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Reality vs Adventure

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    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?   
    It depends on the philosophy and your preconceived notions of it.
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in What stats do you wish were tracked in various games you have played?   
    I wish I knew how many animals I've tamed and the longest kept alive in AC games. 
  3. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What ridiculous and untrue, yet slightly plausible, theories can you come up with for the cause of common ailments like headaches or cavities?   
    Insomnia- eyes need open air to cool them 
    Carpal tunnel- the brain/hand puppet network broke strings
    Diabetes- all the sugar rots in the crack
    Foot odor- natural ability to prevent feet licking
    Common cold- body is going through an insect’s spirit possession
    Fever- the need to hoard something
    Anxiety- pooped your pants and trying to hide it
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in What would other people say you excel at as a gamer?   
    I'm a dead-eye myself. I have lit a match with an open sight .22 from 60' away. It took a half hour of aiming and countering the wind, but I was able to do it on the first shot. I also killed a squirrel that was in its nest from over 100 yards away with the same rifle in one shot. All of this was when I was a kid (I think around 17) and still a hunter.
    I don't hunt anymore for several reasons. My guns are all for self defense, home protection, and hobby target shooting.
  5. Haha
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    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    Ok lets get a few things straight you fucking white supremacist republiKKKlan bastards.
    1.) As much as it pains and offends you, EVERYONE has a right to their opinion.
    2.) As much as it pains you, EVERYONE has a right to the truth.
    3.) As much as it pains you, YOUR OPINION IS NOT THE ONLY VALID ONE.
    4.) As much as it pains you, EVERYONE has the right to learn.
  7. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What ridiculous and untrue, yet slightly plausible, theories can you come up with for the cause of common ailments like headaches or cavities?   
    Oh I see, you want what CAUSED ailments, not cures
    Chickenpox- sex with featherless dead chicken
    Headache- lack of sushi in diet which coats brain nerves with massage fish oil
    Cough- the wind is contaminated with space dust
    Gas- bubbles in milk
    Toothache- bacteria colonies are at war with each other
    Pink eye- vagina spiders
    Sore throat- brain stem sinking from weight due to barometric pressure
    High blood pressure= body hair is clogging arteries
    Diarrhea- intestinal cells having menstruation 
  8. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What ridiculous and untrue, yet slightly plausible, theories can you come up with for the cause of common ailments like headaches or cavities?   
    Headaches- use leaches on your head to relieve the blood pressure
    Headaches- Inhaling helium balloons can relieve the pressure
    Headaches- Suck on peppermints upside down to clear your head
    Headaches- Magnetic necklace to increase blood flow-might even be real
    Headaches- choker necklace to keep the blood in the lower body
    Headaches- Stick head in bucket of mosquitos as itching releases chemicals to stop pain
    Coughing- Inhale gasoline to kill viruses
    Coughing- Deep throating objects stops the gag reflex that induces cough
    Coughing- Back exercises to build diaphragm muscles
    Cavities- Well, they've already used mercury for that
    Penile dysfunction- Anal air injection inflates penis muscle
    Penile dysfunction- Wrap in bug zappers to stimulate nerves
    Infertility- Eat 3 eggs a day between menstrual cycle
    Hair loss- Cleanse with red wine as polyphenols regenerates follicles
    Hair loss- Grow the hair out and put in ponytail to pull scalp muscles closer to the follicles
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction?   
    I think looking after yourself is a westernized culture because there are a number of people in different cultures that put family first. They take care of their parents and live with them; marriages are based more on loyalty rather than love and last longer and usually won't divorce. Westernized culture puts personal success before family while other cultures put family before personal achievement. To them family is success more than career or money. So I think capitalism, pursuit of personal achievement, career over family, individualism, all lead to unintended disloyalty in personal relationships. But these things also enables a democracy where people have personal or human rights. And in other places they are more passive, tend to live in authoritarianism, but hold family tradition.  
