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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I switch between games, books/comics, and shows. I've got rabbits outside I hang with. Not so much in this Texas heat. If the weather is right and there is a mushroom growing in cow dung, then I'll make a night of it. Oops; shhh. Most of the time, it's tea and a game. If I drink I turn into a rebel ready to take on the world, so i'll save that for the apocalypse. I'm also a collector of Gi Joes, so I spend time on eBay. It's definitely nostalgia.
  2. Zero trailers for me. Actual gameplay and reviews helps me decide. Trailers are those hyped up fake models on internet dating sites. Then you meet them in person and they are the Wicked Witch of the West or Fabio's sidekick Gollum.
  3. What does a half nude female warrior on a horse symbolize? Looks USA, but the only feminism in this racist, sexist, xenophobic country with a statue empowering a female must be Mary. So it is a catholic town. That makes me think southwest USA too.
  4. I really enjoyed A Plague Tale on ps4. Ps2 horror games Obscure and The Suffering I've been looking for gems on the ps4
  5. Fartcry and Unfarted series tried to come out at the same time, but the latter had to wait a year to be released. It proved to be a big hit, and worth the wait.
  6. The medieval times seem like a more simple era. You fight for a king or religion. You are rich or poor. Heroes rise easier. Today, who is a hero in 6 billion? Who is the true warrior that fights for country? What do you even fight against in today's world with a corrupt banking system; food and pharma monopoly destroying everything natural; and nukes or missiles that can cause mass destruction? Kind of takes 'hero' out of man. And that gives a rise to the age of superheroes. But even wizards and magic users in the fantasy genre seem more interesting to me than superman. Why? I don't have a clue. It seems like something that can be taught through studying and apprenticeship, which we can kind of relate to; instead of being born with a super power no one else has. Or even a ring from another dimension or the abyss is more intriguing than another Hitler (ahem). And it's so much easier to make a romance out of ancient mystic times rather than a noisy city; or even out in a farm wearing stupid clothes compared to the craftsmanship then. Simpler times with an emphasis on beauty and individualism compared to modern times with emphasis on mass marketing and societal approval.
  7. In that case you better have a Red Bed Redemption!
  8. NFL When they kneel, they booo When they hold hands, they boo When they grab ass, they cheer
  9. Saving Private Hymen Oh s##T! Think I'm taking this too far.
  10. It's time to sit down for the Call of Bootie and play to the God of Whore
  11. My sister has Oculus. It's definitely the future of gaming. I tried a cool meditation game on it and in the future probably can help with psychological issues or hypertension. And I also tried a roller coaster game that literally almost knocked me over if I didn't sit down. It was pretty scary for me at least. It's something you have to be in the mood for. And might no be for everyone especially if you are doing some late night gaming and don't want to move around. For some weekend fun? Hell yeah.
  12. 'Trump sucks' They will sit down with you in an instant or walk away really fast.
  13. Never barricade yourself or get stuck indoors anywhere!!! Humans always become the greatest threat and they will always find a way in if they think there are goods there. Take off to a fresh water area outdoors. Learn to sleep in trees.
  14. Just did the drunken quest with Lenny (RDR2). Beginning to really like this game.
  15. Today's climate is putting facebook and twitter to the test. They are the first line of defense against out right conspiracies that could lead to harm.
  16. You say the opinion of the president matters on China, but Hong Kong lost democracy and protested, where was trump? China cracked down on them in a manner of crimes against humanity. Where was Trump? Oh yeah he was sending unmarked agents in unmarked vehicles and kidnapped American protestors in a country of democracy. And Trump agrees China should detain ethnic minorities in concentration camps. What planet are you from? Fascist Moon Shine? All this talk on China and the real threat happening right now and happened in 2016 is Russia's interference in our elections which is our greatest backbone of democracy. Just today in the news Russia once again hacked the DNC. Russia's talking points on hate is the same Trump is making and other politicians in his administration. Multiple people around him have prison sentences. He is a criminal hiding behind the presidency and trying to tear down this country for his benefit of authoritarianism to get rich and powerful. I can go on and on while the liar snotzie is trying to destroy our postal service to prevent people from mail in voting during a pandemic. He just illegally told his people to go and vote twice. Wake the F up!
  17. A writer in the midst! You starting a series? That would be a great achievement if you did get them published. Have you read Mark Twain Damned Human Race?
  18. Looks from Spain by the statue uniform. That could be anywhere across Europe or the Americas south of USA. The sky indicates Europe. The street lights look French. Color of domes on cathedral would be more Eastern European. What's that yellow sign say?
  19. I don't see any topics in books or comics. My favorite series of books are the Drizzt Do'Urden by Salvatore. He has been writing this series for 30 years now. I found out about it a couple years ago and bought every book; around 40 books! Still about 10 books behind the latest one, but catching up. Highly recommended. I'm looking for more good reads in the Forgotten Realms setting, fantasy, or apocalypse. Arisen by Michael Stephen Fuchs is awesome! It's military/apocalypse/zombie Grimm Fairy Tales by Zenescope is a pretty good comic series. It's a horror take on all the classic fairy tales including Wonderland, Oz, Netherland, and everything in between. Do you recommend some good reading???
  20. Should our human rights to make decisions over rule it? Well if you know you got AIDS and still sleep around unprotected, in that logic you can say you have the right. During a world wide pandemic, have respect for others you can expose it to. If you don't wear a mask, it is a blatant violation of the laws of ethics. Pandemics should never be turned political. Once it turns political, and lives are at stake, it becomes used as a bioterrorism factor. Let it spread so this group of people die. Let it spread so that country gets sick. Let it spread in a city or state that opposes you. Let it spread to reduce the population. Let it spread to annihilate the poor or weak. Oh, but if you can genetically manipulate it, even better to get rid of certain demographics. Whatever though, right? And don't forget big pharma can profit off of it all the more widespread it is. Pretty much, everything evil exists in the realm of not wearing protection all in the name of selfish reasons that's being promoted by hidden agendas from the top. Herd immunity may/may not work after many have died. Following safety guidelines already have shown it works with fewer deaths in many countries. Don't let politics poison your fragile judgements. Just do what's right.
  21. AC Odyssey last night I've been giving RDR2 another try. Played it a few times this past week. I'm not doing quests, just exploring, robbing, and hunting. Trying to get a better feel of the game. It looks pretty amazing. I can get lost in it in a good way just exploring.
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