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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I learned the other week there have been like 4-5 remakes of Myst. Has anyone played any of them? How do they compare to the original and each other?
  2. My brother has a habit of starting games, and then not keeping up with them. Years later, they’ll have been on pause for years, not progressing toward completion. Yet he still wants to play and finish them, he just never does. Does anyone else have this habit? If so, what causes it?
  3. Do you have any cool ideas for game mechanics that you have never seen used in any real games?
  4. What games with historical themes include the highest amounts of realism and accuracy?
  5. Anyone here have trouble with controllers or mice because of wrist pain sometimes? How do you play on those days, if you do play on them?
  6. Are there any games other people broadly seem to find bleak or depressing that you found hopeful or uplifting?
  7. Did you ever know someone in an MMO that years later you regretted losing touch with? What did they bring to your life, and have you looked for them?
  8. I learned my initial typing skills in school, but I learned to type fast by gaming. Who else here learned to type in part or in full through gaming?
  9. What games have had the biggest impact on your real life, and how have they impacted you?
  10. If you had to represent yourself as a video game somehow, like, if there is a video game that sums up something important about you as a person, which would it be?
  11. Some zones, levels or areas in video games pull out all the stops and are just amazing. Most I think are reasonably satisfying. But some are just boring or disappointing. What are some that fall into that latter category for you?
  12. In dungeons/levels in games, one sometimes runs into NPCs in cages, usually animals or prisoners. Does anyone else struggle with what to do with them? If they’re not hostile, I let them out. But if they are, it annoys me that there is no way to get a positive outcome for them.
  13. If you’ve done cosplay of video game characters, what characters did you cosplay? If you haven’t, which would you, if you ever did?
  14. I always avoid games that feature permadeath or limited lives, because, well, frankly I’m not a great gamer, and also, that would stress me out so much. For those who play game with that feature, how do you not get stressed by it?
  15. What is the longest mission or section you’ve encountered in a game with no save points along the way (autosaves included)?
  16. I just finished Outer Wilds (and its DLC) the other week, and loved it. But I’ve never played anything else like it. Does anyone know any games to recommend that are similar?
  17. I’ve been doing a casual text RP with a friend one-on-one lately, and it’s been remarkably easy for us to keep coming up with stuff to do. It made me think back to my old days playing MUDs where for some reason, it was so hard to “make our own fun” when the admins weren’t running world events. It made me wonder why it was so difficult for me back then. What are other peoples’ experiences with this, particularly in MMOs?
  18. Does anybody else get super stressed if they have to play a long section in a game with no manual saves?
  19. Do you think it’s possible to do a good and well-received adaptation of a series like Mass Effect, where there are tons of branching choices and consequences? What approach would you take?
  20. Are there any highly-rated games you are sure are great, but you will never play for whatever reason? This is the Dark Souls series for me.
  21. Have you ever found yourself in a situation in a game where you literally could not progress because you were missing a critical supply?
  22. Are there any games you played where on a second playthrough, what you’d learned during your first caused you to view a character’s motivations very differently?
  23. I was realizing the other day there are some Dragon Age fans who only seem to like Origins. Are there other series like that where a lot of people only seem to like one game in the series? Do you feel that way about any series?
  24. If you’ve been missing a game for years, but you don’t have time to play it, do you do anything to try to engage with it? Like watching let’s play videos, etc.
  25. Did you ever play a game that failed to meet your expectations or hopes, but which overall, you still enjoyed and would play again?
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