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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. If you have worked in the game industry, did it change how you gamed? I.e. did it burn you out on gaming? Make you more analytical as you game? Etc.
  2. What is the single worst game-breaking glitch you ever encountered?
  3. Sometimes a game will have a fight that is not meant to be won. When this happens, how quickly do you tend to figure it out? Sometimes I intuit it, but often, I will try over and over and over before realizing I am supposed to flee, not fight.
  4. As much as a hard fight can intimidate me in a game, nothing seems to intimidate me more than having to sneak around enemies and not engage or be seen. Which is more daunting for you?
  5. In MMOs, do you talk to people? How much? How little? Does it depend on which games you are playing?
  6. What games provide the best commentary on the social and political issues of our times, whether directly or indirectly?
  7. I really love the bleak dystopian humour of games like Fallout, The Outer Worlds, and BioShock. What are some other games with a similar sense of humour?
  8. I was surprised/impressed with the representation of Parvati as an ace character in The Outer Worlds. What are some other characters that are clearly and well written as asexual in gaming?
  9. I think it was "Math Blaster"? I liked as a kid.
  10. Yes! If I'm having a hard time with a fight, I often walk away for a week, then come back, and my brain has figured out the solution.
  11. They are all gorgeous designs, especially the Captain America one 🙂 And that discount is incredible!
  12. Cat, I suppose, since I have two of them. But if they'd been rats, dogs, or birds, I'd feel the same about them. There's really only one species I have anything major against 😉
  13. Yes, this is correct! I do not remember where I read it, just that I did, and recognized it when I saw the final version here much later 🙂 So, I knew @Shagger by reputation only.
  14. You should give it a try. I know I post a ton of threads. I want to read more threads from other members and give others a chance to win, which is why I have not entered 🙂 So, go for it!
  15. If you want to upgrade Skyrim SE to the Anniversary edition, you can do so for around $20. But if you look at the PlayStation Store, it will list it at around $50 even if you log in. To get the deal, if you load up Skyrim SE on your PS4/5, there it will show you the link to grab the anniversary edition for $20.
  16. I have found even Bethesda’s explanation of what is and is not free right now to celebrate the anniversary of Skyrim unclear. So, here is what is free if you own Skyrim SE: Upgrade from previous gen to current gen Certain creation club content, i.e. fishing and a few others Everything updates automatically, except for horse armor, which you need to go in and manually “purchase” (for free).
  17. I was trying to purchase an item marked as free in Skyrim Creation Club, and it froze each time I tried to click on “buy.” Anyone know what is wrong with it?
  18. If depth of field is uncomfortably high for you in a game with no slider to turn it down, how do you cope?
  19. Do you use voice chat while gaming? Do you go with voice chat features included in games, or third party apps?
  20. What current gen games have you played the most since getting your console?
  21. I much prefer quality over quantity. Your reviews are far more thoughtful and insightful than most, and feature amazing breadth and depth.
  22. Are there games where you preferred their original graphics over remastered graphics?
  23. I notice a lot of people complaining lately about new editions of old games—i.e. remasters, upgrades, etc. There is no denying that there has been quite a flood of these in recent years. Anyway, I don’t really see the problem. It is annoying to pay twice for a game, but one can always just not buy it. But I think it’s really important to do new editions for systems that do not support old versions of games so that at least one can keep playing if one no longer has one’s old system. Thoughts?
  24. Out of all of the current gen games you have played, which one do you think has the most realistic graphics?
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