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Reality vs Adventure

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    Reality vs Adventure reacted to Yarik in How you decide to buy a new video game?   
    I usually watch some gameplay in YouTube and read about the game a little bit. If it sounds interesting to me I would probably purchase the video game.
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    Reality vs Adventure reacted to kingpotato in Best sunsets in video games?   
    The best sunset or sunrise can be found in Horizon Zero Dawn, you can literally tell when the first or last rays of sun are touching the grass and the environment overall and this is a on a PS4 slim that I'm using as reference.
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    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from Shagger in What for you is the appeal of violent video games?   
    For me I guess it's sensory appeal. In horror, the more the better. Having body parts laying around or torture rooms, mass murder, or scenes of science experiment gone wrong, etc makes it all real and scary. Shoot em up games usually don't have that appeal for me. But if you shoot someone with a shotgun and limbs fly off, blood stains the wall, and the body stays there without disappearing, then that reality appeals to me. Maybe that's why I like games using medieval/ancient weapons more than the age of guns because if you wack at someone with a hatchet, you know it hurts more than an instant bullet. 
    Just about all games are violent. Even cartoonish games like sonic or jak and dexter and even Okami. Only game I can think of without violence is flowers or journey. Violence is embedded in all entertainment unless it's a song of Jesus and bunnies.
    And if it's not sensory appeal such as being able to see details of one's innards ripped out, then it's large battle simulations. I used to love that in Age of Empires.  
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    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Have video games ever helped you understand current events?   
    You can't attack the press, people of color, and rights as depicted in the game and the rhetoric or conspiracies from this administration and not be a Nazi. The game came out 2017. Almost word for word the fake leaders in 2020 say the same things, not vice versa! Stop defending it. We all know and see what fascism is. The days of denying it are over. 
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    Reality vs Adventure got a reaction from The Blackangel in Have video games ever helped you understand current events?   
    Ps4 Wolfenstein 2 the New Colossus because all the propaganda you collect from the Nazis in newspapers, letters, post cards, signs, etc. all say the same thing republicans and trump say today. It is very eerie the similarities. I've taken pics of many of them and shared it to people and look at it side by side what republicans say today in 2020. It's the same!!!
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    Reality vs Adventure reacted to The Blackangel in What are some things that make you suspect you won’t like a game?   
    Guns. I’m a fan of medieval style games. Modern stuff just doesn’t hold my interest. I’ve played several games where the characters were in a modern world and the weapons they had access to were guns. They did nothing for me. But if the projectile weaponry you have are bows, but your main weapon is a blade, then there’s a good chance I’ll like it. Now that’s not to say I haven’t enjoyed a couple modern games. But they are few and far between.
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