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Reality vs Adventure

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    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Collectors   
    Here's a few GPK Trumpocracy

  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Layers of Fear   
    Rose Red has met video games. This one can fuck with the mind big time. And that's why I love it.
  3. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in Negative Effects Of Gaming   
    Video games can negatively affect the brain, memory, and vision. They can cause stress, anxiety, and even isolation if the addiction gets severe enough. Video games can even kill brain cells and interrupt a person's sleep. How do video games affect the brain? You tell me LOL
    One time there was a man named Andrew. Andrew was a respectable member of society. However one day Andrew played a popular video game named ''Animal Crossing.'' 2 weeks went by and no one, not even himself, knew what he had become. Until one day he saw a minority walking down the street, and the kill-switch within his brain activated. Andrew shot the minority and later died in a shootout with police. If anyone had known, Andrew could've been saved.
    Video Games. Not even once
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in 1. Milk Before Cereal Or Cereal Before Milk   
    It doesn’t make any god damn sense to do the milk first. You won’t get hardly any cereal in the fucking bowl.
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Collectors   
    Is collecting a big enough topic for itself? 
    I collect mineral specimens and gi joes. Do you collect games? What is it you collect?
    Mineral specimens are natural crystals grown through its given environment. Gi Joes, well, just wish they were here today to fight Trump AKA Cobra Commander. 
  6. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Burnout Kid in Alternatives to Call of Duty   
    Do you remember Black on PS2? Might be outdated now, but I thought that was pretty good.
  7. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Never having to sleep   
    How else will you get that morning wood
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    The Enhanced edition also has The Following which takes place in the countryside. Pretty cool. And you get to drive a buggy. It also has the addition where you can play as the zombie and attack humans. 
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Discuss a favorite game every day thread   
    Final Fantasy X is one of my favorites and it was my first turn based rpg. The story really impressed me and probably one of the best stories from games I've played to date. It was very challenging and fun. Sometimes it would take me an hour or more to defeat a foe using whatever bag of tricks I've accumulated. I played it on ps2, and have that itch to get it for the ps4. 
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Projector and Screen for Gaming   
    I have been giving the idea some thought in terms of placing it in my bedroom. The fact that you roll it back up after you finish using it means that portability and space won't be an issue. I don't think it's crazy and it makes for some good Netflix sessions. With the pandemic ruining the whole movie going experience, this is kind of the next best thing. The only real drawback with this is that projectors especially high quality ones are a bit on the expensive side.
  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Which is scariest?   
    I've grew up in a pretty violent community so I've seen my fair share of mass murders. I've also worked in law enforcement so I've definitely seen some pretty heinous stuff as well. I choose number not because I'd be completely scared but I wouldn't have an idea as to how to kill those monsters so I'd have to come up with something pretty grandiose like blowing up the entire hospital with me in it. Demons don't really scare me because I already know how to deal with a situation like that. Torture room is a bit tame and mass genocides aren't going to scare me either. Enslaved on an alien ship - I've been through my own version of torture so them experimenting on me wouldn't necessarily scare me.
  12. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Snacks, Junk Foods and Fast Foods perfect for gamers   
    I can't even begin to think of what say about this. Just feel sorry that this is real.

