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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?   
    I don't think we're truly insane because it's only the truly insane will always claim they're sane and go out of their way to try and convince you.
    There are so many crazy people walking around lol
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?   
    Then we are all insane people in that matter. Insane knowing about it 😉 
  3. Like
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Republicans Declaring War On Corporate America/ Coca Cola Over Democracy Ideals   
    How would you even know? You don't live here. You aren't experiencing the attacks republiKKKlans are making against Democrats and minorities. There are Hispanic families that have yet to be reunited because Adolf spread them so far and wide that they don't even know where their family went. The LGBTQ+ community is still facing laws that promote discrimination. In many states if two names even remotely sound the same sex, bakeries can tell clients to piss off for their wedding cake.
    The republiKKKlan party is trying to force a seizure of power to take over the country and put us all under a dictatorship. We'll be no better than North Korea if they get their way. Anyone who isn't a white, cis, straight, xtian, republiKKKlian will be imprisoned by them for some made up bullshit. They are wiping their ass with the constitution, and pissing on the bill of rights.
    They're out to destroy this country. Why else have people been emigrating to Canada, UK, Mexico, and other countries in droves? Because they're power hungry tyrannical traitors. That became a proven fact by the terrorist attack on January 6th.
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Republicans Declaring War On Corporate America/ Coca Cola Over Democracy Ideals   
    @m76 What is it with you and this ridiculous theory that it's bigotry to stand up against bigotry? Standing up for a minorities rights does not imply they are less capable. What it means the system is unfair as it's systemically bigoted and doesn't offer everyone equal rights because race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and so on. This idea you have is a way to try and turn the tables and make out that the people call-out out this bullshit into the bigots and that is ludicrous.
  6. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Knight Plug in Community Chat #1   
    Yeah, that's pretty much given from the first Last of Us DLC Left Behind. But I'm gonna shut myself in a room till I finish the game if I have to so nobody spoils it. LOL
  7. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What animal or plant do you think should be renamed?   
    You just described half of America
  8. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in What animal or plant do you think should be renamed?   
    My choice is a Sperm whale - no seriously. A guy sees the whale excrete a white substance and calls it that - I know he probably had a lifetime Pornhub account. What's your choice and why?
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What is something popular now that annoys you?   
    Yeah, there are 2 very important things about carb-less diets:
    1) The body can actually use protein and convert it to energy as a last resort, but in the process the body makes ketones which is very toxic, it's called ketosis. 
    2) The body only absorbs a certain amount of protein in one sitting. The rest turns to fat; plus too much protein makes the body more acidic. Cancer can only grow in an acidic environment. 
    Those meat heads in body building don't understand that starchy carbs-or the low glycemic index carbs, is the energy required to get stronger and have endurance. Sweets and most breads are the high glycemic index carbs which shoots up blood sugars and doesn't utilize energy properly. And we need to meet a required amount of carbs just for minimum brain and CNS function. Protein won't build muscle if you don't have the energy to workout the muscles, or at least won't reach max potential. 
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Photo Mode, A New Form of Artwork?   
    I downloaded the images from my Facebook account and found a lot of photo mode images, mostly from Horizon Zero Dawn, but a couple from Uncharted 4 as well that I'd forgotten about. This is as good a place as any to share them, so feel free to comment on this gallery. I'm hosting if on Imgur to avoid flooding the forum with an absurd amount of images, but I'll post a couple of my favourites.





  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Family sedan in Photo Mode, A New Form of Artwork?   
    This is AC Origins I played tonight. This picture says a lot. You have an assassin in armor a foot away from a vulnerable flamingo. And it sits there in the water knowing it can spread its wings any moment. And to get this close I have never experienced in wildlife in any game. His hands are raised like it's gonna strangle it. The assassin is dangerous, but he is curious and so is the flamingo. When humans interact with wildlife. What happens next is up to the human. Since I'm controlling Bayek, I respect its life. I left in black and white because color is even more dramatic. You saw it here first in case someone wants to claim it. I took a hundred pictures in this moment. I love this stuff. They created it. I caught it. 

  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Steerminator in Sony clamps down on sexual content in PS4 games   
    I can sympathize with the concern women may have as being seen as objects, but to use the excuse about censoring sexuality to protect children is hypocritical. That basically says that skin is bad and killing is just fine. If you add more clothing, then you must subtract the violence. There are ratings in games for a reason and it is up to the parent to teach their children and decide what is appropriate for their own. Otherwise, what is the point of ratings. If you want to make a kid's game and show skin, then accept the fact that the game will get an adult rating. In return, the stores and the parents are responsible who buys adult rated games. They do that at the movie theatre. What the hell is the difference. 
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Republicans Declaring War On Corporate America/ Coca Cola Over Democracy Ideals   
    I'm at a complete loss of what I could even say here. These things are coming more and more unraveled by the second. I am honestly at a complete loss here. I mean can they legally even do that? Scratch that. They don't care whether or not it's legal.
  14. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Photo Mode, A New Form of Artwork?   
    This is AC Origins I played tonight. This picture says a lot. You have an assassin in armor a foot away from a vulnerable flamingo. And it sits there in the water knowing it can spread its wings any moment. And to get this close I have never experienced in wildlife in any game. His hands are raised like it's gonna strangle it. The assassin is dangerous, but he is curious and so is the flamingo. When humans interact with wildlife. What happens next is up to the human. Since I'm controlling Bayek, I respect its life. I left in black and white because color is even more dramatic. You saw it here first in case someone wants to claim it. I took a hundred pictures in this moment. I love this stuff. They created it. I caught it. 

