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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Games that offer solid critiques on real-world ideologies   
    I think The Walking Dead flirted with humanity itself. Individuals always think they are the righteous ones. But what separates the good and bad in survival mode? Humanity itself is an ideology because who are we to claim to be civilized? We are humans, but are we really humane? The game reminds us that everyone is capable of turning demon. We hold some very dangerous negligence and immorality in our hearts, only to be revealed in a type of situation we aren't wired to handle. And any situation can have a different response from different people. So in that sense, humane/civilized is only an ideology. Just because we have a house, vehicles, job, government, churches, towns, police, etc. doesn't mean we are tame. Far from it. We are just in passing, enjoying the goods, and that demon will show when you don't know how to handle a situation. I think maybe it takes training of the mind like monks or masters of Aikido or something to still the demon. 
  2. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you ever look back and think "I was a dumbass"?   
    Every day. Oh, in gaming? Every day. 
  3. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kane99 in Do you ever import games from other countries?   
    You are correct. The DLC for most games will only work in the country the game originated from. So if you bought an import game from Japan, the only way to get the DLC for it, is to somehow convert your console to work in Japan. 
    That's one risk you take when it comes to import games. You can still play them on your console, just can't play the DLCs for it. And US DLC won't work with it either. 
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Games for stoners :D   
    Every game!!! 
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Another politician wants to ban sale of Grand Theft Auto, other violent video games   
    What will be their excuse once they realize banning a freakin video game doesn't solve the problem? 
  6. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Crazycrab in Assassin's Creed vs Ghost of Tsushima/Creed vs Honor/Assassin vs Samurai   
    💙like 💙like 💙like
    That's 3 more likes
    That's cool about the night witches! Having to fly in those dinky planes and turn the engine off; damn!!! And I haven't even thought about the ninjas and their role during feudal Japan. It's interesting that most actually came from the lower class. So status wasn't important to them. They did their job as an assassin, saboteur, spy, and kept what they did secret. They never wanted credit or anything like that. And if caught, they would take their own life. It was funny at the beginning of Ghost of Tsushima (no spoilers) the samurai despised thieves and people that would hide around or stalk the night. If you play the game you will see how that relates to this. 
    I agree that there are so many battle tactics that need stealth over face to face combat. One that comes to mind was the powerful British against American revolutionaries who would ambush the British as they stood out in the open in formation. That would have been terrifying standing there taking shots and watching your comrads fall before your eyes. And not be able to do anything but load your damn weapon. 
    Even though the samurai honor seems so justified, so too is stealth which may be even more justified. But even that at times has its controversy because what is used for good, also is used for bad. 
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in Assassin's Creed vs Ghost of Tsushima/Creed vs Honor/Assassin vs Samurai   
    I personally disagree with that statement completely.
    There was and still is merit to stealth and ambush tactics.  Hell, it's what most elite military and special forces units like the US Navy SEALS and British SAS are trained to do.
    In feudal Japan the "Ninja's" who represented the lower class knew that they couldn't best the better equipped and decadent royal Samurai in a fair fight...  So they didn't fight fair.  That's how the whole ideas of the Ninja's stealth tactics came about.
    In World War 2 there was a particular squadron of all female bomber pilots in the Soviet Union.  They had slow, outdated biplanes there were far below the stall speeds of the German fighter planes at the time.  So their strategy was to fly at night, cut off the engines and glide and slowly and quietly, drop their bombs and then take off (video's posted below).  Similar techniques are used by stealth bomber pilots today.
    Would I describe any of these individuals or cultures as being "cowardly"?  Absolutely not.  If anything "Striking from the Shadows" is a bigger risk, both in gaming (mostly) and in real life because it's higher skill, lower cost, bigger reward.  I applaud and respect people who use this tactic and I strive to do it in games whenever I'm given the opportunity.  It's more satisfying to me than charging in like Galahad.
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from m76 in Features you miss in new games that were in older ones   
    I hate waiting for checkpoints especially when I don't start back at the spot I quit at so I would have to play that part over again. I think it was easier to just go to the menu and equip weapons. The newer weapon wheel throws me off sometimes because usually time is still going but slowed, and the pointer never quite clicks on the item I need right away. Sometimes the wheel works great though. So I'm 50/50 on that. 
  9. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in What is happening with Dying Light 2?   
    Dying Light 2 is like that father that has gone to the store to get some milk and still hasn't shown up yet - 10 years later but you hope your dad will come back. That's how I feel about Dying Light 2 - I want to get my hopes up but it's a broken record at this point. I mean they've postponed the game a million times now.
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kane99 in The Saboteur   
    Anyone remember this game? It is kind of a hidden gem. I remember when it came out on the 360 (ps3 and PC I think) and it was essentially you taking out nazis, but you could climb buildings, use stealth and or go in guns ablazing. When you play, you'll notice the world is dark and grey, but as you overtake nazi outposts and such, you start to see color in the world. 
    Anyway, I remember it was similar to Assassin's Creed, at least with how you can climb. In fact, I liked the climbing in this game more than AC to be honest. Sadly, this was one game I rented and never played after. I was thinking about picking it up recently, but idk if I'd be into re-playing it again. 
  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in What percent of human population are actual geniuses?   
    The definition of "genius" is a person with superior intelligence or ability. An IQ score of 140 or higher is defined as genius. Very few people will score that as the normal range of human intelligence is 90-109.
    A person can be absolutely stupid in almost every area of life, but a genius in one. For example, my sperm donor was an idiot and a fall down drunk. But if you were to give him some tools and wood, he was a genius. He could do things that most could only dream about. And he loved doing it. If he had chosen that as a career, I would have grown up privileged. There would have been a waiting list for his work. He was that much a genius with wood.
    Then you also have to consider autistic people. They are not stupid, but sensitive to things. Many can do and remember things that simply amaze people who are not autistic. They are often genius, even though they may not have that 140 IQ score. The autistic range is far and wide. But it in no way means stupid.
    As for me, I'm schizophrenic, bi-polar, BPD, and diagnosed as a sociopath. I'm semi-intelligent in some areas, yet ignorant in most. The muscular dystrophy has severely affected my cognitive faculties. I'm much less articulate than I used to be. I'm also much less intelligent than I used to be. When I was in 5th grade my IQ was 130. I took an IQ test a couple years ago and it was 108. I'm sure it's somewhere in the 90's at best now.
    Genius to some. Idiot to others.
  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Withywarlock in What is happening with Dying Light 2?   
    When I read the title I had to double check because Dying Light's that good zombie property, not the other one that's going through the game dev equivalent of musical chairs. I'm disappointed to hear that Techland's yet another studio that wrongly thinks workplace abuse makes for a better game, but at this point should I be at all surprised?
    Thanks for sharing this, even if it has made me feel gross.
  13. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in Protagonists you hate   
    All of that is fair enough,  I see lots of people that dislike the new Lara and prefer the old one for those reasons and that’s fine... Then you kept going on...
    You are WAY outa line, again!  I never said or implied anything close to that so stop trying to put words in my mouth.  One game I enjoyed very much this gen was Tales of Berseria.  The main character is dark and has a tragic back story that lets you sympathize with her, even when her actions and attitude are very questionable which they frequently are.  Also, she looks like this:

    I think I said on another thread recently that my top game on PS4 was Horizon Zero Dawn and part of that was because of how witty, smart, empathetic and fun the main protagonist Aloy was.  All this in spite of the fact that she is VERY ugly, you would have to be blind drunk and high on magic mushrooms to want to sleep with... Ugh… this (sarcasm):

    So @m76, if you think I'm someone who thinks that "sexuality is a bad thing that should be eradicated" you better back the fuck off right now!  I got no issue with sexy characters, what I don't like is shallow characters regardless of how they look.  What I actully said was:
    The reason I said is that, like it or not, it's the truth.  Ask any straight teenage boy to describe the "perfect woman", what you think they are going to say?
    Rich as hell - check
    Big Boobs - check
    Athletic - check
    Tight clothes - check
    Action-packed lifestyle with guns and speedboats - check
    Sound like anybody we know?
    Like I said before I do respect the old Tomb Raider games, even though I don’t enjoy them very much.  Lara was one of the first lone playable female protagonists to get mainstream success paving the way for others to follow and they deserve credit for that.
    That doesn't change the fact one of the main reasons if not THE main reason they got that success was the sexualized design of the character and her marketing.  They obviously weren't confident that a game with a female on the cover would sell on the merits of its gameplay alone.  So they pandered to everything that I said above and you what, at the time they were absolutely right.  That was over 20 years ago, female characters don't need this shallow anymore and as I said before they can still be sexy.  Hell, even the new Lara ain't exactly hideous, it’s just that one was a product of the time and the other is a product of evolution.