    Read about it here. Like I said, I can't explain.
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Empire in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    I enjoyed dying lights take on open world quite a bit. You really felt like you were in the slums of some poor country when you were exploring the first large map. The map flow was very good as well, you were basically just running from one side of the map to the next hitting zombies with weapons but it never felt boring because you could do it in different ways each time.
    The movement system that game offered made it feel very organic when you traversed the world. And the world complemented that by being set in the middle of a south american city, whose types of cities are generally have building very close together. Not to mention that artistically it fit. You felt like you were in the slums, and you felt like you were in the rich district in the second area in comparison.
    Dying light was really overlooked in a year of the witcher 3, but it was very solid and had it had a better story would have been serious competition.
  14. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from StaceyPowers in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    I love apocalypse environments with cities or towns destroyed. I can't get enough of it. And when my mood changes, I enjoy ancient civilization type settings. RDR2 has that unique western environment which I think is a stand alone in the gaming world. I played Gun on ps2, which was ok (Native American controversies). A good space and planets type environment is also good. I've recently been giving Mass Effect 2 another try. Don't know why I stopped first time around. Top 2 would be apocalypse and ancient civilization. 
  15. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Milestone Thread   
    Today is my 2 year anniversary from when I joined the forum.
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Funny Game Glitches   
    I was checking out the Spider Man game for PS5 the other day and I saw a very funny glitch where Spider man turned into a street lamp. For reference, here is the video:
    To say i cracked up was an understatement! Share some of the funniest in-game glitches you've ever seen.
  17. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from m76 in What book universe would make a great game series?   
    Just finished book 1. It's a very brilliant book. Every sentence has purpose and very complex story which was done really well; great characters. I've got book 2 already and gonna buy the whole series, plus all the side novels from other authors. Got some great reading for a long while. Thanks again!
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in WE WON!   
    Adolf is out, and Hero Joe is President!
    The nation can finally be fixed and run correctly. 4 years of hell under a nazi dictatorship are finally over. 
  19. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to killamch89 in Games with sympathetic enemies   
    Gray Fox from the original Metal Gear Solid. He was a child soldier who was kidnapped by the CIA and experimented on. The particular experiment was to turn him into the perfect soldier - a warrior who would just be a walking killing machine without remorse. Of course, he was kept in a fluid-filled tank outside of battle to reset his memories and suppress his emotions. However, the project had a huge effect on his psyche when those memories and emotions started coming to the surface, constantly tormenting him to the point he started to beg for death. 
  20. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Alexander. in Websites for Sharing Screenshots   
    Are you wanting to share a screenshot of a video game for whatever reason and don't know how too? Look no more. Here are my top three suggestions and best of all, it's a free service which allows you to upload unlimited photos for no cost
    Imgur LightShot TinyPic If your sharing an image on a discussion board, use the  bbcode tag. Hope this helps, if anyone else knows of any other alternative image sharing websites, let us know below so we can support fellow gamers.
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Do you have friends/family who say video games are for kids?   
    You have to have family and friends before you can hear this kind of idiocy. But I have heard this argument before. And @Shagger is exactly right. That's why we have ratings on games now. You wouldn't give a 5 year old a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day just because it has a cute squirrel on the cover, so it has to be for kids. Well when the kid is bouncing off a sunflowers tits, maybe you will think twice before calling a game system a child's toy. Even Atari was doing it with Custer's Revenge in 1982. Look at the fucking ratings people. There are games directed at the 5 year old demographic, and games directed at the adult demographic. Not all of them are pornographic. Some are gory, some are cutesy. Some are nightmare inducing, some are calming and soothing. You have to look into what the plot and story is. If I had kids, I wouldn't let my ten year old play Call Of Duty, but I would have no problem with them playing Castlevania. Just because they need to understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction. CoD is too realistic for what I would want my child exposed to at that age. Castlevania, is obviously a fictitious story. So as long as my child was able to enjoy the game, and it had no mental/emotional effects on him/her/neither/both then I would be fine with that.
    What parents need to understand is that there are ratings for a reason, and you have to make a responsible decision. When you do that, then it can be called a toy for the younger demographic, but it's not for the older.
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Games that made you think about moral choices?   
    Definitely The Walking Dead. Just recently I had to stop and think about a situation in Witcher 3:
    Kill 5 guys to save one life, but that one life will allow a monster to kill a villager as a sacrifice whenever it needs it. OR
    Let the guys kill the one, and the monster won't have its sacrifice and will hunt whenever it wants.
    Doesn't look like there's a win to me. I chose to save the one guy and killed the 5 because he was unarmed against 5. And the monster will have its appetite fulfilled instead of going on a rampage. 
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from killamch89 in Best opening to a game?   
    I'm not a huge fan of the game, but Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain had an excellent opening in the hospital and all the chaos. That was epic.
  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Songs that strike a chord with you on a deep personal level   
    This song hits home hard for me, having had an abusive drunk for a "father". The only difference is that the man in the video wants help. My drunk only wanted help finding his next drink.
  25. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Jakeyjake in Would you want to rule benevolently or malevolently?   
    You want to use N. Korea as an example of longevity in ruling, but you forget about the governing bodies of every other country that has ruled in a different way for much longer. For example, the USA has had a democracy for 240 years. It has been a WORLD power since the 50’s. They didn’t need authoritarianism to rule its people. And the USA thrived and became productive far greater than N. Korea. They control the media in N Korea so you can’t possibly know how hungry or ready for a revolt they are in. There are 2 Koreas remember? This is a perfect contrast of authoritarianism and a democracy (democratic republic to be exact). And today S. Korea has greater economic standing and quality of life than the North.
    To use the USA as an example again; recently the country has taken authoritarian views from the top of government. They are secluding themselves and confuse allies not quite to the extent yet as N. Korea, but are on that path. The influence in the world has decreased, there is chaos in the streets all due to the push of authoritarianism. And in the chaos, there lives law and order that authoritarians hide behind to slowly tear down the foundations of human rights and eventually leads to use whatever tactic to demoralize, abuse, and subjugate the people. Your so called mafia racket tactic. Create civil disobedience in order to justify oppressing, imprisoning, and even killing them. Open war is even tastier. Give me what I want and I’ll protect you.
    I never said I was perfect in any way. I proposed to not even rule at all. But if I got involved, I simply would want everyone to have rights and lead a productive society. That is what I would try for. All conflicts can be prevented. It doesn't take much effort to give in to fighting. It takes greater effort and intelligence to find a solution where all sides are happy including the people below all the power. That is the key to evolving. Intelligence has a higher consciousness, which means you have rationality and sympathy. I'm not talking about monkey see monkey do intelligence. I'm talking about preserving all life. Unfortunately, humans are easily corrupted. That doesn't mean we can't evolve as a whole. But, Individually is where it all starts. And individual leaders unfit to rule prevents humans as a whole from evolving. 
    Interestingly, some of the greatest technology is invented during times of war. So here I go helping your case. But at the same time, that same technology we use to destroy, abuse, and subjugate. So the wheels of evolution and devolution keeps turning
    I have tried to see your way to rule. We have discussed a lot. But you keep proving to be bent on harming others. And that makes you even more dangerous in your thinking because you simply enjoy it. You have shown to be rational in some circumstances and have a conscious willing to change things. So no, that doesn’t make you devolved in that sense, it just makes your proposals unproven and with the lack of sympathy. 
    You have made a conscious effort to look at different views and I congrats you for that. But you are hell bent on taking by force or whatever way to get females in your pocket. In this instance, you are proving to be a devolved species. Who else does that besides the leader of a pack of wild animals that have lesser intelligence? Many people want wealth, doesn’t mean they should rob a bank. That is something I’m not sure there is a solution for. A moral person would just let it pass. But that insistence that I answer how to get ladies into your pockets is kind of a raw insatiable hunger you have. There is a thin line there between desire and rape.  So that is an animalistic behavior in your sympathetic nervous system. Not to confuse with sympathy. You are stuck somewhere between a rational sociopathic, predatory, and consciously immoral. 
    And please don't say we are all predatory, it's in our nature. We aren't out hunting sabertooth anymore. 
    Having sympathy is a barrier against corruption but nobody knows their limits. 
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