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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Can gaming be a job?   
    I have my own safe at the bank full of liquid gold. If the economy tanks I've got something to liquidate. 
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Can gaming be a job?   
    It actually makes up a part of my emergency money per month.
  3. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Can gaming be a job?   
    For some that beer money is a full time salary. 🤑🍺🤪🤮
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Why aren’t more games made in first/third person?   
    I think many games stay away from 3rd person because once you open that door, then fans will criticize for not having cool gear or even character build. It could also take away from their intended effect in horror games switching from 1st to 3rd. What doesn't make sense to me is games that are 1st person has you customize gear and character at the beginning, or even throughout, and never even see it because you are in 1st person. 
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Can gaming be a job?   
    For some that beer money is a full time salary. 🤑🍺🤪🤮
  6. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Pain vocals in video games that sound embarrassingly like sex   
    If I was an alien listening to and watching humans do the deed, I'd think they were hurting each other by the the sounds and looks on their faces. Is this face pleasure or pain???

  7. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you ever feel overwhelmed to jump back into a game?   
    Sometimes I have to dedicate some time to jump back in a game that I know I really don't want to sit there and relearn everything. That's a bit overwhelming to go and learn the controls again, practice a bit, and read tutorials, story summaries, characters, etc. I sometimes even have to do that if I haven't played a game for just a week. Especially if its a newer game I started. That's one good thing about having limited GB in my ps4. It forces me to stick to a game and finish so I can download another game. My memory is currently full. SOB!!! 
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Do you adapt your play style to less skilled opponents?   
    It depends on who I'm fighting. If I'm training a weaker individual/friend, I'll go easy on them but if it's an enemy I instantly destroy them because I despise having to fight people weaker than me.
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Bill Burr Owning A Dog   
    That's why I'm careful when telling them to do something I always say it in a calm tone because I realized at an early age that shouting at animals tends to make them anxious.
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Tedious things you do as a completionist   
    I feel like I explore a bit much too. I'm trying to balance the times I explore every square inch, or simply wander. I get immersed more when I wander w/o crazily looking for items. I can always go back; but at this moment, I'm gonna take it all in as if I was there.
  11. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Crazycrab in Pain vocals in video games that sound embarrassingly like sex   
    If I was an alien listening to and watching humans do the deed, I'd think they were hurting each other by the the sounds and looks on their faces. Is this face pleasure or pain???

  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in RepubliKKKlans in 43 States Propose 250+ Bills to Restrict Voting Rights—Georgia Leads the Way   
    Something I find fascinating is that when Adolf was Putin office, his klan was constantly calling the true Americans things such as snowflake, butt-hurt, whiny, and cry babies. Yet I don't recall s single terrorist attack from us to try to overturn the election. Sure there were mass protests, but we didn't storm the capitol and cost people their lives. We didn't make terroristic threats. We didn't form a cult called Qanon (seems suspiciously similar to Ganon doesn't it) to try to whip their mindless drones into a frenzy ready to attack at a moments notice, or completely without notice.
    We kept our manners and accepted 4 years of an American Holocaust, until the 2020 election. Then we ousted the little crybaby, aka Diaper Don, who didn't even have the grace to attend the inauguration, and keep the tradition of a meeting to pass the torch to the next president. Also the previous 3 presidents all secured a second term. Clinton, Bush, and the greatest President in American history, President Obama. That's 24 years occupied by only three presidents. If none had been elected to a second term it would have been six. Even though Bush was dumb as a rock, and threw us into the worst recession since 1929, he still got a second term. What's that tell you?

  13. Haha
  14. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Community Chat #1   
    This has to be the biggest fuckup in advertising history.

  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Are esports going to take over actual sports one day?   
    The only thing I hope esports takes over is hunting animals for sport. Let's hope VR gets that good, so that the little weenies can go virtual instead.
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What about books/comics topics   
    I read a lot of Hardy Boys growing up too. I don't even know how many of those books I read. 
    One of my favorite books was Treasure Island. I read it a couple times. I don't have a ton of comics, but sure do love to read them online. I mostly own GI Joe comics. I'm a huge fan and collector. And I've been reading a new book series Malazan Book of the Fallen. It's a pretty good read. 
  17. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kane99 in Concept horror game ILL (Warning/gory)   
    I had to share this, because if this is what horror games could look like in the future, we're going to have some good horror games on the way. 
    Clout_games has made this concept trailer for a game they're hoping to make. It's not much, as this is all that has been done so far. They're hoping to produce a demo soon, and seems to be looking for publishers/developers to help out. 
    But seriously, I was genuinely freaked out by the look of the zombies. Just creppy dude! 
  18. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Games I am (and have been for months now) waiting for and looking forward to   
    Santa is wiping his ass with my list
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Games I am (and have been for months now) waiting for and looking forward to   
    I've been waiting for that Dying Light too. RE8 I bet is gonna be scarrrryyy. RE7 is going to be hard to beat. That may have been their best one so far.
    I'm really looking forward to Horizon Forbidden West. Biomutant looks interesting. 
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Anyone enjoys playing Ghost of Tsushima?   
    The PlayStation 4 gets to bow out of this console generation in suitably epic fashion with this incredible title. Ghost of Tsushima sets a new standard in open-world action games with one of the best games of this generation or any other, for that matter.
  21. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Community Chat #1   
    I have just begun to scratch the surface of Skyrim, and so far, it's a pretty good game. After seeing a lot of the posts here about different aspects of it, there are things I would have never in my wildest dreams thought would be in it. So it's a wild ride, from what I understand. But currently, I'm stuck to RDR2. I can't get off that damn game. It's my crack.
    Get your minds out of the gutter you pervs.
  22. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you ever look back and think "I was a dumbass"?   
    Every day. Oh, in gaming? Every day. 
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Games that offer solid critiques on real-world ideologies   
    Some ideologies simply don’t deserve the platform. You have a lot more faith in humanity than I do. Stupid and evil vs misguided and misinformed; it is all mixed together. Come stay in the USA for a week and then try to say that. Cause we surely are witnessing the stupid, the evil, the misguided, and the misinformed. In extreme cases of immoral ideology then I am probably right. In moderate ideologies then you are probably right.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in A Powerful Song   
    I don't know who has heard it, but I just did for the first time, and thought it should be posted.
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Games that offer solid critiques on real-world ideologies   
    Deus Ex kind of took a whack at it. In human revolution and Mankind divided, people with robotic implants were constantly discriminated against, even had assigned sections of the restaurants depending on if they had them or not. However, most of the rogue implant users were being manipulated by regular politicians without implants which shows that it doesn't matter the background of the person, it's their morals that matter. I alluded to this because most immigrants in foreign countries face the same kinds of discrimination but most of them aren't really the source of the problem. It's the leaders that incite a lot of this finger-pointing to deflect away from their actions which Deus Ex makes a very valid point.
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