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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in What would be the consequences of a scientific discovery that extended the life span of humans to 500 years?   
    There'd be a clash of ideology - new vs old and due to the fact that the older people likely would have the strength to fight, they'd probably try to hang on to power for the rest of their lives. The corruption would be more rampant because the corrupt ones would stay in power far longer damaging the society. What do you think will be the consequences?
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Would you rather everyone be required to wear identical silver jumpsuits or any time two people meet and are wearing an identical article of clothing they must fight to the death?   
    I would love to see a jousting match to the death. If one falls off the horse the other gets to trample them. If they both fall, it’s a fight with bats covered with razor blades. 
  3. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Would you rather everyone be required to wear identical silver jumpsuits or any time two people meet and are wearing an identical article of clothing they must fight to the death?   
    Or they go to public "school" to be stripped of their individuality, independent thought, creativity, and turned into an obedient automaton to go to a 9-5, 5 days a week to make the corporate masses wealthier while scraping by in their mundane existence, with no hope as their spirit was crushed long ago, until they eventually succumb to deaths sweet kiss.
    Can't you see how great life already is?
  4. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in What’s your favorite international food?   
    You guys are really making me hungry lol - I need to stop making these topics because I just had dinner and yet my stomach has started growling again.
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or be able to read minds?   
    Teleport anywhere - I'd get rid of most of the corrupt politicians and people who abuse their authority overnight. Which would you pick and why?
  6. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Steerminator in How to find like minded people when your primary interests are staying at home and playing video games?   
    I'm in the same boat as you and also don't use social media. If you like being at home, the only real place to meet anyone is on the internet or at work. I actually like being alone because I am my best company. I've accepted the fact that not many people like the things I like. Actually, I should say they like the things I like, but don't do the things I like. Nature is gonna weed you out if you live the single life much longer. But it's ok. I've been weeded out. I'll never get married or have children. But I personally don't mind at all. If you do mind, you better get out there. Everything will cost money to go out and meet people. And you will go out of your comfort zone. You could enroll in a fun class in a community college. That may be the best way. You can learn something and meet people. You could get a part time job somewhere fun or volunteer somewhere. My sister goes to a chess club and she is the least likely person you would think to do that, believe me. But with the pandemic, you are very limited. The only other option is to go to your local grocery store and start humpin every leg you see. 
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Steerminator in How do you calm yourself down when you are angry?   
    I hear you. I fractured my hand punching a metal horse trailer. It's just stupid. I was under the influence of alcohol though. If you are gonna start punching something, make sure the material is softer than bone. 
    Best thing is prevention. Stay clear of anything that makes you angry. Usually an outburst happens when there is more than one occurrence that finally sets a person off. Pay attention to what makes you angry and steer clear. Even if it is a family member, avoid them for a while. Talk to them about what makes you mad when you aren't mad. And if they don't stop, just completely avoid them even if you live with them. If it is your spouse, you are completely screwed. 
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in What do you wish was illegal?   
    Companies having the ability to lobby.
    One of the main reasons why it's practically impossible to have proper politicians is as the good ones get thrown aside the moment they don't accept bribes or what the large corporation wants. Some politicians have had to resign after not accepting a bribe as their life was on the life.
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in How do you feel about low visibility conditions in games?   
    It depends on the circumstance. If I go to a new place to explore, I don't want to waste the effort when I can't see much. But it adds a mystical feel in a forest, and a spookiness in an urban area. If you know there are no threats around, then low visibility is annoying. But sail the seas in Black Flag when you have to maneuver islands in low visibility, or the swamps in Origins, or a river you might jump into battle any moment as in Valhalla, then low visibility is kind of fun. I love it when there is a sand storm in AC Origins, as well as in Mad Max. It just makes it all that much better. It brings immersion when traveling blind. But breaks immersion when you want to see the world. So go with the flow, and hopefully you can always go back to a place in better conditions. I always visit a place more than once anyways. But if I make it to a hard spot, I want to see the view. Or at least give me a photo mode to change the weather! 
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in If you had intro music, what song would it be? Why?   
    Dreamworld because all I can do is dream for the world that will never exist. And it's not really 'my' world, it's 'the' world that I can only dream was better. I love life, but the world is too harsh for me. People are broken. The world is broken. The video might be about a woman, but I make an analogy to Earth and humanity. 
  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in How do you feel about low visibility conditions in games?   
    It depends on the circumstance. If I go to a new place to explore, I don't want to waste the effort when I can't see much. But it adds a mystical feel in a forest, and a spookiness in an urban area. If you know there are no threats around, then low visibility is annoying. But sail the seas in Black Flag when you have to maneuver islands in low visibility, or the swamps in Origins, or a river you might jump into battle any moment as in Valhalla, then low visibility is kind of fun. I love it when there is a sand storm in AC Origins, as well as in Mad Max. It just makes it all that much better. It brings immersion when traveling blind. But breaks immersion when you want to see the world. So go with the flow, and hopefully you can always go back to a place in better conditions. I always visit a place more than once anyways. But if I make it to a hard spot, I want to see the view. Or at least give me a photo mode to change the weather! 
  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in How to find like minded people when your primary interests are staying at home and playing video games?   
    I know you are right, but I live deep in the country; 15 min drive to any civilization and everybody is klan members. I'm starting to think moving may be in my best interest. 
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in Rebel Music   
  14. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in Rebel Music   
  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in How to find like minded people when your primary interests are staying at home and playing video games?   
