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Reality vs Adventure

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    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Politics vs. creative freedom   
    Some things aren’t meant to be political but made political by people who threaten human rights. That guise is used to abuse creative freedom or freedom of speech. Sad thing is, if you try to stop the bad from filtering in games, or any media/entertainment, then you risk encroaching those rights.
    But if it’s something that has nothing to do with threatening the right to life and prosperity, then be as creative as you want.
    That is very true
    I agree, but I'm gonna nitpick a little bit because BLM is not political. It is a human rights issue made political by people who oppose them. I know you didn't mention anything except it shouldn't be a banner in a menu. What about Covid? What if that health issue was a banner in a game menu. Would it be accepted then? Because that public health issue has been made political by the crazies also. Should that health awareness be placed in a menu? Should a breast cancer awareness ribbon be put in a menu? 
    Couldn't agree more. I read a lot and whenever I am interested in a book I always have to read reviews to find out if the author turns politically biased of the opposing field halfway through. That would piss me off. And it is pretty common in books, way more than video games.   
  2. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Other Cultures That Interest You   
    They tend to gesticulate more in the southern Italian areas. I remember down in the Amalfi Coast area I was on a bus and two old ladies were talking and they were using their hands in a way that was just intriguing. And the way they talked too. I had to snap out of it. 😮 I have Sicilian in me and I felt a piece of DNA strand tingle when I see their hand movements. 
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    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from StaceyPowers in What is the best way through the first hard room in TLOU in the office building?   
    At 24:26 always silent kill that one first. From there go down the hall where you start at and hide in the dark room on the left and wait by the door on other side of room to silent kill another. Then I start bashing and running and bashing and running. 
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Other Cultures That Interest You   
    Americans have a natural entitlement. It partially comes from that "greatest country on earth" bullshit. The rest is either racial (white privilege) or personal entitlement (narcissism). Many of the wealthiest people on earth are American, and for some reason a majority of the population thinks that that gives them the right to be assholes and makes them better than everyone else. When they themselves are not in any way wealthy and like the majority are living paycheck to paycheck. The US needs to take cue from a lot of the rest of the world. Humility being number one.
    The bullshit of the people here is why I'm the most misanthropic bitch you could ever meet.
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Other Cultures That Interest You   
    I love learning about all the different cultures of the world modern or ancient. I used to watch history videos of ancient civilizations. All of them just fascinate me. Even today, if I visit a place I love to learn about not only present culture, but the history too cause that is what makes culture. When I was a baby, we lived in Okinawa Japan on a military base because my dad was in the military. I was still born in the states though. But we brought back all kinds of furniture and decoration stuff that are actually antique now. But the artistry in the wood work and vases etc are amazing. I own all the furniture now which is over 40 years old and still in great condition. They simply don't make stuff like that in the USA. But we grew up having a lot of respect for them. 
    I love to always try food from different areas of the world if I eat out and being around Houston, there are many great ethnic restaurants. Most restaurants in this country aren't even close to what they actually eat in the original country, unless of course you go to an authentic restaurant. Even though my DNA is very mixed, I'm not sure that is what drove me to appreciate all cultures. And that makes me extra sensitive to racism because I just can't fathom the hate. When I did live in the Houston city area, I lived in a white neighborhood, black neighborhood, hispanic, and chinatown. And each one of the areas was diverse itself: white has different European, black has African, Hispanic has people from all over Latin America, and chinatown has everything from southern asian to northern, to Indian, and middle eastern. That was Houston, so I can't say the same for other cities. Was being exposed to different cultures what made me appreciate them more, or my appreciation of different cultures that brought me to live there? I don't know. Because my family sure as hell didn't bring that to the table. 
    I can't really say I favor any specific culture. I can go to any country and be amazed by what I learn. The USA itself being diverse, we can learn a lot from the different cultures here, from the people, immigrants, and different regions across the country. The east coast is different from the west, then the dirty south, and the midwest. From deserts to forests to mountains to everglades, to beaches, to the farming plains. Unfortunately, the USA is in a culture war declared by extremists. Where one loves culture, others want to abolish it. I really think they should teach cultural psychology in all grades of school. I took it in college and learned a great deal. For example, something as small as looking someone directly in the eye while talking to them is a sign of aggression in many cultures. I easily see that. "Friends sit side by side; enemies look at each other in the face." And many parts of the world are culturally passive. Which means they tend to shy away from debate. Westernized societies are very opinionated and that brings fear to some. 
    I've travelled to Italy and France once and it's pretty amazing. I'm not a fan of people watching, but those Italians are interesting to watch. They really do talk with their hands a lot. It's pretty cool. And please don't put the orange buffoon in that same category. He's a clown. But I would love to visit all the regions my DNA is from. Interestingly, I saw a lot of doppelgängers of myself in France. Was weird. Is that how people feel when they live in an area where everyone is the same??? I will never know. 
    Every time I meet someone from another country, no matter where from, it's like we are long lost brothers. Because it's as if Americans are so culturally insensitive, that even a person like me feels lost as does someone that is new to this country. It's refreshing to meet people from another culture. And I am craving some falafel. Mediterranean is my favorite food.  
  6. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in Remember Me   
    Interestingly this the first game from Dontnod who would later go on to make Life is Strange and in my opinion, Remember Me is SO underrated.  I think it gets overlooked because the style of 3rd person action and platforming gameplay was very typical at the time (Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Darksiders among many others) so it kinda got lost in the crowd.  It's really good though.
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Ps4 controller recommendation?   
    Stick with Sony. Knockoffs will fuck up worse than most can imagine, and you'll just be buying them over and over. I say just pick a color you like from what they have and get a new one. I got the glacier white controller. There was nothing wrong with the black one that came with the system, I just wanted the color. I went through GameStop and they got it to me in about 3 days. So I recommend doing that.
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Remember Me   
    I have it on PS3. It's been so long since I played it that I don't remember much. But it is an awesome game, and definitely worth getting. It can be a bit of a mind job if you're an emotional person. It's more designed for people who are fairly to completely numb.
    So if you're easily emotional, don't say I didn't warn you.
  9. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in I just have to say …   
    There's this mantra that I normally listen to before I go to bed about the magical toilet - just shove your head in there and everything will be explained. Somewhere in the middle of the explanation, I usually tell people to listen to it and all answers will be revealed and ummm...people follow the instructions and their head is stuck in a toilet and I end up getting sued :(
  10. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in I just have to say …   
    It's the only thing they would have to hand. 
  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Moments when gaming is magical   
    One of the realms in the latest God of War. Picture explains itself. 
    And I also have to say one of the maps in AC Valhalla is completely magical. I don't have my pics copied yet, but I am taken by it. And not only that, but to be a viking in a new land with ancient ruins scattered about, reminding of a great civilization beyond imagination of the smaller viking villages. To me, it's pretty magical. Cause if you think about it, what is magical to us are things we simply don't ordinarily see or beyond our reasoning and comprehension. Someone raised in a fishing village may think NYC is magical with all the skyscrapers. And it is if you never been there. 
  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in What is Sony Doing?!   
    Maybe Microsoft currently has a better business model, and of course we are going to see some changes with the new XBOX Microsoft transition. For me personally, I've got Microsoft under a microscope for any and all donations of their money to politics. Because even though they have backtracked on bad political decisions, still doesn't change that Microsoft once upon a time supported republicans in claiming election fraud. I can't forgive them right now. And in this country, this is who we are now where we judge corporations on where they stand with democracy since they want to donate to politicians. And I hope this won't take away from your topic; but just my thoughts as all. Microsoft currently has changed their stance on that issue, but let it be known is what I say. 
    Sony has more competition now, so maybe they feel the need for some make or break moves. It's hard to tell in the early stages where both XBOX and Playstation came out with new consoles. 
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Space Travel and Colonization   
    That just shows the parasites that humans are. To destroy the planet we live in and colonize another, then another, and leave a trail of death as we parasitize our homes spreading and taking all the resources without giving anything in return. Sounds exciting and all, but we are no better than a tapeworm swimming in shit. The rich are thinking of how to leave their eggs behind to carry on the parasitism. 
  14. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Wearing one outfit   
    We all might have to wear this one day.

