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Reality vs Adventure

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    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Layers of Fear   
    A truly horrifying experience. Played alone, in the dark with a head set on, this game can bring about some extremely intense heart pounding moments. Layers of Fear doesn't just rely on jump scares, but manages to borough deep into your mind as you find out the tragedy that has befallen our protagonist and how he has reacted to it. As he desperately tries create his 'Magnum Opus', his sanity tearing away from him at every seam, you will find yourself drawn into his dark and twisted mind, wishing that he, and yourself, find a way back to normality.
  2. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Knight Plug in Why the hell is Naughty Dog remaking The Last of Us?   
    What??? Is this a late April fools? They really are going to trying to carve a gem out of a gem? Maybe they feel they have to make changes for the coming show. I guess they have their reasons. 
  3. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What percent of human population are actual geniuses?   
    There are 7 billion humans. Some smart, some stupid, but how many are an actual genius? Think about all the things humans have created through our history. We have developed magnificent architecture when we didn't have all the modern technology. We have traveled to outer space and can communicate with anyone anywhere in an instant. From vehicles to designs on little pieces of jewelry. Paintings, sculptures, weapons, electricity; medication, medical tech, ships, and skyscrapers. 'We' are brilliant. But how many are 'we'? If I even think about how a person made a pair of shoes, I'm at a loss; or even my coat or jeans. I can forget about trying to build a cabin in the woods, or even make a bow and arrow. 
    Is it only a small number of humans that give humanity an intelligent name? How many people do you know that creates things? What percent or how many of humans do you think puts our species on the intelligent list? I would say only a few thousand out of 7 billion. 
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in New Studies Link Loot Boxes To Gambling Addiction. This Could Cause Some Issues For Greedy Publishers Going Forward   
    I guess there are two types of loot boxes. The one I was referring to were the ones that show the available gear for a specific time if you can garnish enough resources to get it, whether the resources being what you collect in game, or bought. The other is a mystery box which for a limited time which you would purchase or find the in game resources hoping to get something good from the box. That would seem more like gambling, and the other more of OCD because you just got to have the gear on display. 
    Either way, it's ridiculous to think about spending $20 on some gear when you can buy a whole game for that much. For the first time ever I was the knuckle head and spent that $20 to get a couple outfits a couple weeks ago. The strategy really works offering those boxes. I don't buy a damn thing though if it's a mystery box and don't show what you can get. I never thought about until now, that buying a game really costs around $100. That's if you get it brand new, get the DLC, and some gear or resources. I can only suggest getting the game a few years old with bonus stuff added all for $20. That's what I've done until now. I see the traps now playing newer games. 
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What social medias do you use?   
    Facebook is nosey
    Twitter is hair salon gossip
    Youtube is for fun
    Instagram is for work
    Humans like to feel important. But at the end of the day, nobody really cared. 😫
  6. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Tedious things you do as a completionist   
    Dodge dodge, look at me!!! 
    Dodge dodge, I'm swinging my axe
    Wait wait, fight me over here
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Lara Trump joins Fox News   
    Another 100% totally and completely unbiased person on Fox News. How long will she last?
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Lara Trump joins Fox News   
    "State Run" is a term that often means corrupt. Fox is a republiKKKlan corporation. They don't report actual news, they are a right wing heavily biased fake news company. They are heavily run by anti-Democrat, anti-democracy, fascists. These people are wanting to get a system where Democrats are imprisoned, or at the very least barred from being able to vote or run in any elections. They are the same treasonous terrorists that attacked the Capitol on January 6th. They called the attack a "heroic action to save America."
    They incite the right wing lunatics to pull shit like this, as often as they can, because they are right wing lunatics themselves. It's treason, terrorism, and war.
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Am I even a valid gamer?   
    To me it feels strange if my sis calls me a gamer, cause I'm not sure exactly what that is supposed to mean. If someone watches tv do we call them a tv watcher? Or an internet surfer? A twitterer? A music listener? It almost seems like a 'gamer' is derogatory. Oh, he's a 'gamer' 😲 No way man; it can't be! 
    I don't mind at all playing older games or talking about them. Every time I think about it I want to play them. But then I have to hook it up, and ...blah blah. I'm lazy. I don't even like putting a new disc in the ps4. It should be multi disc. They have that for cd players, but not games? Man, I'm way off topic. Diversity is what makes the world go round. Once that stops, all you got is one mind left and nothing left of value to learn. 
  10. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Tedious things you do as a completionist   
    That's so true! I'll be in a game about to fight a boss monster and just turn my back to it trying to take a selfie like some kind of obnoxious Instagram model.
  11. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Tedious things you do as a completionist   
    Haha; like a tour guide; I feel like the stupid tourist stopping to take pictures everywhere. 