    I'm in the same boat as you and also don't use social media. If you like being at home, the only real place to meet anyone is on the internet or at work. I actually like being alone because I am my best company. I've accepted the fact that not many people like the things I like. Actually, I should say they like the things I like, but don't do the things I like. Nature is gonna weed you out if you live the single life much longer. But it's ok. I've been weeded out. I'll never get married or have children. But I personally don't mind at all. If you do mind, you better get out there. Everything will cost money to go out and meet people. And you will go out of your comfort zone. You could enroll in a fun class in a community college. That may be the best way. You can learn something and meet people. You could get a part time job somewhere fun or volunteer somewhere. My sister goes to a chess club and she is the least likely person you would think to do that, believe me. But with the pandemic, you are very limited. The only other option is to go to your local grocery store and start humpin every leg you see. 
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    Wouldn't having a reset button be the same as time travel? It would be cool to go through life and finish it, and just like in games we can go back to whatever chapter we want to play or relive. And if we could reach all achievements in the game or in life, then it will be saved. We can change the stats, story endings, get wealth, whatever. But we have to go through life first to fully experience it whether good or bad. Then go back to change what we want once we reach the afterlife. That way we can know the full experience of things. Cause you never know if a mistake or some tragic moment didn't change your life for the better, or change it in some way where you never would have met your spouse, or become a war hero. Who knows what the outcome would be if we stopped and reset every moment we didn't like. Who knows what people you never would have met, what pets you never would have had, what relationships that never would have happened. So to go through a full life first would be interesting. 
  17. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in Is there a reality in the gaming world you feel resigned to accept?   
    They must have pre-shrinked the bills, cause it stays the same size after washing. Just don't use bleach. Nobody takes white cotton dollars. 
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Knight Plug in The Day Before   
    It looks awesome, but no co-op for me. They should have a single player campaign and put it on console. I'd get it. But they are obviously limiting themselves. 
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    In a word, everything.
    In life you need to sleep, eat, drink, piss, shit, run the daily risk if getting sick or injured, worry about money, face society and law in manners that actually have consequences, wait in real time, there's no fast travel, no extra lives, no superpowers, no saves, no reset, no time travel, no mods, no console commands, no cheats and even if play by all the rules and play it with 100% effort it ultimately results in death no matter what.
    Video games are great, and life sucks.
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in NPC Actions That Piss You Off   
    Yeah, they just park their knees on peoples throats for 9 minutes and listen to them scream and beg for air.
  21. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Hamburger or Taco?   
    I’d definitely go with tacos because there are so many different ingredients and seasoning to put in there. @The Blackangel you can get the hamburger and fold it in home made tortillas...lol. Man, I don’t care if it’s burger, fajita meat, or beans; I will load them tacos with cheese, tomato, sour cream, salsa, cilantro, lettuce, onion; avocado? Sure. I’ll eat 20 tacos a day if I could. Damn I’m hungry. 
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to StaceyPowers in Illogical NPC actions that demand OOC responses   
    In Skyrim, if you kill soldiers escorting a prisoner and let the prisoner go, he will often report your crime to the hold, and then you get fined. I find this action really illogical, but so much so I don’t feel that bad about killing the prisoner/witness. I feel like the entire episode is just an arifact of bad development. What are some similar examples of such things from other games?
  23. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Illogical NPC actions that demand OOC responses   
    In RDR2, people can attack you for no reason whatsoever, or just take off running screaming, and you are the one that ends up with a god damn warrant. Also there have been times I watched other guys fight, and I was the one the cops fucking came after. I WASN'T EVEN INVOLVED IN IT. Another time, I've talked about this before, and NPC went flying all the way down the main street of Valentine, level with the rooftops, and I got a murder charge. He came from out of screen where I couldn't even see him. The camera wasn't facing where he came from.
    You blink, you have a $500 bounty.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Warner Bros: "Celebrate Pride... By Repeatedly Beating Up a Gay Character!"   
    When you are that out of touch with whoever your target audience is, that is really bad business and they should take a re-evaluation on their marketing department and all who approved it. How can you not have known this will cause negative feedback? Innocent demonization? That happens all too often and repetitively to be considered innocent at this point. Lack of sympathy? Unable to predict consequences? I get that it’s a fighting game, but stay out of it if you feel that victimization is honored by making the victimized a challenge to fight. New ivy gear  or something would have been appropriate, or play Ivy with super strength and abilities. These mistakes are a pattern that needs to be shattered. A pattern with no end because it is an illness. It’s a mental illness to not be able to sympathize. It’s degradation of humanity to not know if something this obvious would be offensive. And I do believe they tried to balance advocate and business, and sorely fucked it up. Lack of common sense? Maybe. Things I have seen in this pattern of unsympathetic behavior from those at the top, borders on negligence. And deniers will of course say it’s just a video game. And that pattern lives on in society till it all crumbles into tyranny. And when we go back to witches getting burned at the stake, and slobbering fools throwing bread, then the realization sets in; that is who these deniers are. 
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Withywarlock in Warner Bros: "Celebrate Pride... By Repeatedly Beating Up a Gay Character!"   
    Warner Bros. being tone deaf is nothing new. I recall one time, and I apologise for sensationalising it but it's a reflex when talking of WB Games at this point, when they tried to monetise the death of one of their employees. The idea was to immortalise Michael Forgey who had passed away from cancer by adding a half-uruk character that would aid the players in Middle-Earth: Shadow of War.... at a cost. The funds were supposed to go to charity but only those in the US (or most US states) would send the money to charity. Those outside of those US areas would be putting money directly into WB's pockets. The family offered a fundraiser which many (myself included) went to donate. It was nice to see donations greater than the DLC was asking for. And after all that the DLC was made free in the end.
    Like that disaster I could believe this is more incompetence than malice, but that doesn't really absolve them of anything. Malice takes intelligence, for one thing.
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