  15. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Wearing one outfit   
    I'd wear a hazmat suit. It guarantees that I can shield myself from toxic people and environments. It also ensures I can't be affected by any airborne illnesses.
  16. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Layers of Fear   
    You said that perfectly! I would have loved to experience that with a headset. Inheritance was also a creepy short game to go with it. Not many games have really reached into my mind the way this one has. Pretty amazing. 
    I know what you mean! LOL Just started the second one on a creepy ship. It must take someone MAD to make this stuff. 
  17. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Layers of Fear   
    I remember Layers Of Fear - it wasn't as scary as say an Alien Isolation but some of those hallucinations are insane. I kept wondering if the character was on LSD or some kinda drug I didn't know about because what the hell are these hallucinations.
  18. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Wearing one outfit   
    Yeah! A hoodie to go with too. And of course I never leave home without my magic wand tucked away. LOL

    Iguule olag azirashikeem lacalacalaca 
  19. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to m76 in Describe your dream MMO   
    My dream mmo has zero interaction with other players, I Don'T even want to see them. So basically a single player game.
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to m76 in What two video game characters would you invite over for dinner?   
    It's really hard to decide. There are many factors. Do I go by who is the most interesting, or who would be cool to party with? Or who would I get along best with? Or perhaps who I would like to romance? 😏
    I really don't know. Can they be non-human?  It'd be awkward to invite a robot for dinner.
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in What two video game characters would you invite over for dinner?   
    Shaggy & Scooby Doo.  🙂   😛 
    To smoke a bowl in the mystery machine, talk about crimes and the rest of those meddling kids.
    Bonus. I get to see a talking dog
  22. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in How often do you spot inaccuracies in video game discussions?   
    This sounds false memories and/or the Mandela Effect.
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in What makes you play or avoid a remake of a game you love?   
    Destroy all humans is a classic! I just wish they'd give you an open world to kind of wreak havoc on the human without any objectives at times.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What makes you play or avoid a remake of a game you love?   
    I'm interested in Destroy All Humans remake. I really liked it on ps2. For me, I'm a sucker for graphics. There really isn't any specific thing to make me avoid or want to play a remake of a game I love. Wanting to play it out of curiosity and the graphics I guess is what does it for me. So if there isn't really any major upgrade, then I'll pass too. They better add some maps, longer story, more characters, or something. They better make it with a bunch of DLC already added with gear. You listening (TLOU)? 🤞
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in 10 Video Game Offers You MUST Refuse   
    I didn't accept the money for Ciri. I remember the look on her face, and I couldn't do it. It wouldn't have mattered I don't think. If you reject the money there is supposed to be a new horse you get, but I never seen it. Just for conscious and because she is a freaking beauty you don't want to piss off, reject the money. But it's money!!! You could take it to the brothel 100 times. If you explore a lot you can easily make up the money if you reject it. Funny how we still can stick to a moral compass even in a video game.  
    Sleep with Morinth in Mass Effect 2? I haven't reached that point yet, but will have to remember not to. Or should I? 👀
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