  14. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Protagonists you hate   
    Arthur was intentionally written to be both cold and a roughneck. Had he been picking daisies and singing Kumbayah, he would have completely ruined the game. To make the game, the main protagonist had to be a cold, unfeeling, hard ass. He’s a killer, and a big league thief.
    He was written perfectly for the part in my opinion.
    Micah on the other hand, was a truly worthless piece of shit. I wanted to knock him out every time I was near the asshole.
  15. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Protagonists you hate   
    I could honestly pick out any one of these main cast members from FFXIII and unleash one hell of a rant;

    But there is one that stands out, even amongst this motly crew of douche.

    Snow is an irresponsible, selfish, self-righteous, egotistical, arrogant, ignorant prat that the game tries to pass off as a selfless hero!
    (Warning, Some minor spoilers ahead)
    Right the start of the game, he gets a load of innocent civilians killed, then the next time you see him he is hi-fiving his buddies and declaring himself a hero as he rides off to rescue his already doomed girlfriend like he's Captain America.
    A quick point before I move on. A hero is confident, inspirational and charismatic, but also selfless, thoughtful and humble, usually even anonymous. Even if they have earned the right to call themselves a hero, they don't. Snow is none of those things.
    Back to the point though, our "hero" getting those innocent people killed. Any remorse? Regret? A lump in his throat? No, of course not, he was only thinking of Sarah (The GF), the only lump he had was down the front of his trousers. While travelling through Palumpolum with Hope (Whose mother was one of the aforementioned civilians who died because of Snow), he's completely oblivious to the fact Hope hates his guts because he's to focused on "being the Hero". When Hope does eventually confront him, only then does he actually show some remorse. Eh, no Snow, you don't get to feel bad about what you did only when poor little you has to face the consequences, that's not how it works.
    He's pretty much the same, carefree, annoying douchebag the entire game. All the main characters in FFXIII are there their own brand of terrible, but Snow is the worst. And when you're the worst protagonist in FFXIII, that is a very strong case for the worst video game protagonist of all time.
    Even being played by Troy Baker couldn't salvage this waste of pixels. Thank about that.
  16. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kane99 in Protagonists you hate   
    Wow you went to town on these characters. I agree with a few of them, mainly Michael and Trevor. Even though they had some good moments, they weren't redeemable people. As for Arthur Morgan, I gotta disagree on that. I may not have liked RDR2 as much as the first game, I still really like Arthur Morgan. I still prefer John Marston over him though. 
    Conner from Assassin's Creed III was someone I wasn't a fan of. He had his reasons, but I felt he was just blah as a character. I much preferred the elder Assassin that lived in his house or whatever. I forgot his name. 
  17. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to m76 in Protagonists you hate   
    Everyone in XCOM:Chimera Squad: These are psychopaths, who revel in violence, and plop disgusting jokes between kills, while acting like Karens in between missions.
    Niko Bellic - GTAIV: A petty criminal who acts like a petty criminal even after getting loaded, what is there to like?
    Michael, Trevor: GTAV: How could I like a selfish criminal and a violent sociopath? Franklin at least has some redeeming values, but not particularly likeable either.
    What's his name? - RDR2: A plank of wood is more lively and interesting than this protagonist.

