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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Are there any moments in video games where you actually felt shocked by what happened? What were they? (obviously, this thread will be full of spoilers)
  2. Are there any game series that you feel have consistently evolved with better and better instalments?
  3. I have pretty bad reaction times in games, which is one reason I am never likely to be all that skilled. What about you?
  4. Do you like or dislike redesigns of characters and locations in games? Is it contextually dependent? On what factors?
  5. What are your favorite classic MMOs? I mean from way back in the early 2000s and such.
  6. What are some moments in games where you have to play through something you likely do not want to do as a participant? The most obvious example is probably the phosphorus part in Spec Ops: The Line. What are some others?
  7. Am I missing something obvious, or is there no way to delete individual saves on PS5? As far as I can tell, you can only bulk delete all saves for a single game. That seems like a major missing feature.
  8. Do you like or dislike non-linear storytelling in games? I am not referring to linear vs. open world game formats—simply playing through events in a storyline out of chronological order.
  9. What qualities go into a good video game trailer or teaser?
  10. What games take the longest time to start up? Dragon Age: Origins is a terrible offender here; it can play through the entire theme song twice sometimes before the game is loaded.
  11. When you suspect you are coming up on the end of a game, how do you prepare for that? What I mean is, there usually is a point where you can’t have saves anymore and/or you just would not want to interrupt play. I usually glance online to check the “point of no return” and the expected time to complete past that point. That way, I can set aside enough time to finish.
  12. @The Blackangel How does Cameo work, btw? What format did you receive the message in? Did it go to your email?
  13. That is one of the most amazing things I've ever heard of. I am so happy for you!!! Same here, actually. So, thanks, @DC. The best gaming-related gift I've ever gotten is being able to work with you on VGR.
  14. I have some questions about soul gem lore in Elder Scrolls. When playing Dawnguard, I had the impression that all souls trapped in soul gems ultimately wind up in the Soul Cairn. Is this correct? Or is it only true if they are captured in black soul gems? Also, do they go immediately to the Soul Cairn, or are they only shipped off there when one uses up the gem to charge an item?
  15. What are your favorite retro or modern video games featuring vector graphics?
  16. What are the most depressing video games of all time?
  17. What video game world do you most expect our RL future to be like? At this point, I’d say The Last of Us.
  18. What are the best strategies for preventing video game rage from happening? I think being realistic about expectations goes a long ways (i.e. video games are collaborative efforts of huge teams, and there are bound to be bugs and design flaws – if one goes in mentally prepared for that, they are less infuriating when they happen).
  19. Have you ever bought any video game fan art? I just bought this poster of Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite: https://www.etsy.com/listing/177584472/elizabeth-from-bioshock-infinite
  20. Did you ever go through a period of being totally burned out on a game you love? Did you get back into enjoying it again? If so, how? Did you take a break? Or just approach it differently?
  21. If you had to work for a video game developer, what do you think would be the best one to work for? Which do you think would be the worst? Why?
  22. Obviously items can be overpowered in multiplayer games, upsetting the balance between players. But what about in single player games? Can an item be too powerful to the point where instead of just giving you a fun advantage, it actually makes the game too easy and less fun?
  23. Are there some features or aspects of gaming that you preferred greatly from previous generations that are gone now? What are they?
  24. Sometimes, I see folks say that they do not consider a particular video game or even a whole format for games a “real game.” For you personally, what elements does something require for you to define it as a “game?”
  25. How do you charge your controllers? Do you plug them directly into your console? Do you use a USB adaptor for a regular wall socket? Do you have a charging station?
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