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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I hope in GTA 6 that you can drive any saved vehicle and never lose it. That’s a major flaw in previous GTA games. I also would like a new map that’s not San Andreas, vice, or liberty. Other than that, I don’t know what else they can improve. Maybe character customization. And I hope they keep the crazy satire and keep it a bit funny. Let us blow things up in the city with tanks and choppers in regular gameplay.
  2. I would save the middle aged man so he can save the elderly, who can save the child. That's if I was strong enough to pull all 3 back up.
  3. That's good advice, however, it doesn't always work that way. I gave everything to a woman once. She was mormon and we were engaged to be married. I always reached across the aisle for her, but she never gave back. I went to church with her. I was even baptized mormon. She ended up letting the church control everything. Not only that, she was vegetarian and I also became vegetarian for 3 years. Now, I believe just be who you are and find someone who accepts it. But in relationships, always remember that both should show effort and reach across the aisle before walking it or else a person can be stuck in a contract of marriage they find misery in. I've changed a lot and I'm grateful for her wisdom. Part of why I'm political is because she has opened my mind. That is something I will always love her for. But I had to let her go because religion divided us. We shouldn't always let a woman change us. And women shouldn't always feel the need to change someone else. Discuss differences first and be open about it. If push comes to shove, then move on. I completely respect where you are coming from, but in that experience I now believe it is a requirement to meet halfway. Gaming is a huge part of my life now. So any significant other has to enjoy gaming. That is the sexiest thing in a woman now. I will never give up gaming for someone. If people are in relationships that game together, that is an awesome thing to bond with. And I'm sure more and more relationships will find a special bonding while gaming instead of movies. As far as child bearing, the rate of birth defects increases in a woman when it's too early as well as when she ages, so I completely agree with you.
  4. This is an extremely important read to know what is going on with the elections in the USA and the serious danger to democracy. We are heading into midterms in 2022 and the election in 2024 I really don't see how it stands a chance for democracy to survive. This is coined the term 'slow-moving coup' or 'slow-motion insurrection.' This article speaks for itself so I won't elaborate much. I'll summarize important concepts and update when needed. Very scary just typing all this in. There are states that passed voting rights bills, but those are already in democratic states that isn't under blatant attack. When you take a look at this and wonder why it is all largely ignored and there is no way to pass any voting rights bills on the federal level, is just sickening. In two years the USA can be a dictatorship very easily. It is in black and white for all to see. THIS IS HISTORY. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-february-2022 Restrictive Legislation: "As of Janu­ary 14, legis­lat­ors in at least 27 states have intro­duced, pre-filed, or carried over 250 bills with restrict­ive provi­sions" (2022) Restrictions on mail voting: *New barri­ers to apply­ing for mail ballots *Prohib­i­tion on send­ing unso­li­cited mail ballots or ballot applic­a­tions *Restric­tions on return­ing mail ballots *Limit­a­tions on who can vote by mail *New grounds for reject­ing mail ballots Stricter voter ID: *remove altern­at­ive forms of iden­ti­fic­a­tion *elim­in­ate the option for a voter to cast a regu­lar ballot by execut­ing a state­ment of their iden­tity or affi­davit if they do not possess accept­able voter ID * require voters to submit a photo­copy of a photo ID when regis­ter­ing to vote *reduce the list of accept­able forms of voter ID Voters with disabilities *repeal law that allows a person by reason of a phys­ical disab­il­ity or an inab­il­ity to read or write” to receive assist­ance *repeal the perman­ent absentee voter list * eliminate access to indi­vidu­als who are blind or visu­ally impaired Loosen require­ments to educate voters *repeal of law informing on how to ensure their ballot is coun­ted *repeal law for advance notice of iden­ti­fic­a­tion require­ments for voting in elec­tions Undermining the Electoral Process-'Election Sabotage:' *reject election results *targeting election officials with criminal and civil penalties for facilitating voter access Bills Initi­at­ing Biased Elec­tion Reviews *Citizen-initi­ated audits without basic secur­ity meas­ures for the ballots or clear guidelines for how results are reviewed *allow any registered voter to request an audit of an