with having a really favorite game that you can feel a sense of ease that you can finally set it aside knowing you did all you can. But to get a sense of accomplishment from any other game is OCD, fear, or peer pressured pride. Then there is access. Someone with only 2 games and has to wait for a birthday to get another, will tend to be a completionist for the game simply because they can't move on to another.
  20. "The faster establishment Dems realize that no one is being hyperbolic about the Republican Party breakdown being driven by literal nazis the better. Y’all want civil discussion and they want a white ethnostate. You are absolutely not playing the same game,” tweeted Marc Dones, executive director of the National Innovation Service. This is a very good point. While democrats want middle ground, Biden calls for peace, and Americans want to debate, the fact of that matter, we aren't on the same page as the republican Nazis who simply want white supremacy at all costs. Until we tackle the domestic terror threat, by calling it out what it is, hold politicians responsible for inciting, ban them from social media, and prevent known perpetrators like QANON and proud boys from gathering together; then democracy will get attacked over and over. There is no middle ground with terrorists that only want that 'ethnostate.'
  21. I would have a time travel game with GTA and RDR2. You have to search for lost treasure in the city that was built on top of it and travel to the old west to find clues living the outlaw life.
  22. I think a controller should have a second charging port in case one gets damaged. Battery operated just seems to be going backward. There is absolutely no reason for that. Do you have problems charging your iPhone? Computer? Or anything else with a USB port? Let's get back to digging coal! Yummy
  23. Eli Wiesel, Holocaust surviver and Nobel Prize Winner “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” That furthers my decision to not reach out to the traitors. They need to reach in.
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