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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from DC in Magic vs machina   
    Do you want to dress in a robe and have all power at your fingertips? Ok that's cliche. What is magic? Bullet power is magic. Bombs is magic. The air spreading poison is magic. If that's magic, then what is machina? bULLETS. Really? Bullets are machina?  No, what is magic? Is anything new magic? What world is this? I just woke up. I don't understand a thing. Everything looks like magic to me. Machina doesn't exist. What do I do? Where do I fit in? 
    I fight...I've seen the magic. I've seen the machina. Where do I stand? I run away shy. Who are any of you? I don't know you. Are we the same race? Civilization? I don't know you anymore. I don't know whether to grab machina or magic. Both? But I am divided. I can't do both? Who am I then? 
    Who are you? 
    Magic or machina
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from DC in Are game developers physicists?   
    When you are playing a game and think about your surroundings, like river movement, weather, sunsets, wind, things falling, and anything else you can think of, game developers need to have an understanding of the physics involved. But to develop an environment that is trying to make it as real as possible, I wouldn't say you need a masters in physics, but you need to know physics. Are game developers physicists since their profession requires the understanding of it? 
  3. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Razor1911 in Describe your post apocalyptic living quarters   
    That sound like a true psychologist's words. Yeah , we know that everything is going to end one day. There's no difference between us and the ants, we all are a part of the same life cycle.
    Apocalypse is bound to happen, today or tomorrow. Just like dinosaurs got extinct, we too will. Everything comes under the cycle, we are just a tiny part of it. 😟
  4. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in What scares you?   
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Heatman in Games that don't live up to their own foreshadowing   
    All throughout the series, it was ok to kill soldiers and templars without disturbing the synchronization or memories. But if you kill any innocent civilian you will get desynchronized. Usually one or two accidental deaths was allowed of a civilian, but it wouldn't allow more than that. It even says as a warning that whoever you are playing as the protagonist that they killed soldiers in their past life, no civilians or you will get desynchronized. But that's up until Odyssey, where you can kill civilians maybe because the protagonist in that game was a mercenary, which I guess didn't have the same standard or code to live by. Odyssey was supposedly one of the very first of the assassin generation chronologically and even though she hunted cultists, I haven't finished the story to know if she came to follow the creed. She is still discovering her bloodline. Often times Kassandra in Odyssey talked with Socrates for some ethical discussions. That's a great question! 
  6. Thanks
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Heatman in What are some atmospheric games that are not well-known?   
    "Ghost of Tsushima"  I'm definitely going to check that out when I finally get to purchase Playstation 5.
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in How much meaning has gaming added to your life?   
    Entertainment was entertainment up until I started gaming. To be so engaged in adventures and being a part of drama, emotions, that a 2 hour movie or any other form of entertainment is just hard to compare because I’ve got over 400 hours in my favorite game and hundreds more totaled in the thousands that I’m still playing and… breather
    I’m trying to say that in my experience in gaming, which is awesome, it’s it’s…
    I’m attached to so many aspects of gaming. I’m touched by art, by experiences, by culture (even though just a game), by escapism, by whatever emotion including ‘stupid happy.’ What I mean by that is letting your inner child out. 
    I didn’t pick the name reality vs adventure for nothing. That says it all for me because it is intertwined. They say our hearts weight will be measured. I say reality and adventure will be measured. I struggle with the two on a daily basis. The harsh world, the escapism; the graphics, life’s blur. Reality even has its beautiful moments. And adventure is a part of it. 
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to StaceyPowers in How much meaning has gaming added to your life?   
    Weirdly enough, gaming has created many of the most meaningful experiences in my life as an adult. How meaningful has gaming been for you?
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Family sedan in How much meaning has gaming added to your life?   
    It allows me a chance to race cars, something I couldn't do in real life.
  11. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What’s something terrifying that we’ve all come to accept as a fact of life?   
    I've got silver crystals growing right out of the rock! When I die and all my stuff is buried on my bones, alien life will find me and think I was a God. They will erect my bones in their Earth museum, and my skeleton with have a haunting smile. They will tell ghost stories of me coming back for my gems. There will be mysterious alien deaths of all those who touched my property. They will write books about how I created Earth with all my minerals. Eventually I will get my Earth followers to worship my bones. They will take my bones to a new planet and pray to my shrine and give me sacrifices so that I keep the planet sustainable. 
