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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What are the longest running game franchises in existence that are still getting new installments, however infrequently?
  2. With companions/followers in games, what do you find most irritating in terms of their programming? For me, it is when they dive headfirst into fights where they will just get killed.
  3. Are there games you would not want to play at full price, but would feel interested in at a lower price?
  4. What are some games where you play the villain? Specifically, games where the framing of the game makes this clear from the off.
  5. During any given year, how many games on average do you think you play? Note: play, not complete. For me, I think it ranges from 4-8 or so.
  6. Do you like the DualSense? So far, I feel it is a bit heavy, but it seems okay. Of course, being a Sony controller, it probably will not last long.
  7. When you are watching someone else play games next to you, is it hard to restrain the urge to give them suggestions, especially if you see them making a really bad mistake or they are complaining about being frustrated?
  8. If you rage quit a video game, what do you do afterwards to cool down? And do you return to the game later, or are you put off of it for weeks or more?
  9. Another continuity thing that may make you laugh (or cringe) ... I found out recently that there's a quest branch where it is possible to kill Leliana. But she is always alive in Inquisition, and reportedly the "Maker brought her back" if you chose to kill her =D
  10. Was the change only in Ferelden, or was it a new policy for all Chantry-influenced territories in Thedas?
  11. Holy crap, I did not know this was an option. I'm playing through my second playthrough right now, and my first as a mage. I had no idea that one's actions as the Grey Warden could actually free the Circle.
  12. But that's what I want to know. Can you make a "SPOILERS" warning, and tell me the ending you got? EDIT: Oh, I see you did this int he other thread. And I'm autistic too, so I can relate 🙂
  13. DA II is actually my favourite. But I totally get where you are coming from, and in a general sense, I agree--ME does work much better as a series. And on the whole, I tend to choose to think of the DA games as independent titles set in Thedas, if that makes sense, as I find that frames them better than thinking of them as part of one long saga.
  14. TIL that sometimes, if you are trying to install and run an old game on Win 10 and it won’t work, it is actually the install file that is incompatible, and not the game. You can sometimes solve this just by choosing an alternate means of installation. Quake III did not install from the CD-ROM, for example, but did install from Bethesda and run.
  15. So, after about a week of work AND bugs, I finally cured my vampirism in Oblivion. I have to say, being a vampire in Oblivion is just awful, and the quest to cure it is a LOT of work. I guess that is all somewhat realistic, but not particularly fun. Did they go too far?
  16. Seriously, what is the longest you have ever gone in any Bethesda RPG without some kind of significant glitch? I’d guess no more than eight hours for me.
  17. How much help do you want from your companions in a game? How much fighting should they do? How effective should they be? Or would you prefer them to only offer other forms of support?
  18. What are some beautiful, unexpected interludes in games that have stayed with you? An obvious example, for instance, would be the scene with the giraffes in TLOU.
  19. When games offer you optional hints, do you use them? What makes you decide whether to do so or not?
  20. What game world do you think has the most fascinating lore? I really like Dragon Age in this respect.
  21. What is your preferred way to discover lore in a game? I really like audio logs, when they make sense for a game environment.
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