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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Are there any research studies on these apparent testosterone effects?
  2. I have issues which are similar to this, though I can usually figure out the reason for the wrong word. It also happens more when I'm typing than talking. Like I thanked a person once for "planets" instead of "topics" for a work assignment. I did this because I'd been writing about a planet that day, and it was still on my mind. I think that if one has a lot of branching thoughts, this sort of thing may happen a good deal. I used to live in Washington DC, and I loved visiting the National Cathedral. It was located nowhere near any metro stops, unfortunately. Since I didn't have a car, there was no easy way to get there. I once walked like 10 miles or more just to visit it. The architecture felt like "home" to me.
  3. I'm not sure why games were let off the hook in my house, but probably because my mother didn't really "get" technology stuff, and my dad didn't care. They had a similar attitude to what you describe though when it came to movies and TV shows. Oh, and music.
  4. I’ve just remembered another one—the Ebony Blade in Skyrim. For those who don’t know, it’s a special unique Daedric weapon you can get through a quest. It has very little base damage. I experimented with the thing for weeks, and couldn’t figure out what was supposed to be so great about it. I finally remembered to look it up, and learned that if you kill friendly characters with it, it gains power absorbing health. Great, I guess? The very fact that I never figured this out on my own shows how useless the sword is to me. Just more weight in my inventory, ugh.
  5. Were there any video games that were forbidden to you by your parents when you were a child? My parents were actually pretty liberal about video games; it was everything else that they censored. There was some complaining about “violent video games” by my mother, but she never did anything to stop them.
  6. In this thread, @Christopher Robin was talking about how it can be a challenge to begin a new game owing to needing to get used to the new mechanics and get through what can sometimes be hours’ worth of tutorial content. This made me wonder how long it takes most gamers to adjust to the mechanics of a new game, plus other aspects (i.e. movement in the game, general look, feel and navigation, etc.). It seems to take me about a week of nightly play to get really comfortable with something brand new. The first several days are very awkward. Learning the new controls can be hard, as can learning how to control character movement (not the controls, in this respect—more issues involving speed and sensitivity). Arguably the most challenging adjustment though is something more subtle than all of that, and hard to express. It is kind of like “motion sickness,” only not quite—just the overwhelming sense of difference in being in a new, alien world. I suppose it is because video games not only offer us new worlds, but create new perceptions of those worlds. In a way, it’s like being dropped into a new body and having to learn the basics of a new existence every time. No wonder it can take a while. What are your experiences with this?
  7. ... Lovely. And I thought censorship during my childhood was harsh. I have that same issue to some extent--except the difference for me is that I kind of enjoy it. It's like learning a new language/culture while travelling to a foreign country or something.
  8. @Alyxx Thanks! I will check those out!
  9. Those little pistols in Fallout games that are easy to get near the beginning, energy-based and otherwise. They're really pointless after you get a better gun. I end up with massive amounts of unused ammo for them as a result (which doubles as currency, so it's fine).
  10. The Healing Other spell in Skyrim is like that. It's a really useful spell, but the moment I'm done with it, I have to select a different one, because when it is equipped but not in use, it emits this high pitched whine. Ir drives me absolutely bonkers.
  11. @kingpotato @Dragonborn Either of those would be cool.
  12. In games you’ve played a lot, are there abilities which you ignore/don’t use because of some annoying aspect? In Bioshock, for example, there is an invisibility power you can use. I was so excited when I got it … but there is this annoying sound which it makes every time you phase in or out, and it gets to be constant if you aren’t moving around constantly. So I couldn’t stand using it.
  13. I keep hearing about this game. I think I'm going to need to check it out.
  14. That is a hilariously spot-on summary. Although, in the 2000s I remember it being werewolves and more vampires. I don't recall the witches, but perhaps I was out of the loop (no surprise there).
  15. that is disappointing to hear. Given the games you enjoy, I feel like I can trust your opinion on this one :/ Def let me know when you have that review up.
  16. That "significant impairment" language is common in psych diagnoses, and it is indeed problematic. It can go the other way too. I'm getting an eval for high-functioning ASD in a few months. My impairments are significant to me, and have made it a challenge to function in the world--but alas, they are not as glaringly obvious as those in a low-functioning person. There is a tendency for psychologists to shrug and go, "Well, you're getting by, so ..." :/
  17. Playing Bioshock 2 right now. So far, it is my least favorite of the three, though I think it is massively underrated. While I have a few complaints about it, there are some things I actually think it has done better than Bioshock 1. I'm already dreading being done with it, but excited to play Minerva's Den.
  18. Those of you who have played Rage 2, how is it? @Alyxx Would love to hear what you have to say about it.
  19. At the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva, the World Health organization officially declared “gaming disorder” to be a disease. It is now listed in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). It is described as "persistent or recurring gaming behavior" that causes a "significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.” What constitutes “impairment?” WHO says, “"impaired control" over gaming, an individual prioritizing gaming over "other life interests and daily activities", and continued gaming activity in "despite the occurrence of negative consequences.”” I’m not sure how I feel about this. The definition seems pretty fair, but there is a lot of gray area in the phrase “significant impairment.” The most problematic sticking point to me is “an individual prioritizing gaming over ‘other life interests and daily activities.’” If one really likes gaming, even if it doesn’t cause “negative consequences,” one is going to prioritize it over at least some other life interests and daily activities. And one might be doing this to help treat mental illness, but a psychiatrist could assume it is a symptom or illness itself rather than a treatment. What are your thoughts on this?
  20. Do you enjoy point and click games? What are some of your favorites, whether classic or modern? I really fondly recall games like Myst and Return to Zork, and am interested in playing modern equivalents of these types of games.
  21. @The Blackangel Interesting topic. I'm not sure that there are any games I can't empathetically wrap my mind around, but there are plenty that just don't appeal to me personally. Like I understand why Tetris is appealing to many people, but it just doesn't hold my attention. Puzzle games in general fall into this category, with a few exceptions.
  22. Lol, that'd add nothing for me. I can't aim with those things worth a damn when standing still. Attempting to do it on hosreback would actually speed my demise.
  23. it'd be interesting if the game actually was about a high elf in the Dominion. Perhaps the turning point in the war would involve internal splits within the Dominion rather than only external forces.
  24. I expect they are! The site to visit if you want to find a MUD is http://www.mudconnect.com/. When I used it, their database was always up-to-date and provided a lot of useful information so that you can narrow down categories and find what you want. I haven't played MUDs in around fifteen years, but they were alive and well back when I did. If you do find one that you enjoy, please let me know what it is, as I've always wanted to find a good one again.
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