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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. A lot of games let you examine items in your inventory, but often even the “close up” views are really small and not that close up. In The Outer Worlds, the close-up views of items are way better than most. You can even read most of the print on them. What are some other games that excel with this feature?
  2. I think we have another thread about games with the best weather effects (i.e. storms), but what games have the best and worst looking skies in general? I started The Outer Worlds recently. The game is beautiful, but the skies are just … off. I think my favourite skies are probably RDR and ES Oblivion.
  3. I’m playing The Outer Worlds, and I feel like the contrast is too high, but there is no way to do anything about it. What are some games you have played where you feel the contrast is too high or low?
  4. What are some games that feature really punishing/exhausting combat that still leaves you with a sense of satisfaction and having really earned your successes?
  5. Are there any characters in video games that you wish could have been followers/companions, or were surprised were not available as such?
  6. Which open world games have the best voice acting?
  7. It's less about that and more just that games are more accessible than a lot of other hobbies. I'm disabled, and there are already a lot of things I can't do regularly. But gaming is still usually a viable hobby 🙂
  8. @Justin11 You seem to be describing a state of being at which euthanasia would be my preference. short of that, I'd say gaming is the easiest hobby to continue.
  9. I keep getting killed in The Outer Worlds, and I realized it is because I’ve been trained by so many video games to just camp behind an obstacle, poke my head out, shoot, and duck back under cover. But there are shooters where one must actually run around, as one’s enemies will. Kind of funny I’ve completely forgotten how to do this effectively. Anyone else have this issue?
  10. So far while playing The Outer Worlds, there have been a number of moments where I realized something that seemed exaggerated in-game actually already is happening IRL, and then I realize how messed up RL is. What are some moments you’ve experienced in games like this?
  11. I have noticed while I worry a lot about stockpiling money in RPGs, I almost never actually buy from merchants. If I do, it is either health products as a newbie, or building materials or décor when I’ve levelled up. I loot everything else I need. Do you buy much from in-game merchants? Or do you also loot most things you need?
  12. If you have VR, how often do you play with it?
  13. What would you list as the very best VR games of all time? What makes them work so well in VR?
  14. What games are the worst in VR, and how could they be fixed?
  15. Sometimes quests/levels/tasks in video games just go on too long, or cover too wide an area, or require too many steps. At what point does something overstay its welcome? How subjective is that point?
  16. What are some connections you’ve found between various TV shows and video games? For instance, the Stranger Things creators were inspired by TLOU. And it seems quite clear that Battlestar Galactica was a huge influence on Mass Effect. I also just started The Outer Worlds and was not surprised to find the creators were inspired by Firefly.
  17. In what games do characters move in the most realistic ways?
  18. What are some games with weird concepts that play well?
  19. Seems lots of companies are heavily investing into VR. What do you think VR will be like next year and beyond?
  20. Does anyone here buy into the Mass Effect Indoctrination Theory and/or like it?
  21. What are some of the stupidest things you’ve done while gaming? For me, it was every time I accidentally sent a tell in a MUD to the person it was about.
  22. What are some quests in games where you have two options that are both necessary/good, but can only pick one? I.e. you have a medicine and can only give it to Party A who needs it or Party B who needs it.
  23. What are the best and worst systems for dealing with being over-encumbered in RPGs? I think the worst approach to me is the one in ES Oblivion, where you literally cannot move at all until you drop stuff. What I prefer is the system in Dragon Age, where it just tells you your inventory is full and to remove something before you add something.
  24. What were the most important games in your childhood/teen years? Mine were: Myst/Riven Original Starcraft/Warcraft games Zork series
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