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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Heatman in RL is the worst game ever. But what are the rules?   
    Seriously, it's how we have all come to see it be in reality now and there is nothing one can do to change that but only live with it. 
    Ps. That quote in Assassins Creed is spot on the fact. 
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to StaceyPowers in Anyone played Watch Dogs Legion yet?   
    Nope, I got it for him at a hefty discount.
  3. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Which Side?   
  4. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Anyone ever watch the series 1,000 Ways To Die?   
    Worst episode I saw was a guy got a hold of a cow's heart and fucked it. But that wasn't good enough for him so he some how plugged it into and electrical outlet to make it beat again and fucked it again and got electrocuted to death. No way that could have been real.
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Would you rather drink sour milk or brush your teeth with soap?   
    Actually, I have bathed with charcoal soap, and I have charcoal powder for toothpaste. So I guess I can brush my teeth with natural charcoal soap that has a natural base. Ugghhh, sour milk? Maybe add droplets of blood and snake oil to it to get the chin hairs growing. 
  6. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Is a hot dog a sandwich?   
    Hot dog is a taco
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What hobby do you wish you were good at?   
    I don't think I have the concentration for drawing anymore, but I remember how much I loved it. Forget about trying to draw from your head. Look at an object and just take your time drawing what it looks like. An egg is always a good place to start because of its shape and lack of any detail. Practice the shapes first. Then work on line quality; that means look at the light source and just make the line darker where there is less light and without taking the pencil off the paper, make your line get lighter and thinner and barely visible as you curve it around the part of egg where the light hits. Once you get line quality down, then practice shading. Eventually you can draw the egg just using the shading technique. I used to always draw outdoor scenes in charcoal. The whole dark and light affect really makes things stand out. But to get the shapes right I would just softly sketch an outline first to get proportions correct. DO NOT try to start drawing people or faces first.  
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Do you automatically believe what the media tells you about politics?   
    No, you won't. It will be civilised.
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in What is most likely to bring about the extinction of the human race? How can it be avoided?   
    Well there is that one of that one dormant Volcano in Yellowstone Park that if it were to erupt, would literally block out the sun over most of the Earth. The video on that one was insane - they even said that ash would be thrown as far as Australia.
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Let's talk about mental health in USA   
    Honestly, I do just see this woman as another entitled "Karen". She broke down because she realised that in that moment the world around her didn't exist to serve her. Oh, poor you. That fact that people didn't want to get involved, but more importantly, not get involved on her behalf only irked her more. That's why she tearfully pleaded "don't report me" because she knew she was in the wrong and her delusion of privilege wasn't offering he any comfort.
    It's also a fair assumption given the words spoken and the tone of the voice of the woman holding the camera phone that she is most likely black, so a further entitlement of "white privilege" is also playing at least a part here.
    When that didn't work, it's time for the next step in the Karen notebook, play the victim. This obviously was not the case and she knew the evidence said otherwise because she was being filmed.
    The next part is my favourite. She was literally charging at the woman holding the camera phone demanding she "get away from her" whilst there was a good 20ft, shopping counters and clothes racks separation them. To maintain a distance, all she had was stay fucking still. What was really happening was she putting out that message of "get her away from me" for benefit of everyone watching this unfold to try and solidify the false narrative or her being the victim. I also believe was combined with an effort to take the phone from the victim. Then there's the ultimate "Karen" play, call the police and lie your ass off. People who are genuinely threatened do not behave that way.
    Nor do people who genuinely mentally ill. This just another entitled, stubborn, bratty and most likely bigoted woman who lost her temper. People who are mentally ill are introverted and vulnerable and are more likely to desperately try to escape these these situations rather than aggravate them. People who are criminally insane are a different matter, that's a very different kind of mentally ill, and this woman is not that either. She was in full control of her actions and knew why she was doing them. I'm not a phycologist so don't take my opinion as fact, but I don't believe for one second that woman was mentally ill and she deserves no sympathy.
