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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What are your favorite co-op games to play on PC? Especially interested in PC-only games.
  2. When you do co-op or multiplayer gaming with your friends, how do you schedule it, especially in different time zones? Do you deliberately set up times, or do you just hope you are both online sometimes at the same time?
  3. What games have you played where you have spotted a large number of continuity issues with respect to other instalments in the same series? We could also discuss retcons here, which I don’t see as the same thing really, but I can see where it might overlap a bit.
  4. Are you more likely to equip armor with great stats that is absolutely hideous, or armor with moderate stats that is nice to look at?
  5. What were your favorite arcade games as a kid?
  6. Are there any sections in games that you had a hard time with that other people seemed to find easy? For instance, I had a hard time with the last big fight in TLOU 2, but judging from a quick search, most people found that fight fairly simple.
  7. What are some sections in video games that were easy for you, and which you were surprised to learn that a lot of other players struggled with?
  8. How long has it been since your last LAN party? For me I’m guessing like 15+ years.
  9. What is the longest period of time you have gone without gaming? Why were you away from gaming during that time?
  10. Will a gaming laptop have a longer lifespan if I use it exclusively for gaming rather than for work, internet and everything else I do all day on a computer?
  11. Did you ever play a video game because one of your favorite developers or video game writers said it was an influence on their work?
  12. So, a generous friend bestowed me out of the blue with a gaming laptop. Since I have another laptop for work, I figured it may as well be dedicated solely to gaming to extend its longevity. If anyone else has a laptop you use exclusively to game, what do you do with it if you are not using it for a couple weeks? Do you store it away? Do you leave the battery in or take it out? etc. I have literally nowhere to set it up permanently, so I am struggling to figure out how to juggle it.
  13. Do you think that virtual reality will ever feel second nature? Or will we always have issues with motion sickness or other areas where it is hard for our bodies and brains to really adapt to VR environments?
  14. If the “metaverse” becomes this massive thing everyone is talking about, do you think some people will be left behind by the technology? For example, I am thinking about people who simply never overcome motion sickness.
  15. This article discusses how studies that use VR are limited in some respects by the fact that our brains work differently in VR than in regular reality: https://massivesci.com/articles/virtual-reality-vr-real-world-limitations-touch-smell-visual/
  16. Here is an interesting article discussing the idea of using virtual reality to train people to lucid dream: https://www.popsci.com/science/lucid-dreaming-virtual-reality/
  17. What thoughts and feelings do you have about the “metaverse,” whether positive, negative, or netural? I can see the appeal in gaming applications, but some ideas like VR offices just sound downright gimmicky and distracting to me.
  18. Here is an article discussing how some people with specific mobility challenges might benefit from gaming: https://about.fb.com/news/2021/12/carters-quest-virtual-reality/
  19. I have a question that I feel like probably has an obvious answer, but I don’t know what it is. Why must one pay for a subscription like PS Plus to game online at all on a console? I get the need to pay for servers, but sometimes one does that directly through a game (i.e. Minecraft). So why must one also pay for PS Plus for this purpose?
  20. If you have been wondering what is up with Ken Levine and Ghost Story Games, you can find a lengthy update/write-up here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-03/bioshock-creator-s-next-game-and-its-narrative-legos-in-turmoil
  21. Here is an article about research into video games for relieving depression in older adults. "In previous research, scientists found that 60%­ to 70% of older patients who were unable to benefit from antidepressant meds and who played specially designed video games reported a 50% decline in depressive symptoms in 30 days, according to U of U Health."
  22. This article talks about how hate speech is becoming normalized in game environments due to a lack of moderation, which is exposing young people to white supremacist ideology without any critical filtering. Thoughts?
  23. https://www.newsweek.com/researchers-teach-mass-brain-cells-mimic-classic-arcade-game-pong-1664511 This article talks about a study where researchers taught a Pong-like game to cells: “Using this DishBrain system, we have demonstrated that a single layer of in vitro cortical neurons can self-organize and display intelligent and sentient behavior when embodied in a simulated game-world.”
  24. Yosuke Matsuda, president of Square Enix, recently discussed NFTs in a New Year’s letter. In the post, he talks about how he thinks NFTs will incentivize the creation of more compelling and game-changing user-generated content going forward. What are your thoughts about this?
  25. Have you ever played against a famous esports player? Did you win or lose? How fast did the match go?
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