  15. Haha
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Milestone Thread   
    1000 posts! I'm about to pass you up @DC 
  17. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Community Chat #1   
    I just bought The Last of Us 2; I'm excited!  
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in How useful would you be in a zombie apocalypse?   
    You could get a sniper rifle and put you in a tower. Or mount a machine gun on top of an assault vehicle. Rip some bandits to shreds and let the mist of blood freshen your skin on a hot summer day.  
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Community Chat #1   
    I just bought The Last of Us 2; I'm excited!  
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in "Hold Ubisoft Accountable" Trends as it's Reveled Ubisoft Still has Not Fixed Abusive Culture.   
    Aww good point of not caring about unionizing their workforce. That's the key I think and usually companies that are against unionizing favor poorer work conditions. Walmart and Amazon are two big examples of anti-unionization and abuse of employees. I think it's time gaming companies start talking about this because too much bad shit is going on. 
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in "Hold Ubisoft Accountable" Trends as it's Reveled Ubisoft Still has Not Fixed Abusive Culture.   
    This really is a disappointment. You just never know what goes on behind the products that you like. I fully respect the team and they deserve better leadership than what they have. I’ll take the Chlamydia because I’m not gonna stop playing AC games. But if their leadership isn’t going to make serious changes, that will ultimately affect the team and their product just as stated in the video. I wouldn’t think it’s grounds for a boycott unless they were donating their money to a bad cause. I fully support their team and as employees, they need to support their coworkers and stage a strike or talk about it with reporters or an outside ethics source. Cause it seems their HR and leadership aren’t doing enough even after their past attempt for change because the problems continue. And that in itself is proof enough of a toxic workplace. Only if employees come out in public and talk about these things, then the leadership will get the spotlight and hopefully resign.
    We should never just look the other way, and those that are always in a state of denial lets these things persist. And denial is just another name for ‘cancel culture’ conspiracy. All allegations should be investigated. And just as the guilty need accountability, so do falsifiers (Karens).
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in "Hold Ubisoft Accountable" Trends as it's Reveled Ubisoft Still has Not Fixed Abusive Culture.   
    Reserve judgement until you see the facts my ass.
    You replied to the topic spewing your anti-woke nonsense a mere ten minutes after started the topic. You can't have watched the videos, read any detailed articles or accounts nor have done anything even remotely close to adaquate research before saying (and I am paraphrasing) "There wasn't abuse. This is just a bunch of snowflakes complaining about getting work to do.". Clearly the last thing you're interested in is looking at the evidence, and I know exactly why. It's because, deep down, you don't want to believe what you already know your going to find.
    So how about you actually look into this yourself. No links from me because you'll just fob anything I post off as part of the "cancel culture" conspiracy that you've already decided this is. Let's see how well your own theory holds up. Let's put the "reality" you live in where people can't be prejudiced, misogynistic, sexist, abuse their power, harass or mistreat others because any claim that they have is just the whine of a "snowflake" that's had their precious little feelings hurt. Go on, do it. I dare you.
    The history of abuse and the cover ups of said abuse at Ubisoft is a proven fact, you just don't want to acknowledge it because it doesn't fit you perception of the world.
  23. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Sell me on final fantasy...   
    We elected Bush twice. We're past having to remind people that we're stupid.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Photo Mode, A New Form of Artwork?   
    This is a really great topic and thanks for sharing that article!!! I don't even know where to begin, cause in my gaming experience, taking photos is a big part of it. Especially AC Odyssey, where I first experimented with its photo mode. That is a very beautiful game. The article made good points how some photographers may even prefer this method. One problem I see happening as Resident Evil has done is that the game developers will add copyright stamp on every pic taken.
    I agree that we should respect the developers because they created the world, but the world is in a continuous real life imagined cycle with movement. And to capture something so specific in all that, to me should be respected as a photographic art. Very often I find myself setting up a shot the way I want it. It used to be a stop and click, stop and click. But with all the features coming out in the photo modes, now I use props and try to get the right reflection of the sun, and add leaves or butterflies like Ghost of Tsushima photo mode has. I wonder how that debate will play out on whether a copyright will be upheld or not. The lines get blurry even further if a photo was taken without much effort, just a random shot of the beach. Would that still be personal art, or the game's? I think if anything, the developers can get a cut off of any recognition or profit for using their photo tool, rather than from the scenery itself. I really don't know. 
    I personally see video games itself as an art. Especially after playing the Layers of Fear series. Those games have changed the way I see video games now. Everything about it is art. And that game with especially its sequel would create even further controversy because each scene in the game is already a captured moment. It is already set up portraying an image it wants you to see and feel. It would be hard to create anything really specific in that game that isn't already there. But then again, games like that probably shouldn't offer a photo mode.  
    Play your favorite game and do some photography, what's not to love? For me, my pics are a sort of journal in my adventure that I'll look back on sometime and remember the experiences playing those games. I have taken some pretty cool pics, but I'm a bit inspired to try and get some really amazing ones now. 
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from DylanC in Any Lord Of The Rings fans here?   
    I got 12/20
    I miss that series. 
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