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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Do you lean back a little in your recliner when you game, or sit upright? Have you found that this product is ideal for playing at particular angles, or adjusts well to your chosen posture? Do you ever try using it on a couch instead of your recliner? Do you find that works better because it is roomier? If any of them get it, I hope you will let us know how it goes?
  2. How did the dimensions of the products you didn't like compare to this one? I usually try and set aside unexpected cash for things like this, i.e. from tax refunds. It seems to help, although you need at least a steady basic amount of income for it to be an applicable strategy unfortunately. Maybe you could put this on an online wishlist though in case a relative or friend might need ideas for your next birthday present or something? Someone you know offline who will let you check it out and try it for yourself? I'd love to hear what you think.
  3. How is the one you have already working out for you? Definitely seems worth the upgrade if you can swing it. Hah, I would have made the same reply not too long ago! But a friend gave me a gaming PC, so it is back to learning to play with a mouse and keyboard. This product sure helps a lot to make it more ergonomic and comfortable. Do you think something like this would make you more likely to game on a PC? I know, right? Do you think you might end up getting one?
  4. Such a good product, especially for anyone who like me needs solid ergonomics because of chronic pain reasons. I find it useful both for gaming and for work.
  5. I did not know Infamous games were open world! What are the things you love about Horizon: Zero Dawn?
  6. So, for some stupid reason, it is impossible to delete individual saves on PS5 via the PS5 menus. But I did discover a workaround I wanted to share. If you go into the game you want to delete the saves for, you can just start saving over the old saves in many cases. It is not an ideal solution, but it does delete them and help you conserve space. This is very helpful if you are playing a game like Skyrim where you are going to end up with a ton of saves.
  7. How do you define the term “roleplaying game?” I feel it has more to do with the mechanics (levelling, progression, skill options, etc.) than “playing a role” per se.
  8. Has anyone else noticed how “off” skin tones often are in so many open world RPGs? Like skin tones that are unnaturally reddish or yellowish, or a strange sheet-white. It doesn’t seem like this would be so hard to get right.
  9. What is the oldest game you own that you are still able to play (i.e. you still have the technology/operating system you need)?
  10. What was the most painful loss of saved game data you ever experienced?
  11. Have you found that playing with a console controller for a long time and not using a keyboard/mouse has made you worse with the keyboard/mouse than you might have been if you had not been gaming at all?
  12. Are there activities in open world games you deliberately take your time with so that they proceed along what feels like a more realistic timeframe? I do this when building houses in Skyrim.
  13. What are some examples of inaccurate in-game materials/resources in video games? As an example, the fishing maps in Skyrim are inaccurate (to be fair, they are also community content, though they are Bethesda-approved).
  14. How many linear games do you play at once? I try to stick with just one at a time. It’s hard to explain why, but I think I find it more immersive to just be focused on one linear, story-driven game at a time.
  15. After you finish a game, how much time if any do you take before you start a new one? I notice I tend to take about a month. I often want to dive right into a new game, but I kind of like some extra space so I can think more about the one I just finished before losing myself in something new.
  16. I was trying to figure out who that is--it appears she voiced a mod character. In any case, agreed, she is gorgeous.
  17. Did you ever have a lot of fun in a game fighting a battle in a really inefficient way? Like in Skyrim the other day, I got determined to kill some challenging enemies at a low level, and ended up running a massive distance across the map to heal as I fought. It was frustrating, but also really satisfying.
  18. Do you have the most fun in a game when you are a struggling newbie, when you are a powerful high level character with cool abilities, or somewhere in between those extremes?
  19. Some games have weapons or abilities that are overpowered and tend to make everything quite easy. Do you find these fun to use, or do they take away some of the fun by removing too much challenge?
  20. Do you like realistic levels of darkness in video games, or do you prefer higher levels of visibility? I was actually quite surprised to discover I like my Skyrim modded for dark nights quite a bit more than when I could see everything in the vanilla game.
  21. Are there any open world games that grew on you over time, where you loved them more the longer you played them? Oblivion is like that for me.
  22. Do you play online games to keep up with old friends? I just started playing Minecraft with my high school BFF who lives across the country from me. It’s been a great way to hang out again virtually.
  23. What is your least favourite thing about your favourite game?
  24. Is there a game or series everyone suggests you specifically play, but you still haven’t yet? If not, do you plan to?
  25. Since I switched from playing the PS3 version of Skyrim to the free PS5 upgrade of my PS4 edition, I’ve been surprised at how much more immersive and atmospheric it feels. As far as I can tell, this is partly from my mods, but also partly just from the better frame rate and a slightly wider field of view. What technical changes have you noticed can increase immersion in different versions of a game?
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