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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Couldn't have said it any better myself than what ROF did. The republicans are hostile and they will side with any rogue authoritarian and even terrorists over the majority of Americans in the USA. There was a bomb threat in D.C. a few days ago by a trump supporter in a truck, and republican Mo Brooks sympathized with the terrorist. They are also trying to whitewash the Jan 6 attack on the capital. These people don't care about terrorism. Republicans give them aid and comfort. I've already declared that party a terrorist organization. The USA has no law for domestic terrorism and that is why a major political party easily crosses that line. And the scary thing is that if the USA ever did make domestic terrorism laws, republicans will declare liberal protestors as terrorists. They already tried to and failed. But they will try again. They already legalized the murder of protestors in the streets using vehicles as the weapon. And they have already shown new laws against protesting is only for liberals as republicans and police didn't enforce the laws when it was a different group of people. That is selective enforcement. Everything evil n the world, expect from these republicans in the USA. Playing political games can only hold off the inevitable for so long which is the fall of the USA into a second civil war. But democrats have no fight in them. And that is the reason republicans are abusive. So I'm sure we will fall into dictatorship and protestors will get murdered. And genocide will begin.
  2. How would they even implement it? Would they make high schoolers play it in school, or hope that they actually buy it from the store? And they should add alcohol to that list. BAM!!! Not gonna happen cause the lobbies have the money to protect alcohol and force the pills down our throats. If schools adopt it, then the government gets in there, then the lobbies get in there. And you are left with-illegal NO...prescription-YES. Come get your bump at the pharmacy. It's sugar coated for you. Say ahhhhhh. 🤐
  3. The entertainment industry is getting hammered in its public venues. You can blame that on the spreaders of the virus. It's not going to get any better when people are trying to live with a pea sized brain. If they wiggled their head, their brain will fall out their nose.
  4. That would be even better, and add a short clip. I like it when games do that, when it breaks from whatever is going on and you get to watch a clip.
  5. Actually, I got that wrong. Trump made a deal with the Taliban to withdraw troops over a 14 month period from Feb 2020. And that obviously didn't work if we still had troops there in August 2021.
  6. Mad Max has an expansion? I'll get it then
  7. @The Blackangel would love to have your skull on her shelf. lol
  8. Some people lack attention span or play while wasted and forget. A little review is good though. It's like reading a book and 20 chapters later some things are summarized a little bit before moving on. In the game, they could at least be creative with it instead of just repeating the same thing.
  9. I've never heard of positive stress except when stress tells me when to stay away from things. So if a game stresses me out, I stay away from it; like puzzles and having to repeat gameplay over and over again. I like challenge, but if I like it, it wouldn't be stress. Maybe in sports a challenge would be stressful, or some kind of competition. But I just can't see that in games I play. I really want to give Bloodborne another try, but I probably won't ever get around to it because I'm in no rush to sit there and get stressed out. Is there an easy mode? Hmmm, I have to look it up.
  10. The first game I don't think has that to unlock. They are remaking the first game and I'm sure they would add it to that one, but you would have to wait a year or two. That would suck but may not be a bad idea.
  11. Updates on Tx and Florida. In Texas, the supreme court decided to hold off on the governors anti mask mandates in schools. In Florida, schools have two days to get rid of their mask mandates or lose funding. This is absurd. Lose funding for making kids wear masks, during a pandemic, in a state with the most cases and full hospitals? That's murder.
  12. I seem to be ok. I've got to start at a save where I lost 15 hours of play, but that's no big deal. I lost some tattoos that I liked that you can't get from the store, it was from an event. But we will see how it goes. Best thing to do is save everything before and after every event and periodically. It happened right after the summer event ended. I don't know if that had something to do with it because you update the game before big events like that and maybe it was a bad update. But all save files? Damn. Sounds like some Cyberpunk shit.
