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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Patrik in This Land Is My Land for PC   
    Off topic : when i did read the title, i thought you are actually showing off some magical setup where you use your own PC LOL
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to m76 in Why do some people hate playing games?   
    I believe it is a sign of hypocrisy, they have a desire to game, but they are so afraid of being labelled childish that they feel they need to disavow it publicly as loudly as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the haters were gamers in secret.
  3. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    But of course they won't. When the blind lead the blind, they go nowhere. And when the stupid lead the stupid, they don't want to go anywhere progressive. We won't see any change from the republiKlans. Not in our lifetime anyway. If they want to help not only our country, but the world, they will abandon the republiKlan party.

  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    There is no one thing that could help the republican party except to split and form a new one. And in that new party they need to condemn racism first and foremost. But of course they would just lie and say they condemn it. I mean prove it through policy proposals, changing their gerrymandering lines, and putting up diverse people as their electorates. Then reform the police with diversity in their neighborhoods throughout republican strongholds. They would need to stop attacking and suppressing voting rights.  They should consider banning the electoral college. They need to condemn confederacy in every way. 
    To continue along as a republican party at this point is the prelude to a civil war. Plain and simple. And that is exactly what they want so they will never split. The party is a complete lost cause infiltrated by terrorists, sympathizers, russian sympathizers, nazis, klan, confederates, QANON, boogaloo, and the philosophy of fascism. Republicans that actually still care about this country now have a reckoning to go independent, become democrat, or as stated start a new one. 
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from mont86 in War at the capitol   
    There is no one thing that could help the republican party except to split and form a new one. And in that new party they need to condemn racism first and foremost. But of course they would just lie and say they condemn it. I mean prove it through policy proposals, changing their gerrymandering lines, and putting up diverse people as their electorates. Then reform the police with diversity in their neighborhoods throughout republican strongholds. They would need to stop attacking and suppressing voting rights.  They should consider banning the electoral college. They need to condemn confederacy in every way. 
    To continue along as a republican party at this point is the prelude to a civil war. Plain and simple. And that is exactly what they want so they will never split. The party is a complete lost cause infiltrated by terrorists, sympathizers, russian sympathizers, nazis, klan, confederates, QANON, boogaloo, and the philosophy of fascism. Republicans that actually still care about this country now have a reckoning to go independent, become democrat, or as stated start a new one. 
  6. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    It would no longer exist. There are more than enough terrorists in the world to worry about, we don't need them here domestically.
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    Seriously? Fucking Seriously???
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in What video game character broke your heart?   
    Lenny says it in RDR2. Granted he's black and the context wasn't in anger. He was talking to Arthur and mentioned that due to them being friends people might call him "a nigger lover". The game takes place in 1899, so I guess the script writers put things like that in there for added realism. There are also more times that I have bothered to count the use of the word "darkies" in the game. It goes to show how much things have evolved from then to now. Granted there are still racists and racist groups, but they're mostly inbred trash that couldn't tell a tree from a truck, so I don't give them any notice until they give me notice. Then I tazer them.
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    First off, unlike Adolf, Joe Biden is not racist.
    Secondly, if you're not American, then you don't have an actual clue what's going on here. I can proselytize about government in Sri Lanka, but since I don't live there I have no idea what it's like. Which means I have no right or privilege to bitch about it.
    You clearly don't know anything about American politics.
    Yes, our military bombed Syria. No they did not use uranium. Had they done so it would have been Hiroshima 1945 all over again. The region ASKED US TO stop a ruthless dictator from seizing total power and control. Remember that Bashar Assad was using chemical weapons against his own people. Obama tried several times to reach a diplomatic solution, which Assad refused every time. Obama got roughly 99 percent of huge chemical weapons that were stockpiled in Syria removed without us having to fire a shot. In the end, a military strike was the only option left to remove a murderer that was using chemical warfare against the citizens of his own country for his own amusement. Assad had to go. Obama made the call. In turn, Obama saved millions of innocent lives. Thousands died at Assad's hands, and if we hadn't intervened when the region asked millions would have died. Not only in Syria, but other countries. From the fallout, and after Assad attacked his neighbors to try to take over their country.