  11. Confused
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Patrik in Things that give you chills in games   
    Throat stabs
  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in RL is the worst game ever. But what are the rules?   
    There really aren’t any rules in real life. There are laws which are created by man and always change. Depending on who is in power, those are the rules. And even then people fight wars over those rules. Then there is religion with guidance and principles that people pretend to follow, and people fight wars over. There is a quote in the Assassins Creed games that I love: Nothing is true; Everything is permitted. 
  13. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What country do you never want to visit?   
    Anywhere it's not stable. Nothing like trying to have a nice dinner date, then a bomb goes off.
    "Oh come on, don't let that kill the moment. It's just fireworks!" 
    "Then why is everyone running?"
    "They just don't want to miss the show. That looks delicious, how is it?"
    "Umm, maybe we should go."
    "No no, it's over now see?"
    "That was not fireworks! I'm leaving"
    "Damn, that's the second time this week. F%%%. Guess I better stop by the video store." 
  14. Haha
  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Racist Watch   
    No athlete or anyone else should ever have to go through that crap. It's a team effort, but people always want to look for a scapegoat, but to be blatantly racist about it is just another level of hate. Those same people would praise and cheer if he made the goals, but attack his skin color when he doesn't. These things aren't gonna change and will only continue to get worse because jerks at the top like Boris Johnson condones that behavior. People simply need to be punished for being racist. I say start fining them for racist attacks. Once they get punished at the pockets, then they will start to listen. We get fined for things for far less than racism. We can't depend on people to just change their rhetoric. We can't depend on those at the top to change their rhetoric. We have laws against hate crimes; it's time to treat racist rhetoric as a threat because it ultimately is. This shit is gonna leave psychological scars on those young athletes. Racists can't be allowed to abuse people in that way. It IS abuse. 
  16. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Do you automatically believe what the media tells you about politics?   
    I was thinking more of windmills cause cancer, but you nailed the realism better! 
    Faux news on weather: must watch
  17. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Do you automatically believe what the media tells you about politics?   
    I can see it all now. 
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?   
    It gives you a basic principle to follow; not really any conclusions, but a principle. You could run experiments on some things, but most of the time experiments will end up being inhumane to test. Such as trying to understand the intelligence of animals, and what suffering they endure. The same goes for humans. There is usually a key ingredient in philosophy; It is: what causes the most or least suffering. 
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in RL is the worst game ever. But what are the rules?   
    There really aren’t any rules in real life. There are laws which are created by man and always change. Depending on who is in power, those are the rules. And even then people fight wars over those rules. Then there is religion with guidance and principles that people pretend to follow, and people fight wars over. There is a quote in the Assassins Creed games that I love: Nothing is true; Everything is permitted. 
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in How many steps at a time do you want a tutorial to give you?   
    Too much at once is not good for me because I'm trying to remember one thing, then another and another while a quest is going on and I gotta follow somebody or fight something while I supposed to read a tutorial. WTF. Other times it's too slow and I've already got battle scars and blood stains, 1,000 notches on my shield and then they want to show me how to parry. Well, duh. 
  21. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Toning down one’s performance to soothe somebody else   
    No. Fuck them. Fuck their entitled attitude. Never tolerate that kind of bullshit.
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Withywarlock in Gaming News websites   
    I mostly get my news from here, but I'm more for reading the headlines. While I do like when people link YongYea's videos, who does a good roundup, I like to go to PC Gamer for the articles. GameIndustry Biz is my absolute favourite for news from people within the industry, especially for regular interviews on what job roles entail and the more in-depth side of development.
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Gaming News websites   
    In all honesty, I get my news here. VGR keeps me up to date on everything I would care about. The members here are always posting articles that keep us all up to date on what's going on.
    Aside from that, you can always try YouTube. YougYea is always keeping up with the news, and always referenced here with his videos linked. I'm sure he's not the only one. You can try AVGN, but to my knowledge he's more satire with the gaming side of Cinemassacre. I don't think they really do much in the news area.
  24. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Beer or Wine?   
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?   
    More or less an never-ending cycle - figured as much.
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