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Reality vs Adventure

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  1. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to skyfire in If you could remake a classic game, what would it be?   
    I'd remake Contra and turn it into FPS style game. Current remake is pretty much like Zelda meets contra style which is horrible. 
  2. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in If you could remake a classic game, what would it be?   
    I think Golden Axe has potential, at least from the version of SEGA that has a clue, and not the SEGA that made this unholy abomination;

  3. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Any good space exploration games?   
    I would recommend one on NES, but it had one fatal flaw. The controls were so sensitive that with a breath on the D-Pad, the fucking ship would spin uncontrollably.
    But if you’re willing to hate space games for the next 30 years, then go ahead and give Solar Jetman a try.
  4. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Crazycrab in Faux Fight   
    It's cause us heer Americans aw soo special and we take aw pride in being soo different than you rugby luvas. We aw betta den you! 
  5. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from AndreiMirfi in What do you do when you are bored from games?   
    I switch between games, books/comics, and shows. I've got rabbits outside I hang with. Not so much in this Texas heat. If the weather is right and there is a mushroom growing in cow dung, then I'll make a night of it. Oops; shhh. Most of the time, it's tea and a game. If I drink I turn into a rebel ready to take on the world, so i'll save that for the apocalypse. I'm also a collector of Gi Joes, so I spend time on eBay. It's definitely nostalgia. 
  6. Sad
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from infamoushabit_ in Your week Thus Far   
    Spent my week transferring games, data, and updating them onto a new ps4 system. Took 2 full days to install AC Odyssey newest update on the new system. The damn ps4 to ps4 transfer wouldn't work; kept saying playstation network was down for maintenance. Bastards!!! Really? Then it rained, kept losing signal. Started smashing the old ps4 on my head! NOT! At least now I'm safe with backups. 
  7. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Real Man definition   
    A real man has the ability to admit faults and tries to fix them. A real man does not have homophobia. A real man does not think anyone or anything is below him. A real man will always stand up for and protect those that are weaker or oppressed. No matter what. A real man does not brag, show off, or underestimate anyone. A real man never asks anyone to do anything he can do himself. 
  8. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Wolves in Future consoles?   
    In my opinion, the future of gaming relies on ultra-realistic virtual reality. Haven't you ever fantasized about being inside of your favorite game as a character? The VR we're familiar with today isn't advanced enough, but a console in the future will offer an extremely realistic approach to the way we entertain ourselves with games. 
    If I were smart enough to develop such a console, I would also create a roleplay game that would never have an ending and would be a universe that the player would have complete control over. Imagine designing your own world through a headset!
  9. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Future consoles?   
    There will definitely be others who try. Mark Zuckerberg may try to come out with a console. Call it the Fast Back. Elon Musk may come out with a console. Call it the M%g7+Q2(H1ÆO±. Or maybe one of us here may come out with a console. I'd call it the Son Of A Bitch. I'd call it that, because I would only want games on it that were so difficult that every gamer would regularly get pissed and yell out SON OF A BITCH! when playing it.
    But to get back to the point, many will come. Most will fail, some may succeed. For a time at least. But as for true competition to the Big 3, I highly doubt that will happen. At least not in my lifetime, or that of a lot of the members here.
  10. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Adolf On Slavery: Toxic Propaganda   
    1776 Commission should be called 1861 Admission since the orange nazi confederate has an obsession with civil war. 
  11. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from AndreiMirfi in The Most Emotional Game In Existence   
    Yes! I played the whole series and having to be the one to make the tough decisions was excruciating. 
  12. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Do you consider Esports a sport?   
    Ok geesh; From here I'll keep anything that sounds political in politics section. I'm sure everyone here is smart enough to know war is not a sport. But if we don't question things we become 'herd mentality'
  13. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Fantasy/Medieval being number one?   
    The medieval times seem like a more simple era. You fight for a king or religion. You are rich or poor. Heroes rise easier. Today, who is a hero in 6 billion? Who is the true warrior that fights for country? What do you even fight against in today's world with a corrupt banking system; food and pharma monopoly destroying everything natural; and nukes or missiles that can cause mass destruction? Kind of takes 'hero' out of man. And that gives a rise to the age of superheroes. 
    But even wizards and magic users in the fantasy genre seem more interesting to me than superman. Why? I don't have a clue. It seems like something that can be taught through studying and apprenticeship, which we can kind of relate to; instead of being born with a super power no one else has. Or even a ring from another dimension or the abyss is more intriguing than another Hitler (ahem). 
    And it's so much easier to make a romance out of ancient mystic times rather than a noisy city; or even out in a farm wearing stupid clothes compared to the craftsmanship then. 
    Simpler times with an emphasis on beauty and individualism compared to modern times with emphasis on mass marketing and societal approval. 
  14. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in VGR Sports Bar   
    When they kneel, they booo
    When they hold hands, they boo
    When they grab ass, they cheer
  15. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Ya ruined it!   
  16. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Crazycrab in Ya ruined it!   
    President Evil
  17. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Crazycrab in Ya ruined it!   
    Panic Shroom
  18. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Shagger in Ya ruined it!   
  19. Haha
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Gonassis in Ya ruined it!   
    It's time to sit down for the Call of Bootie and play to the God of Whore
  20. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Gonassis in Ya ruined it!   
    Yep, that's Fartcry 4
  21. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in Ya ruined it!   
    The Last of Pus
  22. Like
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from AndreiMirfi in What social medias do you use?   
    Today's climate is putting facebook and twitter to the test. They are the first line of defense against out right conspiracies that could lead to harm. 
  23. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in Trump banned TikTok and WeChat. Are video games next?   
    Adolf just wants to fuck up as much shit as he can in his last 3 months. He is trying to make it as hard as he can for when Biden moves into the white house, and he gets the boot this November. It's not surprising.

  24. Like
    Reality vs Adventure reacted to m76 in Mandatory Masks   
    Crash helmets are mandatory in most countries for riding a bike, yet I don't see anyone complaining that helmets infringe on their basic human rights.
    What most people fail to understand is that wearing a mask is not to protect the wearer. You you are putting  others at greater risk than necessary when you refuse to wear one, your chance of getting ill is not dependent on whether you wear a mask or not, it depends on whether everyone else does.
  25. Thanks
    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in who here has bad internet for gaming   
    I'm way in the country, so I use satellite for wifi. It only allows so many gigabytes I can use each month, so I'm limited in gaming. I've never even tried online gaming. At least I can do special events in games. Please stop making online only games! 
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