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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Which games feature the best in-game radio stations?
  2. Are there any games you did not enjoy the first time you played, but on giving them a second chance, you found you did?
  3. If you have a pile of unplayed games waiting for you, do you ever sometimes get ridiculously impatient to play them?
  4. The lifelike detail in some modern games is amazing. But do you ever get distracted by so much visual data?
  5. What are some games that feature solarpunk settings?
  6. That was sort of my point. In both cases, I gave trust and loyalty to the wrong people, and it didn't help me get ahead.
  7. What are some super powerful items in video games that make for funny situations? In Oblivion, there is an “Escutcheon of Chorrol” shield with a passive ability to reflect up to 35% damage. This is so major that one can actually just stand there and let your enemies hit you until they fall over dead sometimes. “What are you going to do now, bleed on me?” ”YES.”
  8. If you could not play games for an entire month for some reason, how would you deal with it? I think I’d probably go driving a lot, since I usually game at night, and should feel physically good enough on some nights to go out. The rest of the time I guess I’d do extra work on personal projects.
  9. If you could spend a day as any game character, which do you think would change your life the most? You can take any approach with this—the character’s abilities, mindset, whatever. I think spending a day as Ellie from TLOU would change my life the most, because she would give me such a different perspective on my life problems.
  10. Would you want to stream for a living? Why or why not?
  11. What experience can completely ruin a session of gaming for you to the point where you feel like the whole thing was a waste of your time?
  12. If you can’t play games because of a power outage or other temporary issue, what do you do instead?
  13. Tell us what your favorite game is without saying what its name is. Use no more than 5 words. For example: May the circle be unbroken.
  14. What game or series do you feel you have the most expertise on, whether in terms of knowing the lore inside or out or understanding the nuances of gameplay completely?
  15. What are some specific game design situations where you feel a developer genuinely wasted your time/did not respect your time?
  16. If you played MMOs when you were young, has your real life followed suit with your in-game experiences? For example, I was poor in MUDs. I am now poor IRL.
  17. When you play an MMO, how much of your time do you spend doing things on your own versus doing things with others?
  18. What are your favorite platforms for streaming? Do you have different preferences for streaming vs. watching?
  19. Do you ever get bored with a game? If so, what is it that specifically causes you to lose interest in it?
  20. If you are in a room with a gamer who is raging/venting about a game, what, if anything do you respond? What types of replies might be helpful? Which are not constructive?
  21. If you spend 40 minutes beating a fight/puzzle, only to have one last enemy take you out, do you feel annoyed or angry about having to repeat the entire thing?
  22. So far it seems less buggy, and I'm enjoying playing with mods 🙂 And the remaster does look quite good with the enhanced clarity/sharpness.
  23. honey, whipping cream, cornstarch, egg yolks and a couple other things, very simple. It tasted like honey and cream, and the texture kinda reminded me of whipped cream made from scratch if whipped cream did not melt. I wore braces for years, and honestly I still ate almost all the same foods. It was not too bad 🙂
  24. My flesh is infused with a transtemporal adaptive matrix, so I would both melt and unmelt. In truth, I am outside of time, but this is the best way for me to put it so a temporal entity can understand it. Please, no salt. Thank you! I am proud to be a blob woman of vibes.
  25. @killamch89 and I have known each other for ages now. General PSA for all interested: Stacey Powers is a five-dimensional pandrogynous blob, but prefers "she" and "human female" for convenience.
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