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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Wouldn't FMV be like augmented reality?
  2. With VR allowing gamers to interact on another level and Mark Zuckerberg designing plans to create a body suit to wear that has magnetized points to see movement and to feel pressure applied when gaming to help feel actions in the environment, could allow an exploitation of assault. Even without the suit, there has been an abundance of assault from players groping and all kinds of gestures which makes the gaming pretty offensive especially if you don't know if it's a child on the other end. Meta has the ability to ban members for virtual groping, and I don't know if its just a temporary ban or what. But is that really gonna fix the problem? As the VR grows, this really is going to be a larger issue especially if people are saying offensive comments, racist rhetoric, and acting out offensive movements ganging up on someone or abusing a female, virtually of course, but it's still offensive. I've used multiplayer VR before and I can see it easily getting out of hand as friends go in there and you can hear their conversations and see their avatar moving. Technology is definitely going to make the meta verse an ugly world. https://www.yahoo.com/news/metaverses-dark-side-come-harassment-193600018.html https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/01/mark-zuckerberg-says-a-new-material-could-support-metaverse-ambitions.html
  3. That is generous! I've already received my free copy of COD Vanguard so I'm a happy camper. Thanks again!!!
  4. I clicked on an add Elastic Man on ufree games and I have to say it's quite interesting 🤪

  5. La Nina and El Nino weather derives from the temperatures of the pacific ocean. This year it's La Nina which means the southern USA will be warmer and drier, and the north will get wetter and colder. It has been full blown summer outside for a week now and all the wildlife is confused. I've got to go cut grass and might as well get a damn garden growing. Last I checked I was still alive and not taking a stroll though hell's inferno. Maybe that's why Texans are the way they are; it's because we're all dead and don't even realize were already in hell. Need to splash cold water on my face. Wake up, wake up; it's all a nightmare.
  6. That is interesting. I can see doing a quick play through won't be as immersive, but helps save time. But for those that want to experience a game, there needs perception of time or else the moment gets thrown. Ironically, Days Gone even has a calendar of the number of days passed, hence 'days gone'. But to try and give a sense of time, while completely disregarding it in the story is just plain idiocre or mediocre.
  7. I see this being a very poor and lazy issue with games when timeframes are immediate and not allowing a sense of passing of time. Days Gone gives the perfect example of this. I've kept silent about it, but now it's worth a post because it keeps happening. I just finished a mission and head back to camp to officially complete it by talking with someone. At this point I know that it should have taken days or at least the better part of the day to do the task to move the story along. So at that point there are no missions to do so I head out and as soon as I pass the camp's gates to go outside, I get a new mission saying that the last task is complete and head back to camp. I just opened the freakin gates to go outside!!! You kidding me? Lazy lazy lazy....Things like that takes the essence out of immersion. Games have no excuse in being that bad at losing the sense of time. I would say half the gams I play have poor time management
  8. Grand Theft Auto with Red Dead Redemption using Assassin's Creed's animus to go back and forth in history.
  9. Gaming in general helps with reaction time. There is a study showing that gamers have increased reaction without a decrease in accuracy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2871325/ To sum up, gamers would make better cops than many of those we see in the news that displayed poor reaction and accuracy in decisions.
  10. I think the trend in new games is to make it look realistic instead of cartoony to show off graphics especially in the newer systems that came out. People are excited to see the what new consoles have to offer. Once the craze dies down, then there will be more cartoony games again. And I don't know of any new cartoons that are out. Maybe that is lacking as well.
  11. Yes it was; I'm predicting 2022 will be even worse because they are gonna hold off the release of games because not many people will have newer systems to play them. Gives developers more time to fix games anyways. There's gonna be a crisis when the industry realizes the transition from old generation to new generation was botched by scalpers and insufficient chips.
  12. I'm sure it's part of art history that could be taught in art class. I don't see it making regular history unless video games were born from military invention or helped shape an important event in some way.
  13. I don't think there is much of a market for westerns unless it's something like the show Westworld. And who would play the role as Arthur? I don't think some celebrity who brushes teeth with diamond dust and wipes ass with handmaiden silk will fill the boots of Arthur.
  14. Not many games left to make it on this last generation list. I'm wondering what has been the overall best? So far we got: 1) TLOU2 2) Bloodborne 3) Witcher 3 4) Horizon Zero Dawn 5) God of War 6) GTA 5 I'll add even though it came out on the previous generation, but one of those 'cross generation' games 7) FIFA 8) Motor GP (Cyberpunk 2077 didn't make it) Will Elden Ring and Horizen Forbidden West make the list?
