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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What are some interesting RPG mechanics you’ve run across? Like, I think the “flaws” system in The Outer Worlds is interesting/distinctive.
  2. What are some of your favorite easter eggs in games?
  3. Do you get fatigued (not bored, just literally fatigued) quicker playing some types of games than others, necessitating earlier breaks?
  4. You know how for a lot of games, you have to pick a setting where you can “just barely see” a logo or such? Does anyone else have a hard time interpreting what “just barely see” means when doing this?
  5. What are some fun, cool, odd facts you know about various video games?
  6. https://elderscrolls.bethesda.net/en/article/REybYU3Gy2InVlHmus4UC/skyrim-10th-anniversary-fan-celebration “Current and future owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on any platform including Xbox Game Pass Subscribers will receive access to three free pieces of Creation Club content: Fishing, Survival Mode and even new quests with Saints and Seducers. Additionally, Skyrim Special Edition owners on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, as well as Xbox Game Pass subscribers on Xbox Series X|S will receive a free upgrade to an enhanced version on November 11 for their respective PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S systems!”
  7. Have you ever participated in a study or survey involving gaming? What was it about?
  8. Now that I’m playing PS4 games (on my PS5) after nothing but PS3 games for ages, I can’t get over the smoothness of movement when I walk or look around. Ignorant question: What technological change makes for this enhanced smoothness of motion?
  9. If you abruptly jumped from one game generation to another, what were the biggest adjustments you had to make? For me, it’s been the whole “press vs. hold” button thing jumping from PS3 to PS4 games. But expanded fields of view aren’t far behind (thankfully, it seems one can usually turn them down or off).
  10. What are some moments in games where you can’t decide whether you are moved, or can’t stop laughing? My example is when Leliana sings in Dragon Age: Origins. The song is beautiful and the moment is unexpected and lovely—but the animation is SO bad and awkward, lol.
  11. In games with a “helmet off” display option for your character and/or followers, do you usually take it? I do. I know that the helmet is “on” in terms of armor, and am fine with accepting the idea of invisible helmets since I prefer to look at the characters.
  12. While I loved all the customization options for my character in The Outer Worlds, I find it somewhat bizarre that one almost never gets to see one’s character in that game after being given so many options. Another game like that is Fallout 3. What are some others?
  13. Usually on character customization screens, I’m desperately looking for the only hair I can stand. I actually really liked all the hair and makeup options in The Outer Worlds, so it’s been my favorite set of customization options in a game so far. What game features yours?
  14. What are some games that had overly confusing opening sequences, to the point where you weren’t sure what was going on?
  15. Games often have “paused” screens where you can manage inventory, crafting, etc. without the game world intruding. There is a moment in TLOU 2 where you are attacked abruptly on one of these “safe” screens. It is quite a shock when it happens. What other games have done this?
  16. I like reading both video game reviews and essays, but often find the essays (or essay-like reviews) more insightful, maybe because they tend to focus more on overarching themes and ideas. Which do you usually find the more insightful format?
  17. If you have participated in esports, did it change your approach toward casual gaming in any way, or how you feel about casual gaming? Did it increase or decrease how much time you dedicate to it?
  18. I will soon be playing The Outer Worlds, which is pretty short for an open world game, even if you play it as a completionist apparently. What are some other shorter open world games?
  19. Do you game with closed captioning on?
  20. Dragon Age: Origins has a handy feature where you can check a log of recent dialogue. It’s helpful in case you missed something someone said, and/or need to review what they said to make sense of it. Video game exposition can often be rather rushed, so I think this is an awesome feature. I wish it was in every game.
  21. Did you ever lose or gain significant sympathy for a character on your second playthrough of a game?
  22. I have a chronic fear of running out of supplies in games and then getting stuck, to the point where I obsess about conserving resources. Does anyone else have this issue?
  23. I’m starting The Outer Worlds soon. Does anyone have any tips to help me get the most out of the game? I have heard it can be somewhat buggy, so tips in that area in particular would be appreciated.
  24. I’m already running up against storage limitations on my all-digital PS5. And many of my games require dozens or hundreds of hours to complete. It made me wonder what is the longest period of time anyone here has gone unable to install new games while completing old ones?
  25. What are some games that tell very simple stories very effectively? A good example is TLOU.
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