    Obama was a hero in this situation. Not a villain.
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shole in American Gods   
    It is far the best tv show that I have never watched more than one episode. I love everything mythology, but I was just sucked in by a lot of anime at that point and dropped it. Now that you reminded me of it I have something awesome to watch thank you!
  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    Parler was dropped from Amazon. I'm referring to the sites they are now currently using after they have been dropped from all the platforms. So yeah, many have fallen underground just like ISIS. Trump threatened to destroy Iran's heritage sites, which is against international law. And that was when republicans were claiming you can't destroy history or you will repeat it, which was when protestors were destroying confederate monuments across the country. Another hypocrisy by the fascist republicans. And as far as China, we have a failed trade war and we have wasted multiple bailouts for farmers. They are literally surviving off of the government which is socialism. But socialism is ok if you are the one getting aid right? That's what they believe anyways. We can debate economic issues between the two parties, but the last republican president we had this country fell into the great recession; the worse economic crisis since the great depression. And now with trump, he botched a pandemic response which screwed the economy along with the trade war. This economic fallout is always at the hands of republicans. Biden has to clean up the mess like Obama did. And yes, it's gonna get worse. I have no doubts. And when it does, it will be due to this failed pandemic response. But we have to go through it just like a bad divorce when you lose everything. But we cannot get the economy back unless we get the pandemic under control. And republicans have repeatedly shown that they are against trying to help the pandemic crisis. 
  12. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Community Chat #1   
    Maybe try a new game or play one you haven't played in a long while. Something I've been thinking about doing is have a day of the week for certain games. Like Friday horror, Tuesday binge a series. That's what I did yesterday, nothing but Assassin's Creed games. Was fun too comparing them and adventuring in different atmospheres. Play a little, then put in another so you don't spend too much time on one in the series. I wouldn't mind having a classic game day in the week and play nothing but old stuff. I just might do that. 
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Hi Everyone!!!   
    I would love to advise you whenever you want on it. I love that game and have played hundreds of playthroughs. I’ve logged thousands of hours on this game, done every side quest, and know virtually everything about it.
  14. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Mike Tyson wants to make a new Punch out, will Nintendo do it?   
    New game should be called Mike Tyson's Bite Out! 
  15. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Withywarlock in Mike Tyson wants to make a new Punch out, will Nintendo do it?   
    Mike Tyson's Lunch-Out!!
    Mike Biteson's Punch-Out!!
    Bite Tyson's Punch-Out!!
    I'll stop now.
  16. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Mike Tyson wants to make a new Punch out, will Nintendo do it?   
    New game should be called Mike Tyson's Bite Out! 
  17. Haha
  18. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Mike Tyson wants to make a new Punch out, will Nintendo do it?   
    That is literally the first time I've heard a joke about that this century. 
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Withywarlock in Layers of Fear   
    The fear factor isn't gonna stand up to some in the horror genre, but its surprising element that makes it unique is its plain craziness. It's a constant progression of a psychological breakdown. The game really is a treasure. And so far Inheritance has a wow factor too. I got the digital bundle for cheap a couple months ago. Not sure where the price is at now, but getting a disc is expensive from what I've seen. And there is an Oculus virtual reality version of Layers of Fear if you got one. 
    I'm gonna have to watch it!
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Most rewarding video game romances?   
    You don't see a whole lot of video game stories feature a romantic love build. Most couples are already together at the start.
    Final Fantasy X was also the first thought that came to my mind. The slow burn between the two in that game was done so amazingly well. From painful introductions to the awkward tension breaking scenes like that laugh. The scene in the forest lake, the 'wedding' and reactions to it, it all just flows so well together.
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to StaceyPowers in What underlies completionism?   
    Because that's what @Reality vs Adventure does. In the most endearing way.
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Who here clocks more video game hours than you ever expected?   