  12. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Characters that exist in video games but can't be seen   
    I haven't seen Johnny Bravo in years. I had actually forgotten about the show. He was always funny as hell. And scarily familiar, as all the guys in my area acted exactly like him. They were always kissing their own asses. The only difference is that Johnny Bravo was smarter than the guys here. I got tired of one guys bullshit and told him that when he was done kissing his own ass to let me know, because my ass was full of shit too and I needed to fart.
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Characters that exist in video games but can't be seen   
    The only thing nearby that has anything is the abandoned watch tower, and Fairvale Shanty. The good thing about FV is that you can loot it as many times as you want. It always has a gold nugget, platinum watch, and platinum earrings. usually earrings. Sometimes it switches it around, but the watch and nugget are always there. You only have to ride a certain distance from it for it to reload. It's not too terribly far. But it's often got a damn grizzly bear hanging out there, so approach with caution.
  14. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Have you ever quit playing a game for someone else’s sake?   
    If someone doesn't like me playing something they have 2 options.
    1) Piss off
    2) Fuck off
  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Some things in TLOU HBO show will “deviate greatly”   
    How is divisive stories self-serving? You could have a divisive story and be completely neutral to either side, but produce the story just for the sake of entertainment, or just for the sake to cause a splash. Making money is self serving regardless. 
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from AndreiMirfi in What social medias do you use?   
    Facebook is nosey
    Twitter is hair salon gossip
    Youtube is for fun
    Instagram is for work
    Humans like to feel important. But at the end of the day, nobody really cared. 😫
  17. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Cyberpunk 2077 "leak" reveals plans for 10 free DLC expansions as well 3 paid ones   
    I think that would be good business to give free DLC after everything considered. But first priority should be the fixes. See how that pans out. Because if they can't get it functional on all systems, then who will even want DLC anyways? And I hope the free DLC will be permanently free and not force everyone to download a broken game, then download a bunch of DLC and have it sit there for a year till its playable. Cause I probably won't download my game till Christmas and pretend it's a new gift. And I would want that free DLC then. If I miss out I will burn the game. 
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Space Travel and Colonization   
    That just shows the parasites that humans are. To destroy the planet we live in and colonize another, then another, and leave a trail of death as we parasitize our homes spreading and taking all the resources without giving anything in return. Sounds exciting and all, but we are no better than a tapeworm swimming in shit. The rich are thinking of how to leave their eggs behind to carry on the parasitism. 
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in RepubliKKKlans in 43 States Propose 250+ Bills to Restrict Voting Rights—Georgia Leads the Way   
    I have Hispanic family, and they were scared to death to vote in the election. The Hispanic and black community here had been getting threats to not even show their faces on election day. So I drove them to their polling place, and went in with them, armed. Afterwards, I drove around town taking twists and turns to make sure no one was following us, and then took them home. I stayed with them for the majority of the day, and nothing happened. The sight of a gun on my hip and the pentagram on my back window was possibly what scared them off.
  20. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Do you like all surfaces to be climbable?   
    For the longest time, I've always wanted a climbing mechanic in Elder Scroll/ Fallout games. It is so unimmersive to be constantly hopping around trying to get up a mountain. It just looks like my character is having a seizure.
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Tedious things you do as a completionist   
    I feel like I explore a bit much too. I'm trying to balance the times I explore every square inch, or simply wander. I get immersed more when I wander w/o crazily looking for items. I can always go back; but at this moment, I'm gonna take it all in as if I was there.
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Realistic or unrealistic movement, which do you prefer?   
    That's interesting descending from deities. Reminds me of the book I'm reading Malazan where there are those who ascend to become a God. They call them ascendants. Somewhere there is the halfway point where I guess magic is. Usually those that use magic gets power from warrens. I'm not sure yet, but I assume gods control those warrens. 
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from DC in Milestone Thread   
    700 posts to screw with your brains! Ahhaahahaha...Brains....more brains....I want to eat your brains!!!
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in A question from my girl   
    Sometimes, we need to also look back on the good memories that the dog blessed us with and also the lessons you learned from having them in your life. My labrador I had as a kid died in 2013. She died exactly 13 years after her birth and I learned a lot from her about animals. She even reminded me to never give up - she died 4 weeks after they thought she'd pass away but Daisy is a stubborn old girl so he wasn't giving her life up so easy. I was sad but I also smiled remembering the impact Daisy had on my life.
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to ZandraJoi in A question from my girl   
    Ours passed away in 2012 & it took me a few years to overcome it. She was mommy’s girl & had helped me through a lot of tough situations. We thought of getting a new dog, but I was never ready. What helped is fostering. Some we did for just a day, some was for a few months. I know it sounds cheesy, but you WILL know when you are ready again. You’ll know when you don’t have to ask the question- Are we ready for another dog?
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