elec­tion *any elec­tion offi­cial in the juris­dic­tion, or any voter who presents a peti­tion signed by 1,000 resid­ents to initi­ate an audit w/o accuracy standards or judicial review *random audit­ing system with no pre-writ­ten, compre­hens­ive stand­ards for conduct­ing the audits *audit of a general elec­tion to be performed by a non-govern­ment entity w/o standards for audit New Prosec­utorial Author­ity Related to Elec­tions: *expand law enforce­ment’s power over elec­tion-related matters *racially discrim­in­at­ory prosec­u­tions of voters and people provid­ing ballot assist­ance *enforce elec­tion law through invest­ig­a­tions and by pursu­ing civil and crim­inal penal­ties *allow any person to submit an anonym­ous complaint to the Elec­tion Integ­rity Unit *prosecute anyone giving assist­ance with return­ing an absentee ballot on a voter’s behalf *invest­ig­ate and prosec­ute alleg­a­tions of voting fraud New Crim­inal or Civil Penal­ties on Elec­tion Offi­cials: *criminal or civil actions for minor mistakes *felon­ies for unin­ten­ded admin­is­trat­ive mistakes *sue local elec­tion offi­cials *probable cause will remove that offi­cial from office, invest­ig­ate the insti­tu­tion, or prosec­ute such instances of fraud *An inspector general could use this power to initi­ate proceed­ings against elec­tion offi­cials in bad faith *felony who fail to perform required voter list main­ten­ance Bills That Politi­cize the Elec­tions Process in Poten­tially Subvers­ive Ways: *remove profes­sional elec­tion offi­cials and replace them with more partisan actors *sue an elec­tion offi­cial and have them removed from office *removal proceed­ings for local elec­tion offi­cials whom they deem to be “demon­strat­ing less than satis­fact­ory perform­ance” for two years *trans­fer author­ity over specific aspects of elec­tion admin­is­tra­tion to differ­ent actors *appoint their own field person­nel to review elec­tronic voting systems on Elec­tion Day *current governor to lock in control of the State Board of Elec­tions and commis­sioner of elec­tions for several years past the end of his term *Elec­tion over­sight commis­sions and agen­cies *power to insti­tute audits with weak proced­ural safe­guards and “risk assess­ments” of local elec­tion offi­cial offices *accur­acy of the elec­tion process, and uniform­ity of the elec­tions process *subcom­mit­tee to review the results of county elec­tion offi­cials’ forensic audits of 2020 election
  5. Does the mind alter when you have more hands? Would games make good use of 3 hands? How? Would the controls be like a jet's cockpit? Would there be 100 more abilities in games? We still only have two eyes, so it's not like we would kill more enemies in different directions we didn't see.
  6. You pretty much nailed it. And it's also often times where people on the winning side get so excited that they riot in the streets and vandalize things and fight. That adrenaline and excitement from winning becomes blood lust. Like a pack of dogs when one starts yapping and next thing you know they all turn into a frenzy and attack. Then you get those on the losing side who takes so much offense from the game that they resort to the lowest and dirtiest of all bad things in the world and they are the worst victims on the planet with the whole world conspiring against them. Now put the two groups together. What can go wrong? In American football, the Super Bowl hardly ever takes place in the city of either team. Things would easily be worse if it did.
  7. I don't like those one liners that goes by so fast and is a very important concept in the game. Only times I catch it is when games have replay mission option. A lot of games that have really short or hardly any cinematics are usually like that for me. I'm still in lala land when the 3 second clip comes up. I'm finishing my last thought while they just foreshadowed the game. I can't be too specific as to every game that does that, but as mentioned it's every game that has really short cinematics. Especially those games where you just get to a new area you want to explore and you got to follow someone and listen to them blabber while instructional words are popping up on screen. I can't do that.
  8. I read in the Ubisoft blog they are looking into the problems from this latest event. Still not fixed though and event is over. I can't even fast travel anymore which means I can't access other maps in the game. That's a game breaker. And it's like that for two of my saves which means I have an older save that works fine, but it's like starting all over. Screw that.
  9. Actually, the octopus is an intelligent being. If they were given the chance of unfettered reproduction and safely free roam for hundreds of thousands of years, I have no doubt they would evolve into a species more intelligent than humans. I would say the chest and have center mobility, but that would be up to you. If it had center mobility then it would probably have two thumbs.