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What game do you want to see remastered the most?   
    There was a RDR remaster in the works. I don't know the news on it anymore. I can't think of another good game that needs a remaster that doesn't already have one. 
  11. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    You need to read between the lines when it comes to documents like this.  It's not about banning racial prejudice but about stopping people from being educated about it, it's literal censorship of history.  It's the very kind of ignorance and lack of understanding of other people that increases tension on topics like race in first place.
    Let's use World War 2 and Nazi Germany as an example.  What if the history of Germany in the 1930's was never taught in schools?  Most people wouldn't know or understand how Adolf Hitler, a man was openly antisemitic and anti-democratic came into power.  His motivations for going to war with the rest of Europe and organising a genocide wouldn't be widely understood.  It might be uncomfortable at times but it's very important to learn about it because if future generations don't learn these things they will be doomed to make the same mistakes.
    That's why this kind of legislation is a bad idea.  You don't educate people properly (especially about history) if you cherry pick just the facts that glorify or demonize the subject in the way suits a certain agenda.  You need to be honest and truth is America was built of the back of slaves.  The Native American tribes cheated out of their land and slaughtered by European settlers.  All Americans with the exception of those descended from those tribes are descended from immigrants or slaves.  It wasn't even that long ago the that black people in America had to fight for basic human rights.  I don't understand why anyone would think prohibiting educator's from teaching about these kind of events would do anything other than spread ignorance, confusion and isn't blatantly disrespectful.
  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    @m76 If you want examples of racism on an institutional level, you only need to open your eyes. You won't find anything on paper that says "no blacks". But you will see blacks passed over for whites because they're black. It is a bone hard fact of the United States that more qualified people of color are passed over because they aren't the "corporate color". I don't know jack shit about computer specs, but I would very likely have a better chance of getting a job at Microsoft in their development than a black man who actually knows what the hell he is doing, simply because I'm white.
    It's the same in the higher education as well. If you look into the ivies, you will see a very small percentage of the student body that is not white. However more blacks get athletic scholarships than whites do. Some of them because they love the sport, some because they know that there's no way they could go to college without one. First off you have to get accepted. Then you have to either have the money to begin with to pay for your education or qualify for student loans. Another roadblock for people of color.
    You argue this from a blind spot because you know you're talking out of your ass, but refuse to admit it. It's pathetic.
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    @m76 We have to agree to disagree on every point. Communities of color have not been properly represented by politicians through the years, and as such has left those communities under funded and under represented. Sometimes it is racist to support a white community instead and neglect other communities, and other times it is an indirect consequence of a white politician taking care of their own first. Republicans lack diversity and therefore look out for the interests of who they are familiar with more so than democrats as democrats have more diversity. Lead in the water is one terrifying example of the negligence politicians are to blame for. Republican governor Rick Snyder of Michigan and 8 others were criminally charged this year 2021 for their role in the water crisis. 
  14. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    @m76 So let me get this straight. Black communities have more criminals in them, things were better before the civil rights movement for black people because there's more black single parent families now than before the civil rights movement (that's likely true pretty much everywhere in the developed world regardless of race, but whatever), campaigners for equal rights are comparable to the Nazis and pointing out the alarming statistics surrounding how black people are handled by the law in the US "distracts from the real issue" that black people are more poor, and they're poor because "bad luck".
    I don't think I have anything left to say.
  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    Less funding for black schools, communities, infrastructure like having lead in water, gerrymandering, policing (discriminatory suspicion laws), prison system, healthcare, and driving while black (sarcasm).  