  12. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Heatman in Describe your dream MMO   
    Oh, you never knew what it meant till now. Well, it's a very good thing you had to do some research now 😂. 
  13. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Heatman in Describe your dream MMO   
    MMO= Massively Multiplayer Online. I had to look it up.
  14. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Heatman in I just have to say …   
    We should be thanking you for the interesting topics
  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in If you could remove ONE thing from gaming, what would it be?   
    I would remove exclusives. All that does is set us up to have different games for each system and paves the way to subscription only as they entice all the streaming companies, who jump at the chance to spread their exclusive only services. We already have exclusives from publishers who also make consoles, and that competition itself welcomes exclusivity. Streaming companies are having a wet dream to get their grabs in the gaming market. When that becomes mainstream, we will have to depend on the internet if you wanted to buy any game. Hard discs will become obsolete. And when everything is subscribe only, internet required, then gaming will also fall in line and become a gaming environment where every game requires internet. And when that happens, we will see advertising popping up all the time. I've seen the future. I was sent to this present age to stop this from happening. The world will cease if this happens. Machines will take over. There will be an apocalypse due to exclusivity. And when the internet goes down...only those with the hard disk can play. People will flock to you home to play. Protect yourselves!!! The end. 
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from DC in If you could remove ONE thing from gaming, what would it be?   
    I would remove exclusives. All that does is set us up to have different games for each system and paves the way to subscription only as they entice all the streaming companies, who jump at the chance to spread their exclusive only services. We already have exclusives from publishers who also make consoles, and that competition itself welcomes exclusivity. Streaming companies are having a wet dream to get their grabs in the gaming market. When that becomes mainstream, we will have to depend on the internet if you wanted to buy any game. Hard discs will become obsolete. And when everything is subscribe only, internet required, then gaming will also fall in line and become a gaming environment where every game requires internet. And when that happens, we will see advertising popping up all the time. I've seen the future. I was sent to this present age to stop this from happening. The world will cease if this happens. Machines will take over. There will be an apocalypse due to exclusivity. And when the internet goes down...only those with the hard disk can play. People will flock to you home to play. Protect yourselves!!! The end. 
  17. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Would you rather have super sensitive taste buds or super sensitive hearing?   
    How sensitive are we talking? Like will I be able to taste the air like a snake? Either way I think taste would be better because I wouldn't be able to get to sleep if I could hear for miles or we. Teh again I don't think I would want to taste the air of a public bathroom. 😛 
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Activision Blizzard Face Huge Lawsuit From California Over Horrifying Harassment Of Employees   
    You see this is why I've always advocated for the unionization of employees in the gaming industry because this is what happens when you leave a corporation to see to the welfare of its employees.
  19. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What is the most useful bit of video game advice you can give in 10 words or less?   
    I don't know how many times I'm ready for a scrap, I point, click click--oh f**k; really? I'm running and getting hit trying to reload. My screen goes all over the place; upside down, spinning, don't know what direction to run, get hit again and it stops my reload progress, then I start swinging, well that's that; they just killed me. Then it takes a while to get to where I was, going down the same road etc. I get to the point where I died, then click click. Oh f**k. Again? 
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in Arm Wrestling   
    The official rules don't say anything about that.
    I mean he's in the square position at the start, he keeps his elbow in the pocket and although I can't exactly tell from the video I'm assuming he has at least one foot on floor at the start.  He's not cheating but just found more effective technique.
  21. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in What’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?   
    If we're talking about drunken nights, then the time I woke up duct taped nude hanging from the monkey bars on a catholic school playground with a bunch of 3-5 year olds looking at me would top my list.
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Heatman in Games that were inspired by a true story   
    Assassin’s Creed III is a very good one. The Assassin’s Creed series is based on real life events that involved Pope Alexander VI, Leonardo da Vinci, the pirate Black Beard and so many. 
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in What’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?   
    😆 They left you in the bathroom with your dinner in the toilet. hahaha
  24. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in What’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?   
    Nope, I was barf free. I honest to god believe I went in there for a piss and just... dosed off.
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in What choices by video game developers cause them to lose the trust of players?   
    I like that he's active. Stir the stew a bit to get that flavor distributed. This aint ol papa's recipe. 
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