  15. Wow, Japan really is embracing the gaming industry. That's pretty damn awesome. All high schools need to embrace some kind of niche to help prepare students for careers. I'll say it a billion times, high school needs to do away with junk and start becoming more internship oriented. And the esports program is probably one of the more interesting ones. Seriously, the senior level should do away with all courses and only work towards a career. "We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher, leave them kids alone." Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2
  16. I haven't come across much fist fighting encounters in GTA 5 except for the occasional mugging lol. In GTA4 I can't imagine having to fight 5 others. I swear that when I hit the button to swing, he starts pushing air. And the kick button, he doesn't kick, he jumps.
  17. The trilogy is GTA3, San Andreas, and Vice city, and left off 1 and 2. I've also been debating Vice city and some of the older titles whether to get the ps2-ps3 version or the trilogy. After watching youtube videos, I think to play the old games, you are only in it for the story. Because to settle for anything less than GTA 5 with it's fantastic gameplay and amazing graphics, just doesn't seem justified to me. Everything seems the same except one is modern and another is old.
  18. I am really liking GTA 4 as I've just started playing it, but for such a cool game the fist fighting is completely awful!!! Does it get better? Or is it gonna be a dirty snot rag the whole way through?
  19. You may say that one side is insensitive and the other is politically correct, but ironically, the more insensitive people get, then the more sensitive other people get. And those insensitive people want to allow all poison to circulate the air and let it vent on its own. While those sensitive people want to prevent the poison from spreading in the first place. A publisher dropping a developer doesn’t mean they can’t find someone else, so no freedom has been violated. Whatever the hell political correctness even means these days, I’m starting to think the meaning has changed. So way to go for the publisher for being ‘politically correct’ if the meaning now means that you have a moral standard, neutrality, empathy. And those insensitive un-empathetic types that simply want society to suffer and become outraged instead of preventing it in the first place are what I will now call ‘politically incorrect.' As far as the SWAT game goes, it seems they want to exploit a sensitive issue for promotion. Yes, it is a real life issue, but they also have a choice to leave off the mission if it means losing a publisher over it if that was the reason. They may have the right to expression, and others have the right of choice not to publish it, whether that be political correctness, ‘neo political correctness’ or protecting their assets. I say neo political correctness because the term has been perverted to mean ‘social justice warrior’ as anti SJW propaganda. You say to let them release it and spread and then let the people decide. Now why would a business put their reputation on the line for bad taste? Don’t they have a right to decide what to publish as part of their portfolio? Censorship would be when the government forces a publisher to not publish something. And there is such a thing as ‘reverse censorship’ when governments try to force the banning of censorship for the reason to allow bigotry into the public. In the state of Florida they tried to ban Facebook from being able to censor politicians at a time when controversies and misinformation was being given about the pandemic, inciting violence, and election conspiracies. That’s a dangerous example of ‘reverse censorship.’ So you may call the right of Facebook censorship as being politically correct, but it’s actually safety precaution. Not to defend Facebook, because they sure as hell let a lot of dangerous rhetoric slip; but obviously politicians have a greater responsibility and shouldn’t have the right to spread dangerous lies and conspiracies and a company not have the right to censor it.
  20. Just throw down some peat moss and hay and I'm ready to game like an animal. 😆
  21. AC Valhalla took 8 minutes from clicking on application to ready to play. After it's latest reconstructing update, now it takes 6 minutes.
  22. There are 3 big titles coming in February-Dying Light 2, Elden Ring, and Horizon Forbidden West. And that's about it for the ps4 console. I don't see a whole lot of people being able to get the ps5 yet, so whatever comes out in mid to late 2022, how many people are even gonna be able to play it?
  23. A lot of people don’t have many hobbies and if they did, it probably requires more money than gaming or transportation and also patience/concentration to learn a new craft which many sugar crazed young adults may find boring. Even doing sports for some can be intimidating whether it be not wanting to look like a fool due to inexperience, not knowing anyone else, or afraid of self image. Gaming is easy access. So that sets it far apart from other hobbies as a better alternative. And if parents get involved as stated, then those things can be family fun which replaces the old board games; so that can help them from being asocial. Parents have to break their barriers of false adulthood and spend quality time gaming with their children, if that is the preferred hobby to reduce anxiety. We know gaming as a hobby reduces anxiety for different reasons. And it doesn't hurt to have the support of research to present backed information for those that have a total misconception of gaming.
  24. Only when I got to drop a deuce. My gaming chair is a toilet.. aahhh hahahaha
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