    I'm not about to write a whole essay as it's for awareness. I see where you are coming from and many times it is individual actions that penalize blacks and makes systems look bad. But colored communities are always underfunded in many different areas as compared to white communities. And this happens even in democratic cities and states. But at least democrats acknowledge it and there have been attempts to equalize the gap only to be struck down by the GOP. It is engrained across both party lines no one thing will change systemic racism. It needs to include everything from education to housing and everything in between. Equal opportunity starts in grade school which are underfunded in black communities. Then discrimination laws and individual racism gets minorities arrested more including underage victims. Then they have a record before being 18 years old in many instances. And harsher punishments, first by individual judges, then by a prison system that is funded by the number of inmates, who are mostly colored. Then as they progress in life, they have to worry about healthcare. That has many instances of individual racism, but the rates tend to be higher for minorities for many different reasons. And even during this pandemic, more white communities got the funding and care needed under trump during its peak. But the racism is engrained so deeply, you can't just pin point one cause and then say blacks have all equal opportunity. Cause they don't. They can move and get a house right? What loans? They can go to college right? Sure, and work 2 jobs at the same time. They can look for a job right? Yeah good luck after that criminal record. They got health insurance right? Yeah but just don't get sick cause you won't afford out of pocket pay. 
    You have a strong case that it is individuals messing it all up. But it is both individuals and institutions. But when it is systemic problems from an early age, and then given equal opportunity in college, that's like an innocent man getting out of prison, then out in the world he is expected to find that great job and be successful like everyone else. Cause that is the American dream with equal opportunity. And if you are poor, you are just lazy. If you protest, you need to go get a job. If you kneel, you hate the military and freedom. If you terrorize the capital, you are a patriot. 
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    Now apply that to teachers who teach the civil war, civil rights, klan, or anything related. You better watch what you say or you will get fired. And if the books teach something wrong as in my example of the Texas revolution? You get fired for saying anything other than what is in the books. They also are adding emphasis on the evil of communism in curriculums. Why not include fascism too? As I said before, it was under fascist rule that committed the greatest evil. 
  17. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in I got a PS5   
    I'm gonna make her play RDR2, so that I can yammer on about it freely!😁
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Would you die to protect an animal?   
    It's a painful world and the little creatures have taken enough suffering because of humans. But it won't end. It even teaches in the bible that man has dominion over animals. The way I see it, we have a responsibility to treat them fair. We don't have dominion over anything but ourselves, and sometimes not even then. Dominion doesn't equal abuse. Dominion equals responsibility. 
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Would you die to protect an animal?   
    I would risk my life to save a pet, but I know if I die then the pet is as good as dead too. And if I had other pets to care for, I wouldn't die for just one. If I was in Africa and saw a poacher, I'd accidentally shoot him and hurry and fly back. Maybe it's legal to kill poachers, I don't know. If I were elected I would make it legal.  
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in What do you want done with your body when you die?   
    Have not even thought about it, I mean people at my age group would not even think about it till 50 years alter, then again anyone can die at any age. I would love to send my remains to the people that do that body worlds stuff, no idea if the logistics behind the idea are workable though.
    HELL - Take anything that can be used and then bury me in the dirt with no coffin. Needs to be done without any chemicals or preservatives, I wan't to rot naturally back into the earth.
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Euronymous53 in What are the most important things in a game?   
    I’ve got like 400 hours in Odyssey and still got half the map left. Trying to finish AC2 and Black Flag. Syndicate is pretty good. I like the London atmosphere. And I also have Origins and Valhalla I’ve been playing which are bad ass. I don’t have Unity or AC1. I really want Unity though. I just think about which location I want to explore and play that game. 
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Euronymous53 in What are the most important things in a game?   
    Fully agree, I really like the environment and historic context in each AC game, that's one of the reasons it is my favorite saga (AC, like you probably now, has more unic and magnific aspects, but that is another subject). And if the saga didn't have that aspect so well designed, it probably wouldn't be as good as it is.
    I've recently finished Odyssey and the second one, I'm in process of finishing the first one and i'll install Syndicate. I exagerated, I really want to play Black Flag, but I uninstalled it 'cause I didn't have time for it and fell in love with other games (but, yeah, it did frustrate me that the game didn't save the session).
  23. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Would you save an enemy?   