  13. The atmosphere in the prison is really scary. It looked good when I played it, but now graphically, after playing on the ps4 is probably outdated. Great game anyways and I wish it got a graphics update.
  14. I'm playing Uncharted 3 now on the ps3. I thought about jumping straight to 4, but since I've got 3 I might as well play it.
  15. It's definitely the Shambler and they are hard to kill. Even without the phobia, those things will make me lose my appetite.
  16. Warning- video has them in it, not much though at around 50 sec and 1 min. mark. This is an example of what 8-bit rendering in TLOU2 looks like. Maybe it's something you can handle.
  17. It's gonna take a couple days to download the latest update and I reinstalled it. I am rebuilding the database in the ps4. But I had like 10 saves on it and all are corrupted. I'll wait till the update is installed and try again. I have the save files saved on a few different drives so I'm not worried. But damn. Aint this a bitch
  18. A game is interesting and most people aren't. A game doesn't judge and most people do. For me it's aggression when someone is face to face talking to me. And it's funny because I try to turn or look away, and they think I'm not listening and move back right in front of me. And it becomes even more aggressive and I face the other way, and still they get in my face. It's weird. When I think about putting myself in their shoes, and I see them look away, I'll naturally try to change my tone or make the conversation more interesting or just say something funny. But to get back in front of someone while I'm talking and to pretty much force eye contact is just not in me to do unless I'm angry and arguing. For the most part, people are just lame. lol. No humor, no personality, nothing interesting. Blah blah blah. So don't beat yourself up over it cause if people can't get your attention, then it's them.
  19. That is true. So amazing how an enemy turned friend like Lev, helped Abby in her 'reckoning'. Which I think ultimately helped Ellie in her 'reckoning'. I'm gonna be thinking about everything for a long time. This game will have that impact.
  20. Spoilers Where to begin? That was a freakin rollercoaster. In every situation, I can easily put myself in their shoes and justify their actions. But damn, vengeance just leads to more vengeance. I was real angry with Ellie when she had it all at the farm. Everything! I wasn't so sure if her intention was to kill Abby or warn her. Did she feel she owed Abby or wanted to fix her own PTSD?
  21. I wish you were able to play TLOU series, but I know you can't. I just finished the second game and it unlocked some screen rendering capabilities. Maybe your friend can play through it and unlock the screen rendering to see if that can help. Some of the rendering is you can play in water color, low pixels like an 80's game, and all sorts of others. I think that may be bearable. And the first game they are remaking so maybe after the first play through that will unlock screen rendering too!
  22. We are living in a very dark age, and those from the dark ages would be laughing at the world today. Teachers are getting beat up by parents for wearing masks. These people belong in the dark ages. They have become far right extremists and religious/cult extremists. Misinformation campaigns is being pushed from Russia and there is evidence of it. But they aren't the only ones to blame because it takes a willingness to deep throat garbage that so many are lined up with their mouths agape. Why their own aren't dropping dead like flies from the pandemic is beyond me because it looks like that's what they want. Some probably have gotten vaccinated and hide it to push for this chaos. A doctor in Missouri says some people go in to get vaccinated in disguise or want to be anonymous because they are afraid what their peers would say. I personally don't like vaccines and in my college years I had to get legally exempt from any vaccinations while attending the university who had mandatory vaccinations in their policy. I got all my shots I was supposed to get as a baby/child. But we are in a pandemic and even I had to put away personal beliefs for the greater good in fighting this thing. These extremists are hostile so learn how to defend yourselves and your children. Their purpose is chaos. They are inside the government and using it to create chaos. I encourage you to get your children doing homeschool. We are fighting two pandemics simultaneously, one from a virus, and the other from a dangerous mental health pandemic. Protect yourselves from both.
  23. I just finished the game and definitely would like to talk about it. So much on my mind.
  24. I like that idea of staggering damage. I don't see how it would be any more controversial than a protective shield, or any other ability. A good player would know how to defeat a foe with any ability as part of the challenge.
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