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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I'm starting a new religion called Biochemical-physicsanity because it is the one true religion unspoken since the dawn of man. Now that man understands the science of biochemistry and physics, we have something true and proven to worship. Gods are elements making up of every physical matter we know of. Worship them. They are within you. They make everything possible in a true reality sense. Physics such as gravity allows for us to exist. Now pray to the physics God. Biochemistry is all life including bacteria. We are composed of multicellular biochemical Gods. The physics of elements with electrons and protons working with the composition of molecules enables all of life. Our biochemical Gods form castles in Heaven called cells. The DNA sequences and gravity Gods enables all of us to move, communicate, and in some instances, think. Worship in the temple of nature, where you can see God's work proven for all to see and believe, instead of only believing. Faith is in the processes of physics and biochemistry that will never be broken.
  2. Quote: "You are not made in God's image, we are made in yours" Gods are speaking to you believers; American Gods; spread across the world; you made the Gods...YOU MADE GOD!!! GET ON YOUR KNEES AND WORSHIP YOUR MAN MADE GODS!!!
  3. I finished the game and it was seriously intense. I had a bad ending so thankfully you can replay missions and I got a better ending. DO NOT try to replay your game before finishing it if you didn't like a scenario. And that is something I hate about choice based games is that you really aren't given a choice if decisions are based on how fast you can push a button. But the story was adrenaline pumping as you saw in my previous posts. This game has, in my mind, symbolism of slavery. Androids gaining consciousness and wanting freedom is the same as the perpetrators treated slaves and how slaves wanted to break away. And to do it peaceful or forceful is a choice that is hard to make.
  4. @The Blackangel is right on; I wouldn't want to be in the path of her shotgun spread
  5. Playing my open world, I look out beyond. I see the rivers, hills, ocean, mountains, valleys, roads...I can go anywhere I want. I am staring at all the opportunities. No matter what path I take, it will lead to a different unique experience. No path is the same. Having that freedom is very beyond me in life. To have those choices is something most don't have. To have those choices can be overwhelming. Freedom. I want to stick to roads where things were meant to be. But drift and break away from conformity. Travel up the hill to get a view. Go wherever you want. Walk the path, ride the path, and see things as the game wanted you to see. In that sense, all those roads as I look at them...the sea, the mountains, are all a liminal space because no matter what degree I want to turn and journey, will lead me into a different experience. CHOICE IS LIMINAL
  6. That bastard is a cross between the wicked witch of the west and joker
  7. Yesterday I agree that riots are bad. Right now, this demon with his nose right inside a buttcrack deserves a rebellion.
  8. I really like this guy and everything he talks about. This is something republicans have also done in Florida when hospitals were at capacity and funds were withheld for political reasons--republican political reasons. And those reasons are not in the best interests of the country or for the world in that matter of pandemics. This is history. Make a name---republicans really want to make a name. But they fail in their mental capacity to realize that their brand will be the bottom of humanity when future historians write about this. And they can't hide their falsehoods from the world stage.
  9. When are you gonna play A Plague Tale--I think you got the game at one point?
  10. How many consoles/pc do you own for gaming?
  11. Yeah, it will be hard to escape all the puke ruining the essence and beauty of bikes
  12. All the warriors out there, all those who fell-all those who lived, all those who sacrificed, all those who didn't sacrifice. Enlisting for privilege, forced fight, defending, attacking, motivations...Is a good warrior based on motivations? Conquer? Defend? What exactly is a warrior? We see all them ancient and modern types; spartans, romans, valhallans, navy seals, ninjas, samurai, warriors from all places; decorated and experienced. What drives them? What makes the best warrior? Defending home or attacking another’s home? What makes the better warrior? Spiritual or self? Agility or intelligence? Strength? Who is stronger? Someone who weighs 150 pounds and benches 150 pounds—-or someone who weighs 250 pounds and benches 200 pounds? Do guns and technology make the human race weaker? To live by the gun and press buttons or to live by physical strength and agility. Machine guns can wipe out entire battlefields of ancient times. But fight face to face like a man should, modern humans are all pansies. Put a flower in your ear while you tote a gun. Hold your dick in your hand while you tote an axe.
  13. It's times like these where you wonder why all employees don't stage a walkout and just shut the place down till the CEO is replaced. But pigs always have muddy friends that inhabit the pen.
  14. Facebook is going through some changes and one of those is changing its name from Facebook to Meta which also is changing the name of Oculus Quest to Meta Quest starting 2022. There was controversy that you needed a Facebook account in order to log in to your Oculus, but now they are no longer going to require that. People were getting confused whether their Oculus was tied to their personal or professional Facebook account. So maybe the name change is a good thing to give Oculus or Meta Quest a refreshing start. So hopefully we will no longer have to sign in to a social platform for our gaming needs. https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/28/22751220/facebook-portal-oculus-quest-meta-horizon-renaming
  15. Doesn't seem many people are using the Oculus on this forum, but something to consider to maybe reach that audience.
  16. My update 5.00 finally installed after a week. That's how slow my s**t is. But there is a Oskoreia festival for the fall season until 12/02/21 where you can get free stuff. And you get free opals to spend on gear from Ubisoft Connect.
  17. I'll wait till he's at 99,999 then I'll click enter for the 100,000th!!!
  18. I love cruising around in a motorcycle in Days Gone, and it makes me wonder why there aren't more games that feature bikes! In GTA 5 you can ride around some speed bikes, but I haven't seen any old school bikes. What games do you know of where you can cruise around on a bike and even customize it? Do racing games usually feature them? CHOPPER STYLE...🤩
  19. I've been wondering about that too. I remember a while back you said you got Man of Medan because I was curious about it. But what exactly is this series, is it choices based? And are they all stand alone stories?
  20. The 'slow coup' is door to the election time coup. But your topic on 'if trump wins 2024' I'm too angry to even comment on that.
  21. Ubisoft has reached their peak and now is and has been in a slow decline. This is what we see when empires fall, where the workplace (citizens) becomes in disarray and the ones at the top won't make the right decisions. And it all is a sort of entrenched fate they created themselves as they pursue money more than support of their 'people'. And we see that direction with 'pay for service' games like the coming AC Infinity paving the way for more of this greed cycle that other developers may pursue. This can't be swept under the rug, and fans will move on while the only ones that suffer is Ubisoft themselves. If they come to the point of employee protests, walkouts, and a desperate attempt to increase pay in a discriminatory way, then they have already lost the handle. So expect to see quality diminish in their future games as their reputation won't attract those veteran employees.
  22. I've never seen that game before! I guess that is the true billiards game; well I'll be...Thanks for clarifying cause I'm sure people from different countries have a different game in mind when referring to billiards or pool. But they use a 12 ft table. The way they play, it would be hard to tally up the points in a regular setting. People would fight over it. That would be interesting to play 8 ball on a 12 ft.
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