    Max Payne - Max Payne 3: Let's be clear I love the original Max, I just hate the version written by Rockstar games. He is a miserable self loathing worthless burlap sack waste of space. Seems like a caricature.
    Geralt - The Witcher Series: A giant jerk, who constantly acts like an ahole, and is especially disrespectful towards women, I quit playing all three games because of my revulsion of him.
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to m76 in Why does entertainment industry normalize the male head of household to be so stupid?   
    Characters in comedies need to be as dumb as it gets to appeal to the lowest common denominator. At least that is the logic they use when they make these shows.
    It's not just about husbands, it's every type of person. Like geeks being depicted as socially awkward to the point of dysfunctionality. And also every man being depicted as if their sole life purpose is to get the girl.
    Even shows that start out well sooner or later reach the point of the lowest common denominator, when it stops being grounded in reality. That's usually when I stop watching them.
    For example the Office US version was good while only Michael was this goofy character, and the rest were at least plausible people. But after a few seasons they slowly degraded everyone to imbeciles, that's when I stopped watching that show. And it's not even limited to comedy, some dramas suffer the same fate. They get so dumb after a point that it becomes painful to watch.
  19. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kane99 in Gaming on Airplanes   
    I would totally play games on an airplane. I think more airports will start to implement those options. Imagine playing VR in an airplane, would really heighten the experience I think. 
  20. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in How do you feel about enemies sneaking up on you from behind?   
    As long as I'm not picking up a bar of soap I'm fine. But it does add scare factor in horror games. 
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Honor according to whom?   
    The game is based on an era where the life of outlaws is changing. And you are right, it’s not like they can go get a legitimate job anymore.
    Their honor system is based on a system of outlaws, not society. So killing another outlaw shouldn't affect their honor. Stealing shouldn't affect their honor as long as they don’t kill an innocent for it. Although, my honor has dropped stealing from a dead body that was accidentally kicked by a horse! I’m not sure if the honor is affected in the game if you protect yourself from the law hunting you.
    It wouldn’t make sense to be a murderer then become an outlaw with an honorable code. That’s murder as in killing the innocent. So at that point with blood on your hands, any honorable code is washed away. The only code to follow now would be the survival code. Take care of your own and screw anyone else. But the game is called Redemption! So are they trying to redeem themselves? Is it possible? In RDR1 were they murderers of the innocent? If that were the case, the only real redemption would be to turn yourself in. But you can't keep hiding as a redeemed outlaw. 
    To be a killer that killed other killers instead of the innocent, then we could talk honor. But now the honor system is within the gang. The player can choose to live as a broken outlaw who refuses to conform and just wants money no matter what. Or a player can try and help others out or be a bounty hunter themselves. And that’s funny to think about how Arthur gets bounties to help sheriffs, at the same time gets bounty hunted. So are bounty hunters any better themselves?  Or are they just an outlaw themselves looking for pay?
    Personally, I found it annoying being chased by bounty hunters, so I would rather just play the good role. At least, good for an outlaw. It sure is fun robbing a train though. But you just can’t do it without killing so many.
    But I guess the honor code in the game could be debated from different players. Any type of person plays video games. So there could be a genuine bad person playing RDR2 who would disagree with the game’s honor system and think ‘since I’m an outlaw, I can kill anybody anytime. Who cares?’ The game let’s you play that character, but what is the greatest reward? Killing and stealing to get rich? Or aiding in bounties and getting discounts at stores with a good standing?
    Unless you can defeat anyone and everyone at anytime, it will get old constantly being hunted when you actually want to explore something. So even that bad man playing the game will eventually start to do good just so they can actually play the game. That’s the main consequence.
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Study Reveals Pigs Can Become Excellent Video Game Players   
    If we the smart humans can be putting gorilla glue all over our bodies, pigs playing video games isn't so hard to believe.
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in The Last of Us HBO TV Series   
    Just some visual representation, here are Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey;

    Overall, I'm fairly happy with this choice. Assuming this is based on the first game, I may have chosen someone a little bit younger to play Ellie (Bella is 17, whereas Ellie was 14 in that game), but that's a nitpick and what's more important is that they've found two very capable actors. This is looking promising.
  24. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Kane99 in The Witcher 3 would look like this on PS1   
    I love these videos of people making what looks like a PS1 version of a newer video game. This time around it's The Witcher 3, and man does this bring back PS1 memories for me lol. Imagine if these guys actually tried to make a version for the PS1. How many discs do you think it'd be? lol
  25. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Withywarlock in Study Reveals Pigs Can Become Excellent Video Game Players   
    Imagine getting 360 no-scoped by a pig. It's happening.
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