  10. People like him have fallen into an obsession of homophobia and they use this exact talking point to praise dictatorial leaders who they think are strong. All these culture wars from republicans are for only one purpose, to demonize their opponents and try to get in good grace with religious groups. Cause we all know religious people are the only righteous ones in existence, right? (SARCASM). Every holiday, republicans go on offense how liberals try to take it all away. Republicans cuddle the American flag in one hand and the confederate flag in the other while trying to overthrow an election with their brothers next to them holding Nazi symbols. Their actions speak for itself. Every law they pass is a direct attack on people of color and the LGBTQ community. As far as the survey goes, people can lie in surveys; surveys can be biased; and the baby boomer generation, every generation for that matter, has their share of LGBTQ but the baby boomers grew up in an age where they have to be closet gays. Conversatives think they are the population of heterosexuals but you can never tell. Russia for example, is the epitome of how republicans want this country to be like. Russia has cracked down on the LGBTQ community. Transgender people aren't allowed to drive in that country. They have passed the 'gay propaganda' laws. They have tv shows demonizing gays. At the same time, in such a masculine society, there is allegations that Russian soldiers in Ukraine are raping grown men and boys, including women and girls. So a country that is hell bent on punishing the LGBTQ and pro masculinity are raping grown men and boys? Is gay jail rape a masculine endeavor to the far right wingers too? So let's not get caught up in any extremism. Republicans have their equal share of gays who most likely are closet gays. Toxic masculinity is not good and treating your 4 year old boy as a girl is not good. As far as that goes, we can't reach too far into it because we don't know their personal story. Was it fun and games? Or something else? When I was a kid me and my sister raided our mom's makeup and painted each other lol. So fucking what. I would still beat the hell out of most kids in my neighborhood and in school for that matter. I got kicked out of first grade for kicking everyone's ass all the time. I was a bully when I was younger. I even hit girls too. I even attacked grown ups and run off. I just didn't care. Me and my friends played dodge ball using knives to throw. Then I grew up. I embrace my femininity now. I'm not afraid to be one with nature and that whole thing. At the same time I am willing to defend my country if there is a call for arms. I will protect those that are in need. That's masculine enough as far as I'm concerned. There are far too many grown males who need to grow up. You can't call yourself a man just because you have a job, money, degree, and a family while throwing tantrums on planes for having to wear a mask. And that is one example of many that I can go into. Long story short, grow the fuck up republicans!!! I have a couple other points to make about false masculinity and the so called strong man. Take a look at the Neanderthals who were much stronger than homo sapiens. But we are alive today because we were more intelligent. The physical strength didn't prevent the Neanderthals from going extinct. Spartans supposedly has a myth where they would weed out weak boys and train the rest to be strong as hell. Where are the Spartans today? Why don't they have their own country and empire? You get the point. Toxic masculinity is a recipe for failure. Nothing good comes out of it, except for abuse and violence. You can't brainwash the testosterone out of males. If you are so concerned about losing testosterone levels, then protest and complain to the food manufacturing companies that packages food in plastic containers. Because that plastic is full of estrogens that leak into the food. And that includes bottled water. So get off your manly asses and complain to them. What's wrong? Don't want to piss off the corporations? Huh? The industries leaking estrogens into the food? They get the green light, so you instead attack the gay community? Fuck you bigots. Straight up. You homophobes are idiots.
  11. It depends on the tv too. If you don't have 4K tv, then you can't see the full potential of 9th gen games. 4K and 8K tv's have a very limited range to see it's full clarity. The further you are from the tv, renders 4K and 8K useless. So you can play 8th gen on 4K and it might look better than 9th gen on basic HD TV. Might be the same for computer screens and graphic cards too.
  12. That's good points and I can see where you are coming from. And they have tried temp bans on people and they come back and eventually do the same thing. People don't get another chance when they are being lied to about everything in a pandemic. People don't get another chance when they fight for their right to live in Ukraine while others spread disinformation, including people in our own congress here. And in the case of trump, people don't get another chance if the coup attempt was successful, hence his banning. And as mentioned earlier the banning of Muhammadu Buhari who could have created a lot of turmoil in that country. These are serious situations that need more than multiple temp bans. Free speech doesn't include the right to incite mayhem. And 1 week bans, or one month isn't enough. I say 6 month ban or 1 year automatically for inciting violence and repeating the offense is permanent ban. We need to take these kinds of things extremely serious. The only people bitching about Twitter free speech are those that want to abuse it. True, inciting violence is rampant, but those that have higher responsibility in power and millions of followers shouldn't be treated like the average Joe who got drunk and said something fucked up.
  13. Now that you mention, I don't recall hearing much metal in GTA 5 either. I'm not even familiar with all the stations yet. I'll have to see if I come across some songs while I put my ride in slo mo and crash into bodies at the beach.