    Absolutely not. My enemies can all die, and I hope it is the most excruciating death, both physically and emotionally at the same time. And I hope it would be by my hand, and that I get away with it.
    I would actively work to bring about their death. It would be so satisfying.
    Or I could turn them into what I call a "conscious vegetable" instead. Cut off their hands and feet. Rip out their eyes. Cut out their tongue. And bust their eardrums. They can't walk. They can't hold anything. They can't speak. They can't hear. They can't see. They have to live the rest of their life trapped within their own mind with no hope of escape. That would be a death beyond death. It would be a slow torturous death. And more than satisfying to befall them.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    @m76 You're pretty damn sure the election was stolen too, aren't you?
    I'll grant you that you may be talking about what you see in your country. But you haven't the slightest clue what's going on over here. Racial profiling has skyrocketed during the Adolf administration. Racist propaganda was endorsed by Adolf. Not publicly, but it was evident to every American whether they wanted to admit it or not. Everyone who wasn't a straight, white, cis, xtian was on the chopping block. I was on the chopping block. I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community. I'm not a xtian. I'm Satanic. I'm in a wheelchair. The comments I hear from people are enough to make me want to kill. Despicable things. But my family (not by blood) are Hispanic. They were racially profiled the entire time they went out. They would get nervous when they saw a sheriff or state trooper go by because they thought that they were going to be separated and caged due to the policies set up by Adolf. Despite them all being AMERICANS.  Systemic racism is rife within this country, and you have no right or privilege to try to say it isn't because YOU DON'T LIVE HERE, HENCE YOU DON'T WITNESS IT.
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Republicans signing bills into law in red states to make it illegal to talk about or teach about current/historic racism in schools   
    Those social and economic realities are a part of systemic racism. Gerrymandering is a big one and while both parties do it, republicans draw out county lines to deliberately leave out communities of color so that their votes are not represented by as many electoral college members, making their vote weaker. Their gerrymandering lines are literally zigzagging in some places to leave them out. Since democrats are more diverse and also have white voters, their gerrymandering lines are not as dramatic.  
    Laws have been passed in some states to stop anyone who looks suspicious and check for their citizenship status or papers. That is blatant discrimination. Even some police departments meet a quota to single out and arrest blacks and Hispanics. More minorities go to jail and get longer prison sentences instead of a warning. The Jan 6 attack had it's first conviction and the person gets probation and no jail time. If they were black...you can imagine. They probably won't be alive. Protestors are treated very differently if they are black. A black undercover agent at a BLM protest was beat by cops and one cop was sentenced to jail and also tampered with evidence. 
    Minorities are less likely to get loans for a house. Obama passed a nondiscriminatory law to help them get loans for homes and trump ended it. Black farmers barely got any government assistance during the pandemic and the failed China trade war. Biden has passed a bill to help the black farmers and even now the white farmers are suing and saying it is a racist bill. There have been at least 3 bailouts farmers have gotten now and black farmers barely got any help. I guess they should have sued trump for his racist policy. 
    Education and healthcare also have systemic racism. Black schools are way underfunded and healthcare insurance goes up with minorities and treated differently. That whole system is pretty bad. Black communities even had to deal with toxic lead in their water while a white republican governor tried to cover it up. And don't tell me the same thing would happen if it was a white community. 
    There is very little black or Hispanic representation in corporate boards. And since corporations lobby, then they are a political entity. Systemic racism is seen through so many areas of life. I grew up most of my life in white dominant areas and white schools. Even though I have some understanding now, I'm still ignorant to other aspects how systemic racism affects people of color. But this is something this country has to fight and I don't expect you to see it or care just like many people in this country. Information is there on the web if you want to do a bit of research and learn about these things. And at the hands of republicans things are getting worse. How bad do things have to get before everyone acknowledges the serious racist threat to democracy? Systemic racism has been bad before, but it's going to get worse. I wonder at what point you and others stop and realize your talking points are dangerous. Or maybe you already know. 
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