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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Has anyone here played any Sam & Max point and click games? I was just remembering one I played many years ago fondly.
  2. I recently learned that some people really hate that their PlayStations beep on startup. I never even thought about it. If you have a PlayStation console, does the beep annoy you?
  3. Are there any classic games you think would be interesting to remaster or remake into a VR format?
  4. What are some games that were overall very good, but had what you felt was one simple fatal flaw that could have been easily fixed?
  5. I’ve noticed that it is common for gamers to struggle initially to get into games that have no structure—no quests or missions and/or quests and missions exist, but are not compelling or the point of the game. Like Minecraft or No Man’s Sky. Do you find this is true for you?
  6. When games are ambiguous about what you are meant to be doing in the moment (like the very next thing you need to get done), does it annoy you, or do you see it as a fun challenge? Is it context-dependent?
  7. Does it annoy anyone else that in a lot of open world games, it is common for NPCs to forget completely about one quest line you did with them while doing another? (i.e. they act like you’ve never met and they again do not trust you?)
  8. What video game quests can you think of that had a lot of buildup, and then were totally anti-climactic at the end?
  9. Neither. I don't feel I have enough information to make a confident assessment of what went on there. Can you clarify?
  10. What are some games that had really misleading trailers that misrepresented the content of the game?
  11. What video game series that exist today do you think will still be getting new instalments in 50 years time?
  12. Some video games make locations feel more lifelike, real, and like I am “in” them than others, but I have a hard time placing what makes a setting feel real. Something to do with audio mixing, I think? I’m not sure. Thoughts on this?
  13. Do you have any ideas for what you want the setting for the next BioShock game to be? Aside from just wanting it to be a completely new location, I am up for anything, so long as the spirit of the series is roughly intact.
  14. When you are playing a new game, do you research when to play DLCs, or do you just guess?
  15. Many games offer the option of dismissing various party members permanently. I never do this, because I figure I will miss out on interesting interactions, even if I do not like the person and rarely use them on missions. Does anyone else dismiss party members permanently? What motivates you to do so?
  16. Large scale shooters have become very popular, but I have little experience with them. Do you like them, and do you prefer them over small scale shooters or not?
  17. Does anyone else share my tendency to overlook the special commands available for one’s party in combat for a long time after starting a new game? I don’t know why, but I often find them overwhelming.
  18. What are some games that have clever names for quests? Like Obsidian has clever quest name schemes in its games—the quests in Fallout NV are named after old songs, and the quests in The Outer Worlds are references to scifi books and stories.
  19. What opportunities do you think developers most commonly overlook (or simply ignore) for making improvements with game remasters?
  20. Why do so few games feature climbable ladders? Is it because they tend to be especially buggy or something? (I know this was a problem in The Outer Worlds, a rare game with climbable ladders—companions would climb them out into space during dialogue with other followers, and then promptly die) Or is there some other issue with them? It does not seem like it should be a difficult thing to include in games, and yet apparently it is.
  21. I’ve seen so many people complain that they didn’t get into DA II/Inquisition because they had fewer dark fantasy/horror elements than Origins. This didn’t phase me much, and I realized genre isn’t as important to me. How important is genre for you in general in games?
  22. For those who are compulsive completionists, have your tendencies ever driven you to go so far to do something that you hated every minute of it, and maybe even burned out on the game for a time?
  23. What are some moments in video games where you could relate totally and completely, that just really resonated with your life experience?
  24. What developers do the best job supporting their games, both at launch and long after?
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