  14. Only time will tell to see how he juggles free speech and threats/inciting violence/life threatening conspiracies all around the world. And you are right that a lot of media is owned by billionaires and thanks to Musk's takeover, he has shined a light on this problem. It's not every day we see some rich asshole take over a major platform. So we all should be concerned by this kind of thing. Social media shouldn't be up for grabs by the highest bidder. Not social media or news networks. There needs to be some kind of laws in place to keep media publicly owned and protected somehow from so called hostile takeovers. Is anything wrong about being concerned by this? I'm glad you are getting recommended posts now. But whatever is going on with the algorithms, I have no idea about. And I frankly could care less about it. All I got to say is all forms of media needs protections. And it's even more concerning exactly why the richest man feels the need to own Twitter. Especially when he has chosen to side with other hostile people who want nothing more than to spread disinformation and incite violence. That's alarming to have someone of questionable morality to take over Twitter. He's already being investigated for breaking the law in his Twitter share as previously explained, also investigated for torturing monkeys as explained, and also investigated for widespread racial discrimination at Tesla while he's CEO, and the FTC is reviewing his acquisition of Twitter to see if any further investigations is needed; what else is he investigated for? Those things matter to me, especially when someone wants to represent free speech and a major platform. He's already said he is bringing Trump back on Twitter. What other whack jobs are coming back? So we can expect threats and calls for violence to be perfectly legal on Twitter now.
  15. Listening to Kaskade I was driving the beach after scoping Fort Zancudo. Cops and military after me. Grazing the ocean. Sun setting. Listening to this music, do or die, but a beautiful place with the horizon. Drive on or kill. Oh fuck music just slowed down. Bullets flying, love in the air, sunset, bodies flying, one with your car, cruise on, grazed with bullets. Thought is over. Wake up, wake up...fast forward music...run mutha fucka run.
  16. I am a big fan of the Assassins Creed games and I have come to the point where I think Valhalla is a broken game. A year ago I had 150 hours accumulated of gameplay and lost it all through corruption. I tried again and racked up hours not to play the game but to get opals to buy gear. I've been doing that for a while. More than a year now. My reasoning is to finish other Creed games. So I've been flirting with Valhalla in a sense. So this spring the Ostara festival happened. My main save game got bugs in it now and ruins the experience. I'm sure Ubisoft can correct it with an update. But that's the problem. EVERYTIME YOU HAVE A SEASON EVENT YOU FUCK UP THE GAME. Now I look back on how my 150 hours of play were corrupted. It was right after an event. And every time there is an event the game downloads an update. Every fucking time the update fucks the game up. Either stop the events or stop making games. You don't even care to make any future games without mandatory internet with your Infinity future game. You don't know what you are doing anymore. You are over your fucking heads. Fuck You Too. Valhalla is a broken game. I have no more trust in my saves. And every time you force us into an updated event you fuck it up. I'm tired of it. I can't even play Valhalla anymore. Immersion is broken. Game is broken.
  17. The indoctrination continues in public schools. Ron DeSantis now just signed into law House Bill 395 that would require all Florida schools to teach about communism for 45 minutes on 'Victims of Communism Day.' Florida is the only state that has that requirement now. This is all going back to the days of the communist red scare. But it's amazing how Florida outlawed historical discussions of anything related to racism, civil rights, gender identity, and sexual orientation, but now forcing teaching about communism. I don't have a problem learning about the horrors of communism, but to exclude other historical events and any talk of racism just shows the ill intentions of fascist DeSantis. Democrats better get on board and start teaching about the horrors of fascism. This is a two way street, but democrats won't drive. Another thing I want to point out is a bipartisan bill to educate Americans about the WW2 era how Japanese Americans were placed into internment or detention camps and a bunch of republicans voted against it. So this cherry picking of ideals on what Americans are taught is outright censorship, oppressive, and politically immoral. Everyone should have the right to learn about ALL history without big government cherry picking it.
  18. It’s no shock he won. Russia has fake rigged elections. They give people the illusion they have elections to pretend like they are a democracy. Remember, Putin poisoned and jailed Navalny who was his opponent. Putin also just past laws to extend his presidency until 2036. He’s an official dictator now.