    It's not an addiction, it's a lack of options. I'm stuck in a wheelchair because I'm disabled and unable to work a job, so I draw disability. That in and of itself leaves me with the entire day to try to fill. Hence, I play video games more now than I used to. At this moment, I'm completely burned out on gaming. It doesn't matter in the least what the game or platform is, I don't want to play it. I'll get back to my old self in a few days, maybe a week or two. But when your entire day is nothing but empty time, you look for things to do to occupy that time. If I feel the itch, I'll get back to writing. Maybe I can finally fix my first novel, or just write a few new shorts. Most likely though, I'll just be bored as hell and not want to do much of anything.
    This is not a life worth living. But I would rather be the thorn in the worlds side than give it peace.
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Withywarlock in Petition to finish games   
    What makes change difficult is it's a culmination of all of those things:
    Publishers choosing to accept investment by being publically traded. Depending on the number of shares, Investors can inject themselves into the creative direction as much as publishers. Developers not being in a position, or not using their current position to properly communicate to the publisher why a game needs more time or certain resources (which the publisher can provide within reason). Consumers who will pre-order based on what developers/publishers want them to see, and not having the willpower to wait until real-world results are live (I say this even as a critic who wants eyes on their publication). That's only scratching the surface as I don't have enough experience with the first three to begin to comment what other problems lie within. But even then,
    Publishers make the money they give to developers and external marketing from copies sold. Most Investors only see cheap stocks to be sold later and this would apply to any publically traded company, not just video games. Developers are, as said earlier, often overspecialised to the point where effective communication is difficult even without the stress of crunch and other workplace abuses. Consumers aren't always given enough information from what should be trustworthy sources such as reviewers because review copies can be different to what everyone else will receive, or preview events being misleading. It's not wrong for them to expect a game to function at launch, even if I advise not buying day one. So while I'd blamed consumers earlier, I also must blame the publishers for their shortsightedness (or not, as the case may be), studios getting bloated even if it wasn't the fault of the current heads, and investors for doing what investors do and damn the consequences.
    Like a lot of issues in this world this is another matter that is neither black nor white, but several shades of cack. I envy anyone who can blame just one of the above for not overthinking it. That way madness lies.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Petition to finish games   
    Sending death threats to people is not an acceptable way to behave under any circumstances, doing so over something like a video game just makes it arbitrary and completely stupid.
    However, that doesn't change the fact CDPR created that situation for themselves, not when the announced the delay, but when they announced the original release date. That was in June 2019 at E3 for a release in April 2020. That's 10 MONTHS earlier. There is no way that anyone at CDPR knew, and I mean knew, the game would be ready by then. Anyone who did was either an optimist, an idiot or a liar, but most likely all three. A full 18 months passed since E3 2019 and game finally came out...  completely unfinished. And the worst part? CDPR knew it. That's why they only sent out PC copies for review and is also why reviewers weren't allowed to use their own captured footage. That's as dishonest as it gets. 
    I'm sure there was a lot of pressure to announce the release at E3 so the pre-orders could start there, and goes right back to the point I made earlier. That's what always about. Money.
    So, even though the aforementioned death threats are not acceptable (And it happened again over PS2 themed PS5 again if anyone is interested. Check the end of this thread.), nobody should offer CDPR any sympathy. They were greedy, crunched their employees, disrespectful to journalists and were downright dishonest to us all. 
    The responsibility ultimately falls to publishers, but you're right, it's not as straightforward as that. Investors are just businessmen/woman putting in cash to earn a return with little care of the ethics or complexities involved, but they can put alot of pressure on publishers. If investors want something included, or even absent from the game, because they think will make them more money, they'll probably get it. The same thing goes for how the game is publicised, promoted and even manufactured.
    As for the developer, well, I work at a dockyard for a big engineering firm, and we have a saying, "Shit rolls down, but not up". Somebody takes a "dump" of an idea in board room somewhere, it's the people further down that have to clean up the mess. It's doubtful developers agree with even half the ideas publishers and investors have, but still they have to deal with it. 
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in War at the capitol   
    And upon that reach in, those hands need to be chopped off. Maybe then they will get an idea how the rest of the country felt.
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