  19. Republican governor of Florida recently passed into law a survey for all colleges and universities to find out the political beliefs of employees and students. It's obviously unconstitutional being a violation of privacy rights. And it's designed to pit students against teachers and then blackmail colleges to strip away funding if they don't get more conservative. So finally we get to see the 13 questions asked. There are actually 21 questions for students and 24 questions for staff. 13 are listed here, I guess the rest of the questions are about race and gender. The original version of the survey had religious questions too. I don't know if it's left on or not. But there are 8 more questions we can't see here for students and 11 more for staff. 1) I feel that it is important to be able to express my political viewpoints without fear of negative consequences 2) My College or university campus provides an environment for free expression of ideas, opinions and beliefs 3) My college or university classes provide an environment for free expression of ideas, opinions, and beliefs 4) I see examples of free and welcomed expression in my classes regularly. 5) My professors or course instructors use class time to express their own social or political beliefs without objectively discussing opposing social or political beliefs. 6) Students at my college or university are encouraged to consider a wide variety of viewpoints and perspectives. 7) I feel comfortable speaking up and giving my views on noncontroversial topics. 8) I feel comfortable speaking up and giving my views on controversial topics. 9) My college or university is doing a good job when it comes to promoting or encouraging diverse political viewpoints. 10) I would be concerned if most of my professors or course instructors held the same political beliefs. 11) I have felt intimidated to share my ideas or political opinions because they were different from those of my professors. 12) My professors or course instructors are generally more (conservative, liberal, other, don’t know) 13) My college or university is generally: More tolerant of liberal ideas and beliefs, More tolerant of conservative ideas and beliefs, Equally tolerant of both liberal and conservative ideas and beliefs. 7 of these questions are direct political questions. 1,5,9,10,11,12,13. The United Faculty of Florida is a union that is encouraging a boycott of the survey, “Florida’s government has no right to know the thoughts, feelings, or political or religious beliefs of anyone, including the higher education community,” the letter said. “Privacy is the bedrock of democracy and a safeguard against autocratic control.” "The union says it is concerned faculty members can be identified and targeted through questions in the faculty version about their demographic background and where they work." https://floridapolitics.com/archives/513878-university-viewpoint-diversity-surveys-are-released-here-are-the-questions/ Here is a statement released by the United Faculty of Florida union: 1) Florida’s government has no right to know the thoughts, feelings, or political or religious beliefs of anyone, including the higher education community. Privacy is the bedrock of democracy and a safeguard against autocratic control. 2) Ignoring this survey is an act that protects individuals of all political persuasions, now and into the future. This survey would not pass ‘validity tests’ in any institutional review process, as there is no way to ensure that responses will reflect the demographics of the institution. It is not worthy of time away from our teaching and research. 3) The specificity of the survey’s demographic questions allows for targeting of faculty, particularly faculty of color, and can be used to attack tenure. 4) Many of the survey’s questions are leading in nature and imply that there is a problem of viewpoint fairness on our campuses already–this is a conclusion searching for evidence, rather than the other way around. 5) Many of the survey’s questions ask respondents to report on what they believe their colleagues and students think and how they are behaving on campus. Surveillance has no place in Florida’s higher education system. 6) The survey will cause a chilling effect on freedom of speech and freedom of association on campus because faculty, staff, and students will be wondering whether their words and deeds will be reported to those in power. 7) Governor DeSantis and other legislators have threatened to defund or otherwise punish campuses whose responses do not match the appropriate ideology. This is not a standard of leadership or behavior that any member of Florida’s higher education community should support. https://www.uff-uf.org/uff-statement-on-the-viewpoint-discrimination-survey-do-not-participate/
  20. I don’t know. Some think sports is the closest thing to war to get to. We aren’t far off from the gladiator days. Except now everyone can watch it on tv. When you pit two teams against each other, with media hyping it up to increase bets, mix some alcohol, and you get the mob.
  21. I hate it when people cheer for the other team at sports bars. You live in a city, then people from somewhere else cheers for their hometown instead of the one they are in. It's annoying. Then you walk to the restroom and crack a bottle over their head and one big rumble starts up. People throw bar stools and slide bodies on the bar knocking down everyone's drinks. Then the music stops playing. Everyone stops fighting. Then somebody walks over and sticks quarters in the juke box. When the music starts up again everyone starts fighting again. The bartender chugs some liquor and picks up a shotgun and blasts the juke box. Everyone stops fighting dazed and confused. Somebody scores a goal in the game. And they happily all start fighting again.
  22. That’s a good habit. I do the exact same thing. I keep my console, discs, and controller super clean. I always wash my hands before picking up the controller or handling a disc. If you wash your hands 3 times before gaming, that would be a bad habit
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